
Forest (4)

The setting sun cast an orange glow against the cascading waterfall. The fishes in the pool of water swam peacefully in search of food.

Stepping into the clearing, a young boy around 13 years old sighed in relief. His exhaustion clear on his face. Turning back to the forest, he called out, "Shixiong, we can rest here can't we?"

Walking out of the forest, a 16 year old boy gave a strained smile, "We can't. This forest is filled with numerous spiritual beasts. It would be better to exit as quickly as possible."

The younger boy pouted in response. Turning to the lake, he spotted a figure lying at the water's edge, half their figure still submerged in water.

"Shixiong, there's a person there!"

The two people walked towards the collapsed person. The unconscious person lying on their side was a young girl who looked even younger than them. Her figure was drenched from head to toe and her face was as pale as a ghost. Her jet black hair covered half of her face and small horns protruded above her pointed ears. The back of her gown from her shoulder to her waist was torn apart. Two small, scaled azure wings protruding out her back were shut against her frame. On her back, three deep claw marks could be seen. From those claw marks, a dense black mist was oozing out of it like it was trying to corrode and infect her skin. Her right sleeve that was underneath her frame was bloodied and torn and wisps of dense black mist could be seen coming from there as well. In her arms, she held onto two Scaled Winged Jaguar cubs.

"Shixiong, what happened to her?" The degrees of her injuries shocked them.

The shixiong furrowed his brow as he looked at the young girl's injuries. He glanced at his shidi next to him before saying, "We'll bring her along."

"Oh." The young boy nodded his head, not having an opinion.

The two people collected the unconscious person and cubs, heading back into the forest.

When Long Xiu Yun opened her eyes, a grey tent came into view. Dazed, she tried to get up. Pain flared through her back like an electric current. Grimacing, she curled into a ball, hands clutching the sides of her body.

"Huuurts..." a pain filled sob escaped her lips.

"Your awake."

A voice laced with surprise entered her ears. Slowly, Long Xiu Yun lifted her head from the blanket, the movement pulling at her wound. A teenage boy that looked 16 or 17 stood at the entrance of the tent holding a blue fruit in his hand. He had a bearing that made others feel comfortable with him, a gentle smile on his lips.

Walking inside, he sat down next to her side. Long Xiu Yun watched somewhat absentmindedly, her gaze roaming the inside of the tent. The tent was big enough for 3 people to sleep in. She was currently laying in the middle, two thin blankets on top of her. There was nothing else inside the tent except for her and her make shift bedding.

The teenage boy sat to her right, not minding her unfocused gaze.

"Where is this?" a hoarse voice escaped her lips. Her dry throat making it hard to speak. She tried swallowing her saliva but her mouth was just as dry.

"We're at the edge of the forest," He passed her a bamboo tube full of water. "Just past the periphery."

Long Xiu Yun turned to her side downing the water. The moisture comforting her throat like much needed rain during a drought.

"Thank you," she held the bamboo tube out towards the other from her laying position. Nodding, he set the bamboo tube aside.

"You woke up earlier than I expected." He glanced at her, "It's only been a day since we've found you."

"That...what about the little ones." Her thoughts flashed. The scenes in the cavern entering her mind. But she didn't want to think about it. What's past is past.

"One of the cubs that was with you wasn't breathing when we found you. We buried it just a little ways off from here. The other one is with my shidi outside."

For a second, Long Xiu Yun locked eyes with him before turning her gaze away, "I see."

"You suffered some serious injuries. Your wounds were infected with miasma. We tended to you and gave you some first aid, but it'll take some time to heal." His eyes stayed on her small figure, she couldn't be older than 10 or so and yet she was very calm considering the state they found her in.

"Some time to heal..." she whispered to herself hearing his words. Propping herself up with her left arm, she slowly sat up. The thin blankets slipping off her frame.

She glanced down, her bloody and torn sleeve coming into view. Her right arm was bandaged. The gauze wrapping around her bloody sleeve. Her light purple gown was dyed a dark red like the last vestiges of a group of spider lilies, her dried blood clear for all to see.

She was sure her back was in the same state. She was probably a mess right now.

Seeing her state, he added, "That...we didn't change your clothes as it wouldn't be very appropriate so we dressed your wounds instead. I have a change of clothes if you'd like, however they're my shidi's and might be too big for you."

He placed some clothes next to her as he said so, pulling them out from a small pouch by his waist.

As she was about to respond, the tent flapped open once more. A head popping into the tent.

"Shixiong, the food is ready."

A younger boy with dazzling features appeared. He had some naivety on his young face but you could tell he'd grow into a stunning man when he grew up.


The little cub popped its head in as well, standing on the boy's shoulders. It's soft cry more energetic than before. It's eyes brightened when it saw Long Xiu Yun, giving her another cry as a greeting.

The little cub jumped off the boys shoulders running to her side. Its front little paws standing on her thigh. It cried out eagerly to her. Long Xiu Yun's gaze never left its energetic and adorable face. The little cub stared straight at her, meowing incessantly.

Her left hand reached out towards the little cub, pausing just before she touched it. The little cub watched her with curious eyes. She placed her hand on its head, the little fur prickling her fingers. Rubbing lightly, she scratched behind its forehead and ears.

"It's soft." Her hand slid down to caress the side of its face. The little cub's face rubbing against her hand in turn. "And warm. Haha."

A small laugh escaped her lips. Tears slid down her face as she rubbed and pet the little cub's head, its loud purrs and heartfelt emotions echoing straight to her heart.

It wasn't that she was calm and didn't feel anything before. It was just that it all happened too fast for her to be able to process it. She had suddenly come to this world not even a week ago, not daring to believe it was real. She didn't even know if she had died in her original world and had the attitude of a passerby. Her natural disposition of going with the flow muting out her emotions. She just took it as a long dream. One where she can have fun and go on adventures. And yet not even a day ago, she had nearly lost her life.

It was terrifying.

The force of her hand increased a little as she thought of that. The little cub meowing in response.

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