
chapter:02:Erza and her brother

It was once in a quiet little town in the kingdom of Fiore, in a place far from the bustling city and far from all danger.

In that secluded place there was a small town called Rosemary.

In the small town that did not exceed 1000 people there was a church that housed many young children of different ages. The children played quietly with each other indoors or outdoors where they had their patio with different games to have fun with each other.

It had been 9 years in the blink of an eye since they had left two red-haired children in that church.

The first years of the two children living with each other was very pleasant because they were surrounded by many people who helped in their care, but all that changed when a few more years passed and the good treatment gradually diminished.

Pov Yuujiro

Everything went well until a certain time or a certain age, when we turned 6 from one day to the next the children with whom we played began to bother us.

They called us demons and different nicknames and all that shit that little children do, the only reason for that was because our hair was a deep red like fire, but also apart from that and the other reason was because around these sides it was very weird to see other people, as the nearest towns were miles away.

And I also think that most likely and the fault that they called us that way was my fault.

To begin with, I was a freak because I didn't act like the other brats who cried over everything to get attention, rather, the reason the other brats cried was because of me because with the slightest slip on my part, just by giving them a push they would fall and hurt themselves, and since they are children they would quickly cry and go to the adults to complain about me.

As time went by and everyone began to move away from me, to distance themselves, I was like an annoying plague that nobody wanted around.

Even the adults who took care of us not so long ago began to see us strangely, and as you already know, children are like little sponges that absorb everything that adults say, and they repeat the words they heard from the people who took care of us. They are children after all, they are idiots.

So, with all that done on my part, it was to be expected that the most intimidated or the one who was being given the law of ice, was me.

The adults forbade the other children to come near me because according to them I was like a magnet for disasters. But hey, that didn't matter to me at all, rather I liked peace and quiet, I liked silence.

As I was a loner who was always seen alone, it was normal that I did not know all the people in the place where I lived, so from time to time I would meet some older brats who tried to annoy me, it was only for a few moments because afterwards they asked for forgiveness when they were under my foot.

I may be older than them mentally, but that doesn't matter to me at all. No one knows and no one will know, so I was free to hit them all to my liking.

And after a few more times of doing the same with other brats they started to fear me, yeah, it sounds very cliché, but that's life, no.

"Brother look what you find!"

While I was in my thoughts I could hear the distinctive voice of my little and adorable sister, turning I saw that she came running in a hurry with her hand raised to the sky and between her fingers she had something that already gave me some idea of ​​what it was.

Letting out a sigh and shaking my head, I cleared my throat and yelled at him. "Don't run, you can fall and then cry." Well, even though I told her that, she of course didn't mind my warning and kept running until she came before me.

Sweaty and tired, she crouched down for a few seconds until she stood up and looked at me with a penetrating gaze with a big smile on her little face.

"Brother look what I found."

She happily showed me what he kept hidden in his hand, it was a red beetle with medium-sized semitransparent wings, it fit perfectly in his hand. She was happy and content, you could almost see little stars flashing in her eyes.

After a few moments of silence on my part, I stared at her and said. "Oh, that's a huge little beetle you have there, and what are you going to do with it."

Her smile grew and she showed her white teeth saying. "This I just caught for you," she reached up to my face leaving the beetle right in front of my eyes and said. "It is a gift, although our birthday is still missing, this is my advance gift from me."

That took me by surprise and for a few moments I didn't say anything, I just looked at her and after a little laugh I rubbed her head moving it from left to right and I told her. "Jo, how cute you are, you won't be the cutest little sister I've ever had."

"But I am the only one." She replies with a little pout as she pouts.

Haha… Look how angry she is, you make me laugh so much.

But, looking at her carefully, I realize that her clothes are dirty with small mud stains, her shoes are also stained with mud, some small scratches on her skin and even if she tried to clean her face where she failed in it, it still rubs off. You see dirt stains. Looking at all that I can say that her spent a long time trying to catch it, or maybe her was just playing and just found it luckily.

Well, that doesn't matter much.

I pick up the beetle in her hand and my gaze shifts between her and what is in my hand as I gently pat her head, but her smile soon freezes as I throw the bug behind me like trash.

By doing that, it was to be expected that she was confused and shocked wide-eyed, her eyes turned to little tears when she told me. "Hey, because you throw it away, you're bad, you don't like insects, you didn't like my gift ... and it took me a lot of work to find it just to give it to you."

With teary eyes and both clenched fists, she was looking at me with extremely tender eyes until I told her. "Silly," I tapped her head and pointed my thumb at the spot where I had thrown the beetle.

"Look at it, it has a red color and it is a dangerous insect that contains poison. If it had bitten you, and even a single scratch, after a few minutes you would feel a great pain and then in a short time you would be dead and you could no longer be with me. "

When I finished speaking, Erza who was rubbing her head with her gaze at the ground looked at me with a surprised face and her body began to shake and asked with a trembling voice. "So if the beetle had bitten me, I would be dead."

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes when I simply nodded my head with a slight movement, that was my mistake because suddenly I felt that I was thrown to the ground.

"Waaah .... waaah ... brother, I don't want to die ..."

Erza was on top of me as I cried and screamed, dirtying my clothes with snot and wetting me with her tears as she had her head buried in my chest. Before it got worse I reassured her with soft and kind words while rubbing her head the way she liked it.

"Calm silly girl, you will not die. If I had bitten you a long time ago you would be dead and since you are not, then you have been lucky, since that means that it has not bit you."

"Seriously sniff-sniff."

"Yes really." I assured her by giving her my best smile that apparently it worked the most well, since she stopped crying instantly, she looked at me and said.

"Oh brother you know a lot, that's why you always read books and you don't play with us."

"That's called learning, Erza. You should do it too."

"Eh, but that's boring and I don't want to, besides, I have you to take care of me and do all those boring things."

"Sigh, okay, now you can get up so I can get up."

"U-mm." Erza happily got off me, and I was able to stand up, brushing the dust off my clothes.

"Brother, your eyes are great, because I don't have them like yours, I want to have them like that too." Erza says cheerfully, but you can hear some disappointment in her voice.

I look at her and answer her. "Yes. I also think they're cool, but there are some people who apparently don't like my look and don't think like us."

"Yes, but it doesn't matter what others say because I like how they look because they are the same as the ones that those flying birds have ... Eh, what were they called again." Erza thought with a finger to her forehead as she closed her eyes, then snapped them open and exclaimed.


"Falcons." - I corrected him.

"Yes, yes, hawks."

Releasing another sigh, he looked at the floor defeated and then looking up, he managed to see that on the left side of her head she had a small bruise, almost hidden that if I did not look at it carefully I would not have noticed it , curiously I ask her.

"Hey Erza, that what I see in your head is a stone wound right." - I point a finger at him.

"Hehe is nothing."

Trying to hide his face, she takes a few steps away from me, but I grab his hand to prevent him from escaping and with the other I remove the hair from his face to see the bruise well.

Erza looks at me nervously and tries not to meet my eyes, I put down her and calmly comment.

"It's okay."


"I said okay, if you don't want to tell me the truth it's your problem, if you lie to me it means that you can handle whatever is happening to you on your own."

"Eh, but, you're not going to insist that I tell you what happened to me."

"No, as I already told you, if you tell me it's fine, if you don't tell me, it's fine too."

"But if you don't defend yourself properly, then it's going to be more than just a bruise, I've taught you to defend yourself and you already know how to hit someone, so if you don't do anything that's not my problem anymore."

After saying that, I turned around and walked into the woods, leaving Erza alone to think about what she would do next time she was disturbed, but I am going to go a little out of my way to find out who hurt her.


Pov Erza.

I stood alone, thinking about the words my brother said to me as I watched he disappears and go deeper into the forest.

What my brother does alone in the forest is something that not recently I still did not know, but one day I decided to follow he to see what he was doing until so late, then when I saw those strange but beautiful movements that he did with.

His body was like a feather, he jumped and hit the air, it was as if he was fighting against someone, curiously I looked around and I realized that there was no one else, when I made my presence known he was not surprised and just he said he was waiting for me

Unbelievable, it was as if he already knew that I was hiding behind the tree. I asked him what those strange movements he was doing, and he told me it was training, I didn't know what that was until he explained it to me.

I was surprised and asked if he could teach me, he gladly accepted. After that day I would go with he every day to learn those beautiful movements that I saw before, but all I did was repeat a few movements all day.

A few more days passed and I got bored and told him I didn't want to do that anymore.

Hm maybe I should ask him to teach me again, but I don't want to hit people, even though my brother makes it look like that's fun.

They both abandoned us in this small town 9 years ago, they annoy and intimidate us because we have red hair, they yell at us that we are children of demons and that is why they abandoned us, because they did not love us.

But when bullies, older kids started hitting us, my brother always stood up for me when he hit them all.

I think my brother Yuujiro is great, the way he walks, the way he smiles. I noticed that my brother doesn't smile much, and if he does, it's just forced. The only time I see a true smile on him is when he's fighting or training, I still can't see what the fun is in hitting people, maybe I'll try one day.

Hehe I still remember when he showed me those strange dances.


Yuujiro and Erza were practicing one morning, they had both gotten up early one morning.

"Listen Erza, you must pay attention to these steps." Yuujiro exclaimed loudly and took a few steps away from Erza, when he saw that her already had his attention he started.

"We both have to be at a certain distance, and then we'll do this." - Positioning his two arms stretched out to his right side, he continued explaining.

"You have to be very careful in the angle you place your arms. Bringing your feet together and standing on tiptoe while slightly bending your knees."

Fuuuuuuuu. !!

Passing his arms over the top as he moved them like clockwise to his left side, he took three short steps forward.

"We say 'Fu' while moving our arms to the other side, we get closer and you have to take three steps carefully."


Shifting your arms in the opposite direction and lifting your right leg by bending your knee.

"Be careful with the angle of the legs, and then.... Haaaaaa."!

He's leaning his body to the left while supporting his weight with his leg and with the other stretched, positioning his hands, stretching his fingers, ended up in a somewhat ridiculous posture.

"Here we must join our fingers while taking care of the position of the legs."

After finishing the strange explanation along with the dance moves she demonstrated, Erza stared at nothing for a long time with empty eyes and after an awkward silence she said in a tender way while clasping her two hands.

"Brother, you know that, I have already lost the desire to train, I can go."


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