
Chapter 75: Training

After making my 38 teams I had 30 of them to go out and search for supplies and food while the remaining 8 ones who I deemed the weakest to train in the building and guard the building.

The people who formed the teams naturally had big problems and some even wanted to object from following my orders but all I needed to do is beat the crap out of the one shouting the loudest to stop the rest from causing a commotion.

I stated that those unhappy with my rules can leave but won't receive a single piece of food from us. That shut most of them up. If they want to leave they can, however, to make sure they won't come and bite me in the back later I'll have them put on my shoot on sight list if they are scene around my territory.

It was great that none of them decided to leave after I beat the crap out of one of them though,

After the 30 groups left in search of supplies, I have 8 teams here guarding the perimeter of the base. But these 8 teams aren't just going to be standing around here on the lookout for zombies.

They're going to be training in shifts.

What type of training you might ask.

Naturally, it's going to be stamina. The type of training I'm gonna give them is the simplest kind which we all know how to do.


I'm going to have them train in shifts of 2. Each group is to climb the stairs of the Confucius plaza to the top floor. Only after all of them reach the top do they come down. The team which is the slowest is going to be climbing the stairs the next day as well while the remaining 7 will rotate with the 7 groups of survivors who found the least amount of supplies.

This is the simplest method to train them in there stamina.

Why would I train them in there stamina you might ask. Well, naturally it's for running away. If they have enough stamina to keep them from being eaten by Zombies then they will survive longer.

It's just that simple.

Have you ever climbed stairs before, it's not that bad right? Well, what about a series of stairs? A series of 44 floors and a total of 603 steps. Do you know how it feels? It feels like shit!

After you do it once you won't want to do it again. But I'm going to make it so that everyone in the group has to first get to the top and then back down in order to count as one lap. Meaning it's not 603 stairs they need to climb but in 1206.

I'm going to time them as well which makes it far worse.

I'll tell you something and that is the fact that after one does a stair climbing marathon in the Confucius plaza for the whole 44 floors once they won't want to do it again.

I set this training so that if they get the last place in the stair climbing marathon they will need to do it again the next day. Meaning 2 days of stair climbing in a row.

If climbing it once is a fuck your mom like experience then doing it twice in a day is a fuck your dad like experience. Then what do you think about doing it 2 days in a row will be like?

I bet you wouldn't want to be the one to experience it.

My training is for these people are going to be this extremely simple exercise only pushed to the limits.

I mean it's only climbing some stairs right, how bad could it be...

It turned out that this innocent exercise became one of the worst nightmares of all the survivors under Li Xin... Almost all of them had almost developed climacophobia after this ordeal they faced.

While the first 2 groups were climbing the stairs the 8 remaining groups standing guard were not just standing there but also being taught signals.

Signals such as Stop, Slow, Go, as well as enemy ahead, directional signals, prepare to engage signal, danger signals and on my mark signals.

These were all signals which people in the apocalypse had learned to memorize.

After I had all the people doing something either memorizing information or climbing stairs to train their bodies I could finally take a break.

To do so many things within the span of 2 days is really taking a toll on me.

But these were things that I need to do otherwise even the first part of my plan in taking over all of Manhattan will fail.


This is really a pain in the ass, but at the same time, I feel a great accomplishment in doing something that no other had done within a short span of 2 days.

To think that just a couple days ago I fought against the monstrosity the Plague God and now I get a second chance and am given an ample amount of preparation time to do so.

It's almost as if I'm dreaming, but I know this is reality.

I stare at the squads of people training their bodies or their minds and think about what I should do next.

I'm going to within the first-month conqueror Manhattan. Then make use of the Blood Rain to evolutionalize the Zombies and start harvesting energy cores from them. Then with a large number of Energy cores, I can trade with the Merchants.

But to take over Manhattan I need people but in order to accommodate people, I need food which is why I sent out the squads in search of supplies.

But I had better make a garden first.

But even then the supplies will eventually run out if I was to need to feed a size of thousands of people which is why I'd better start creating the garden.

Confucius Plaza has a rooftop so wide that it would make the perfect place to make a rooftop garden.

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