

Penulis: tjsmith
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  • NO.200+

❝ Why me? Of all the women in the world, why choose a normal girl much different from your world? ❞ ❝ It's simple. You make me feel human. I've done things, terrible things in my past, yet when I'm with you I no longer feel like the monster I once was. You are my purpose, my better half, and my soulmate. Nothing in this life or the next will ever change that. ❞ ❝ They'll come for me now, won't they? ❞ ❝ Yes. You are my greatest strength and my biggest weakness. They will rise from every corner of the world to take you away from me. ❞ ❝ And what will we do then? ❞ ❝ We'll fight. ❞ - in which a man who's known nothing but darkness finds a light that he finds he can't live without

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Chapter 1prologue

The story of how the world had come to know the existence of the elusive gods of Olympus had been tampered with and twisted many ways. Each tale molested the truth and painted them all in a way that couldn't have been further from the truth. They weren't the knights in shining armor. They were not always the key to a better world. No, before the world had come to know them as the benevolent creators of vital substances, they were no more than conquerors whose very name would strike fear in any living being. And those who knew of them had no doubt that they had well earned their fearsome reputations.

The world had first come to know them in the early years pending their creation. Their father, the malicious Kronos, had reigned upon his own world and took claim as the King of Olympus defeating anyone who would dare challenge his title. After a long and lonely life, he formed the three; Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. He crafted them each of clay and breathed life into them himself. And upon birth, they were each given an ability from their father's own, weakening himself in the act.

The firstborn was the ever mischievous Zeus who had a talent for making fun of every situation and bringing light into every room he entered. He was thus granted the ability to control the lightning that streaked across the skies he would be given command of. The earth would crackle under his footsteps and mortals would tremble when the eccentric god made his presence known.

The middle child was the wise Poseidon who was the brains of any and every move the boys would make. He wasn't the strongest, but he had a knack for conjuring the unimaginable to conquer their foes. Given to him was the ability to take command of the seas and all that it contained. Growing up it was noted that due to his barely contained emotions, his powers would be the hardest to master. And when he did, there wasn't a living thing in this universe who could take down the unmerciful god.

And the last and most powerful was Hades, the young, but masterful god with the strength of a thousand suns. He led every invasion and soon became their father's favorite tool in his attempt to take over the mortal world. Granted to him was the ability to control the fires of his world and theirs along with the undead of his own in the Underworld.

The world became their plaything, its only purpose to be taken over and ruled by the superior beings in every way. It wasn't until the four had brought upon a world of terror that they had noticed just how many perished under their rule. They sought to crush their world and build a better one and only succeeded in destroying a countless amount of lives.

Men, women, and children were mercilessly slaughtered by their obedient soldiers. Families were torn with grief while they lay surrounded by their unlucky slain brothers and sisters. The brothers would never know a night without dreams littered with their cries. They knew it was far too late for forgiveness but they thought to bring their doing to their father's attention only for their concerns to be tossed aside like nothing. To him, it was a small price to pay for a better world. One in his own image.

The three had to use every inch of their powers to seal him away once and for all and hope to forget he had ever existed. Because of him they lost sight of what was important and became the monsters in every child's nightmares. Once they had rid themselves of their father, they rebuilt the world as best as they could hoping to become peaceful martyrs, truly regretful of what they had done. They offered aid, shelter, and anything they could to make up for what they had done.

They used solutions from their own world to treat the sick and improve life for all those who wanted it. But for some, it wasn't enough.

In the eyes of the proclaimed Saviors, no amount of goodwill and gifts would ever undo what was done. It may have been centuries old, but the damage had still been done. They had a job to do and it was to rid the world of the so-called gods who did no honest good.

Many knew the Saviors by name but they were known to be a mysterious group of mortals hellbent on taking control of their world back and build one that didn't need to rely on anyone but themselves. Their origin was unknown but their reputation was not. It started with the minor gods and goddesses but they did well to get their message across.

One by one, their people were slaughtered and slain one by one until they did well to leave Earth. For as long as the Saviors would live, not a single god would ever be safe.

And at the same time, a once-forgotten threat had forbode an unwelcome return.

For their father could only be contained for so long, and when he did he would reign down an unparalleled amount of hell upon them.

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