
chapter 62: Fairy Tail VS Yuujiro

The city of Magnolia was the home of Fiore's strongest guild, Fairy Tail. Guilds are the place where magicians gather and can do missions to earn money, it is a place where one can meet new people, make friends or even more in some ways stronger ties and come to treat each other like a big family.

Fairy Tail was a guild where all its members treated each other like a big family, people from the vicinity of that guild always said that they were rowdy and rowdy brats who could never be silent.

Every day they could hear annoying noises and more than a few times fights that got out of control and ended up destroying the surrounding houses.

But that was what made this guild of criminals unique as more than some called it, you couldn't find any day that was boring with them in that city, always after some fight they had they always ended with some party with all their limbs lying on the ground with wounds on their bodies but with a huge smile on their faces that no one took off.

Right now it was night and there were only a few of the members left in Fairy Tail in the guild building, and of course, you couldn't miss a fight since you could hear screams and sounds of things breaking inside.

In the new generation of magicians, there were a few who stood out among them, and one of them was a young red-haired woman who was currently sitting at a secluded table enjoying a piece of cake she had gotten from a store that had recently open. She was happy and it showed on her face since they were all smiles.

She had formed a long line and waited patiently for hours in the immense heat of the day only to be able to get that delicious divine cake that she liked so much.

While the redhead was admiring her cake and thinking with which part she was going to start eating it, behind her there was a commotion due to the fight that some teenagers had started that had ended up involving many people in their childhood fight.

The two teenagers who were the center of attention were a magician who used ice magic who was fighting against a magician who used fire magic, the two for some strange reason did not get along, and always when they had the opportunity to bother each other ended in a fight.

The third Fairy Tail guild master was sitting close to all that commotion that was going on, while he looked at his children with a happy smile on his wrinkled face, he was happy and liked the days like these where his family had fun and he was happy with whatever they did.

But deep down inside he was concerned about certain white-haired brothers who had taken a mission that day that seemed somewhat dangerous. Of course he was confident in the strength his wizards had and more so when he was an S-class wizard like Mirajane was. But from the moment they left, he couldn't get that bad taste out of his mouth.

I could call it an intuition or a bad omen but deep down he knew that something bad was going to happen and even so he did not stop his magicians and prevented them from going on that mission and he was sorry for that all day. and he tried to forget everything while drinking a Good cold beer and thus be able to clear all the bad thoughts that tormented him every second and convince himself that nothing bad was going to happen and that it was just a matter of a very paranoid old man.

Erza who was sitting near where the master was and couldn't help noticing the look on her face at that moment.

"Master, you are still concerned about Mira and the others."

"It shows a lot. Well, it's normal for him to be concerned and not that he doesn't trust Mira's strength, but she recently just became an S-class magician and already took a dangerous mission and adding that it occurred to her to take her two brothers on that mission." Makarov replied with a tired look on his face.

"But she doesn't have to worry too much, Mira, it can be childish at times, but when it's a time of danger it's when she draws her true strength and I don't think she intentionally puts her brothers' lives in danger by choosing a dangerous mission that she can't handle If she chose that mission, it is because she knows that she can complete it without any problem."

Erza answered, since she had faced Mira several times in her little rival fights that they had from time to time and if anyone knew Mira's strength well it was her, who had proven her strength first hand.

"Yes, that's true, but I still can't help worrying about them."

"If you want, and to be on the safe side, I can go to mission site and check that everything went well, what do you think of that ... tomorrow I can leave early in the day."

"Oh, that would be great, Erza. Okay, so I'm counting on you to do that."

With the confirmation that Erza was going tomorrow to the place where the mission Mira and her brothers had taken, Makarov felt as if a weight had been lifted from him. Being a little more relaxed now, he looked at his hand and saw that he still had liquid left in the beer mug he was drinking, he decided to forget about forgetting all the problem that had been bothering him all day and took the mug to the mouth to take the rest of the liquid that was left. But suddenly the huge guild gate was smashed to pieces making wood and metal fly all over the interior of the building, followed by smoke and dust blocking everyone's view.

Makarov quickly became sober and stared at the destroyed door of his guild, he had not felt it for being too distracted by the problems he had, but now that he was attentive to his surroundings he could feel a very strong presence of a person who was behind all that smoke that was all over the place.


A few moments ago, Yuujiro who had been flying through the sky had finally reached Fairy Tail. He descended to the ground and stood in front of the huge doors that were closed.

Since he had both his hands busy and doesn't like to scream, he only gave him a light kick to open the huge doors without imagining that when his foot found the door it would explode into a thousand pieces making a somewhat striking entrance being and the center of attention and all the eyes of the members rested on him.

Since he had already done that, he entered calmly through the smoke, he looked from left to right and with a toothy smile he said. "Santa has come with some gifts."

The Fairy Tail members who were at the time at the scene saw that a large man had come out from within the smoke and quickly became on guard, but after a few seconds they realized that the man was carrying something on his shoulders that It seemed very familiar to them.

"Mira, Elfman." The pink-haired teenager who was fighting a moment ago was the first to recognize the people that man carried on his shoulders.

When he saw the Strauss brothers who were covered with wounds he could not help but get angry but he did nothing since he noticed that something was strange, and that was when he noticed the lack of the youngest of the brothers.

"You... who you are, and where Lisanna is," Natsu spoke in anger demanding answers.

"Lisanna, who is that, I am only Santa Claus who brought some gifts to the children who behaved well. Tell me, you have behaved well, what was the gift you asked to see if I have it with me."

"Damn, don't play with me." Natsu said and he jumped forward directly to where Yuujiro was, but something stopped him in midair when the Elfman's body crashed into him and the two fell to the ground on a table that ended up breaking it."

Erza pulled out a sword and pointed at Yuujiro. "Answer my friend's question, who are you and what did you do with them?"

"As I said..."

"Don't come to me with such nonsense and respond honestly or otherwise I ..."

"Or otherwise, what are you going to do to me?" Yuujiro said as he looked at everyone with a mocking look on his face, the other people who were in that place slowly began to surround him. Yuujiro seeing that, threw Mirajane's body at the closest person and that was the signal for everyone else to start attacking him.

A man tried to attack him from the front only to fly out of a kick that Yuujiro gave him. Then, another attempt to hit him from behind and Yuujiro took a step back kicking without seeing the person behind him when that man also flew off.

Then it had turned into a kicking party that Yuujiro was giving to the members who approached him. With each kick that Yuujiro gave a person flew out several meters flying until he hit a table or the wall.

" You." Natsu roared when he managed to get Elfman's huge body off him and a red magic circle appeared in his hands and then his hands were covered with fire and he launched himself towards Yuujiro.

'Oh, so, this is what a magic circle looks like. It is the first time that I see him ... from the land I came from ..... people used a kind of aura to increase their magic. I had always found it weird when people activated their magic without a magic circle, now I get it. I guess different worlds have their own way of manifesting their magic. '

Yuujiro saw how many people began to activate magic circles from his hands and then he turned his attention to Natsu who was ahead, but also felt that someone was coming at the same time as Natsu to attack him from behind.

Gray was going to attack Yuujiro from his back and Natsu was coming from the front. The two arrived at the same time but Yuujiro turned his body and grabbed the fists of both while changing the trajectory of the attacks causing Natsu and Gray to hit each other with their attacks on their faces.

When the two of them were in the air, Yuujiro grabbed both of their feet and turned his body and then released both of them in opposite directions.

Natsu and Gray flew out and collided with various guild members who were there. Yuujiro saw something out of the corner of his eye and turned his face only to see that a sword was inches away from cutting his face. He opened his mouth and with his teeth caught the sword that was meant to cut him. He applied a little force and the sword was broken.

He saw the surprised face of Erza who was holding the broken sword, made a smile and formed a small shock wave in his palm and lightly touched Erza's armor, turned his hand and released the shock wave. Erza's body flew backwards as she spun in midair due to the slight blow Yuujiro gave her as her armor was shattered in midair.

Wakaba and Macao, who were at a nearby table, wasted no time in attacking Yuujiro when the two made their respective attacks. Wakaba made some clones of smoke while Macao prepared his fire magic in his hands. The two attacked Yuujiro at the same time with their magic.

Yuujiro seeing the combined attack of the two, inhaled a large amount of air and when he had his lungs filled with all his strength a strong wind blew from his mouth destroying the incoming attack of the two who now looked at him very surprised as Yuujiro with only blowing had ruined his two attacks.

Yuujiro suddenly appeared in the middle of the two men who were still surprised and he grabbed both heads and then smashed them next to each other, knocking the two men unconscious.

Yuujiro stopped for a few moments and looked at all the members of the guild, at that moment almost all the magicians were already lying on the ground moaning in pain, Makarov was sitting watching all that and was already losing patience and was going to attack Yuujiro But when he was going to attack him, an arrogant voice could be heard coming from the second floor.

"Hey, hey how can you let a stranger come and crush you all, and so you consider yourselves Fairy Tail members with how weak you are."

Laxus, who had been on the second floor resting quietly, heard the commotion going on downstairs and decided to see what was going on and when he did, he was angered that a strange man with no name was cleaning the floor with everyone easily defeating all wizards of his guild.

"I don't know who you, idiot, but you can't come all the way here and damage my guild. Don't think you're too strong just because you ended up with the trash." Saying that, Laxus formed a yellow lightning bolt just above Yuujiro and then with a wave of his hand the strong lightning bolt lowered when the attack hit Yuujiro's body that he was only seeing all of that without even moving from his place.

The beam began to electrocute Yuujiro and all the members who were still conscious could see with their eyes wide open as the bones of that man could be seen with the naked eye. While Yuujiro was electrocuted his entire skeleton could be seen since the rays were very strong.

Furthermore, the Fairy Tail magicians watched as the man just stood with his hands in his pockets while Laxus's lightning bolt continued to electrocute his entire body.

After a few seconds, Laxus stopped his attack and they could see that Yuujiro was still standing and with almost no damage. Yuujiro stood for a few seconds and then started talking to Laxus.

"You call that a lightning attack. even a Pikachu could launch attacks stronger than yours, and a Pikachu is a small rat of this size." Yuujiro said and gestured with his hands showing a small space between them that was the size of a Pikachu.

Laxus listening to Yuujiro's mocking words covered his body with electricity and in a fraction of seconds he was already in front of Yuujiro prepared to hit him, but suddenly Laxus felt a strong pain in his cheek and then it was all darkness.

Yuujiro watching as Laxus attacked him, he raised his fist and punched him in the face causing Laxus to be buried on the wooden floor in the middle of a small cráter.

yawn .... "I almost fell asleep waiting for your fist to reach me, you are very slow." Yuujiro said as he saw Laxus' body in front of him.

The Fairy Tail magicians who saw that could not believe it, since one of the strongest magicians had been defeated with a single blow, it only took one blow to overcome Laxus, who many believed was very strong and almost impossible to defeat.

Natsu and Gray had recovered and were ready to jump to fight again but when they saw Laxux they stopped since they did not want to get in their way but now seeing how Laxux himself had been defeated so easily. Honestly, they did not know what to do now, Erza who had recovered was also at a certain distance seeing all that.

Yuujiro was standing and watching how everyone did not dare to attack him, so he changed his gaze to Makarov and said. "Hey old man, this is Fairy Tail, right. I had been told this was the strongest guild in all of Fiore, but apparently I have mistaken of guild."

"I don't understand why they suddenly attacked me, if I did you a favor to bring 2 members of your guild all this way, this is the way you have to thank, but I like that." Yuujiro finished saying with a happy smile on his face.

"Mm .... explain."

"Well, as you see, I was passing by a certain place when I saw a huge beast out of control and knocked him out with a bang, but then that young lady came and thanked me for knocking the beast unconscious and such was my surprise when that beast he transformed and became human again, that boy over there." Yuujiro said pointing at Elfman's body.

"And that white-haired lady did not have the time to explain what had happened when she suddenly passed out, then I was asking some people if they knew her and they told me they were from the Fairy Tail guild, and then here we are."

"And what about Lisanna."

"Eh, lisanna, you mean that girl." Yuujiro said pointing to Mirajane

"No, she is Mirajane, Lisanna is her little sister, Mira was accompanied by her two brothers."

"Ah ..... I don't know, when I appeared in that place that young lady Mira, she was crying and she had lost all the light in her eyes as if she had recently lost someone." I finish saying Yuujiro.

Makarov was wide-eyed after hearing what Yuujiro said, he was not an idiot and he understood perfectly what was happening, the other members of the guild were also surprised but ...

"You, damn you mean, where is it Lisanna, you're lying ." Natsu spoke furiously as he approached Yuujiro.

"As you expect me to believe you, master, this man is lying." Erza spoke supporting Natsu and pulled out another sword while keeping a close watch on Yuujiro.

"Ah, this is getting very annoying, if you'll excuse me I'll put you to sleep since I don't want yelling and name-calling towards me when I haven't done anything." Yuujiro released a small wave of Haki causing all the people of the place to fall one by one to the ground passed out and only leaving Makarov standing.

"If you want a more detailed explanation you have to wait for the brothers to wake up and explain everything to you, you have to heal their wounds since as you see it they are ....."

"And if it's just how you think it, the little Lisanna they talk about is no longer in this world, you don't mind that I rest here tonight, right." Yuujiro waited for some response from Makarov, but he was speechless and did not respond to Yuujiro.

"I will take your silence as a yes. The rooms are upstairs, don't worry, I'll find my way." Saying that, Yuujiro started to walk towards the back of Fairy Tail towards the rooms, leaving the teacher alone since he needed some time alone to put his thoughts in order.

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