

sally went out to buy some food and alcohol after her meeting with Jordan and his friends at the apartment on her way back she dropped by at a detectives office to hire one

after a few days, the detective came over to see Sally and report the whereabouts of lilac'S family .....

she told Jordan about the good news and then Jordan's friends leave that day..... ...

meanwhile, all the ghosts have been keeping silent since Jordan and his friends arrived.

the whole apartment compound is so eerily quiet that you can hear a pin drop

at Jordan's apartment room, he's checking the soundproof system that they had installed for a purpose, while a woman is lying on his bed unconscious

LILAC: lilac opened her eyes trying to look at her surroundings...

why is this place seems familiar? I think I've been in this room before .....

lilac muse remembering the time she came to this room with the police officer when Lily died

then it dawned on her...

LILAC: oh my God ! !! it's here ! ! ! this is the place where they raped and killed Lily... what am I doing here???

then she saw a man standing at the far corner of the room picking at something

LILY: it's you!!! Lilac yelled looking at Jordan angrily you animal ! ! ! you killed my sister ! ! ! what am I doing here? what are you going to do??? Lilac shout at Jordan while struggling to get loose from the rope that tied her to the bed

JORDAN: relax..... don't be so excited...

later, you'll know for sure what I'm going to do to you.... oh no.... no... no let me correct myself..... I mean what we are going to do to you ...Jordan laugh as he looks at Lilac

LILAC: no, please..... I have kids .....

please... please, please... let go of me... Lilac begs Jordan to let her go, but it seems Jordan already lost his mind, laughing at her

JORDAN: hahaha don't worry about them..... I am so good that I don't want you to be separated with them hahaha

the door of the room open as Jordan finished saying that...

then Jordan's friends came in carrying her kids ...

and her husband, walking behind them tied and blindfolded.

LILAC: Rob? Lianne? Lira? what? ..... what did you do to them? what did you do to my kids and husband?

ROB: hearing Lilac's voice tried t walk over to Lilac calling her name.

Lilac? whe... where are you?

then Nate grab his hair and shoved him into the corner of the room taking his blindfold off his eyes

LILAC: Rob!!!! you brute!!! don't you dare hurt my husband and kids!!!

ROB: Lilac!!! Rob shout while trying to get up to get to his wife and kids

DRAKE: walking over to Lilac...

hmmmmm you're brave huh??? I like it...

don't worry Lilac I'll make you witness everything...

we are going to raped your kids first and I'll let you and your husband watch us rape and killed them both. then we're going to torture your husband to death while you're watching then finally we're going to take turns raping you and then kill you just like what we did to your sister. hahaha

LILAC: NO..... NO... please don't... Lilac beg again

JORDAN: hmmmmmm it's about time... Rusty!!! you raped that little one First and you Nate!!!! raped the other one ha ha ha

Jordan said and laughed insanely as he and drake each took a camera to video everything...

slowly Rusty and Nate walk to the twins.....

suddenly Lily and Karla ( lady in white ) appeared in front of them blocking their paths, while on the other side, Marky ( little boy) Dominic ( Mr hand) stand in front of Lilac and Rob, putting them behind, protecting them while all the other ghosts walked over to where Jordan and Drake are standing...

What the fucked!!!! Jordan shout looking at Lily and all the ghosts in front of them

LILY: finally..... y'all are here!!! it's been a long time!!!

Stan!!! get Sally over here!! it's about time they pay their sins!!!! she called one of the ghost who's lingering behind Drake and Jordan ...




Jordan and his friends looked at all the ghosts and Lily stupefied.....

mouth agape they stared in shock as all the ghosts and Lily started to attacked the four of them while Sally screamed in shock watching...


MR hand-chopped their limbs while the other ghosts pluck their eyes out

little boy keep on hitting them with an iron bar handle while lily, Karla and the other girls' ghost attacked them together using wine bottle shoving up their asses strangling them with ropes and all the things that they suffered from them...they returned it back to them a hundred folds.....

they even ripped apart their soul until it shattered into dust and nothing left before they stop..... they want to make sure that they can't reincarnate once again ...

then they all came at Sally and started attacking her, they plucked her eyes out. gag her mouth with a bloody dirty rag and ripped her soul to pieces till it turned into light like dust.

what you reaped is what you sow...

what happens to Jordan Sally Drake Rusty and Nate are the results of their own doings...

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