
Please Call Me

With a polite smile, she said, "It's okay. This speed is fine." Inside, she was screaming.

She really wanted to be early, but at what cost? Looking too eager? She didn't want him to think she was desperate. But on the other side, they didn't play such games. It was her pride and previous experience making her think so deeply into the matter.

She reached Phoenix City Mall at twelve in the afternoon. Traffic really had been slow and the cabbie had followed all the traffic rules… which was good.

She had reached just on time.

She pulled out her cellphone and typed out a text.

[Hey, I just reached. I am in a white and blue floral top, light blue skirt, and heels, standing in front of the fountain near the entrance.]

She pressed send and waited for a reply.

Soon, her phone started to ring. The thing about Ray's number was that it was private and his name and information didn't flash like it did for other people. She had gotten used to it, but she still felt it strange.

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