
Times Up

Ding! You Complete Main Quest: Join a Rating Game!

Ding! You receive +100,000,000 Exp

Ding! You level up!

Ding! You level up!

Ding! You level up!

Ding! You already level 56


Name: Xin


Race: Human 41%/God 59%

Title: Child of Gods, The Gangster of the Sea, Nature's Friend

Achievement: Da Vinci of The Seven Seas, Walking Disaster

Level:53 > 56

Strength: S-

Agility: S-

Endurance: A-

Intelligent: C+

Luck: SS+

Passive Skills:

Undying Golden Body: B- > B+

Intimate Aura (Passive): S+

Quick Learner (Passive): A+

Phoenix God Body (Passive): SS+

WILL (Passive): EX+

God Tongue (Passive): S+

Expert Staff Mastery: A+

Martial Arts: A+



Master Cooking

Active Skill:

Soul Curse (Active): SSS+

Phoenix Blood (Active): SS+

Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes: EX+

72 Transformations


Ding! Your time to this world is done, you can now go back to your original world.

'Do i need to go now?' Xin asked.

System,' No host, but you have limited time, you can only stay here for 3 days and after that, you need to go back to create a dimensional portal and connect to this world to your world'

'So i can visit any time here,' Xin said.

System,' You can only visit this world once every month and you only have one day to say before you go back'

'Why? I already will make a dimensional portal, why can't I stay longer?' Xin asked.

System,' You need a large amount of energy if you want to sue the portal, and your energy is limited'

'Well… fine then, what should I need to prepare in building a dimensional portal?' Xin asked.

System,' First is Time and Space Base Sacred Gear that you have now 'The clock of The Time God 'The 8 Realms Devine Clock'."

"Second is you need t build a portal here before you left for the landing point if you use the Dimensional Portal'

'And lastly is 3 different dragon scales, you already have the Great Red Scale, and the Yu-Long Scale you only need to find one more.'

'Can I just buy it in the shop?' Xin asked.

System,' No you can't, you need the Dragon scale of the dragon the live in this dimension'

'I will try to find another scale later, but I don't know where the other dragon lives but I think I can get the Tannin Scale later.' Xin said.

"Xin-san let's go, they already walk hack lets go," Asia said while looking at Xin who slightly dazed.


Ding! Congratulation you receive Special Quest: Unknown Guardian Detected


Xin looked at the quest and hurriedly said," Let's go, we need to go somewhere first" Xin then ran to find his new Guardian.


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