
Summit Meeting 8

Xin said, "Try using Balance Break"

Issei nodded," Balance Break"

[ Weist Dragon, Over Boost ]

[ Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker ]

Red Dragon Armor with green jewels that cover his whole body. This armor has a pair of rocket thrusters at the back that gives a temporary boost of speed and flight, assisted by the retractable Dragon wings that come out of it and not only that Issei can double his power any time he wishes,

But the problem is the cost of a large amount of stamina and magical power. But Xin already thought that problem that's why he gave him a magical Spinach that helped enhance his own Magic Power and Stamina.

All of them did not expect that Issei can now use Balance Break even if he just trained for more than 3 weeks.

"Behold Albion, Hyoudou Issei's power instantly grown to a tremendous level, Sacred Gear are capable of taking such strong will and change it to its own user power," Vali said.

[ You are right, but his pure wrath is now directed towards you ]

Xin said," You have 1 minute, so move before it's too late"

Issei nodded and opened the booster in his back, he flew straight to Vali.

"Ascalon Blade!"

The Holy Sword Ascalon blade came out from his gauntlet.

[ Dragon Slayer, we would receive a considerable amount of damage if touch that blade ]

Vali proudly said," Then we just have to evade it that's all"

Vali opens his wing and starts to encircle Issei who is also chasing him with his sword.

They see a white and red light constantly flying in the sky, the younger one can't see them but Xin and the other leader can see them clearly.

Rias walked beside Xin and asked, "Are you not nervous that your Disciple died here?"

Xin shook his head," Issei will never die here, or even in the future"

"What a proud master," Rias said.

Akeno laugh and said," Xin-kun will never let Issei fight an opponent that will only cause his own life"

Koneko nodded, they know that Xin cherishes every single life so he will never let him die here.

Grayfia waves her hand and encloses all of them from the dragon power that constantly releases them, the Leader is fine but for the younger one, that dragon power is dangerous for them.


[ Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! ]

Every time Issei uses a boost, Vali counter him by taking half of his power, Issei feels that Vali's Sacred Gear is a cheat thing.

While Issei can double his power, Vali can divide it and absorb his power so it's useless even if he uses his max boost because Vali will only the one whos getting stronger.

[ Partner, you don't need to worry, he can absorb our power but he also a max limit that he can absorb ]

[ You see those small light particles that come out from his wing? That is the excess power that he cant take ]

Issei thought,' I have a good idea Ddrag, let see if it will work on him'

[Let's do it, Partner, i know you can do it ]

Issei flies straight at Vali and holds him, he then touches Vali's armor and then.



Issei smirk inside of his armor said," You like to take half of my power right? why not get 100% of it"

Xin nodded, he expects him to do this but he actually has beaten first before he find a good solution to beat Vali.

Albion said [ They going to into overdrive, they want us to explode from excess power ]

[ Let's fall back and recover our position first ]

Issei raises his gauntlet and punches the jewel in Vali's armor.


Vali's Balance Break released he came back in his original form without the White Armor.

Vali lands down and coughs blood from the dragon slayer energy that hit him, he looks at Issie.

"Amazing, you actually broke my Sacred Gear, you can do it after all"

"That's how a True Dragon Emperor should do"

Then the new armor form around Vali, then Drag give Issei bad news.

[ Partner your power is about to disappear, I think the food your Master gives you start to wear off, you need to do it fast you only have 10 seconds o do it ]

Issei feels angry with his self, his Little Master give him a chance but he still did not finish it.

[ If the effect completely wear off, then all hope for victory will be lost, we need to withdraw if not we will going to die here ]

Issei angry said," We cant withdraw, my Little Master will embarrass if i do that, even Melan will despise me and that thing is the thing that i don't want to happen"

Then he noticed an object in his feet, he picked it and asked," Ddraig, Sacred Gear work and evolve according to the will of their user right?"

[ That's right, but if you take that thing you will die, are you sure partner? ]

Issei shook his head," No, I'm not, I'm still a cherry boy, and i want to experience having a true girlfriend, but being cool in the very end can reap a bunch of good points from the girls here"

"So i need to endure the pain after all my master is powerful enough to help me later"

[ You are right, your lucky that you have a powerful Master ]

Vali looked at him and asked," What are you doing with that orb of mine?"

"Vali, let's do this until the end!!" Issei shouted.

Xin look at his disciple and smile," Melan, get ready save that stupid disciple of mine after 9 seconds"

"Yes…. master….." Melan enters in her combat mode.

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