
Chapter 62: Modifying

The moment I use the skill a default Golem shows up in my mind. There is a default golem form which the scroll saved inside of it to let people who just got the skill to be able to at least summon that if they were to be using the skill for the first time.

But I already know that the skill can have the shape of the Golem be customized. What I did after using the customization setting was to make the Train into a golem.

"Create Golem!"

Now is the time to test it.

"Open doors."


It seems I need to program it first...

I took a while to program the golem and soon the doors of the golem were able to open.

Next what I needed to do was to load the survivors onto the subway and then drive this baby to underneath Chinatown.

But there were several more things I needed to program into the Golem.

The golem didn't know how to move. So I had to program every small detail from how the Golem moves to its brakes as well as how fast it should move and then I programmed it to be able to turn.

The survivors wanted to get off of the thing as fast as possible after the train hit something and derailed a couple of times.

But I eventually fixed the problems as they came and had the survivors transported out of the Station with only slight bruises.

I mean they only smashed against the windows like 20 times over the ride through the subway and hit the ceiling of the subway once.

The train only flipped over once over the entire ride. Which is quite a good accomplishment considering it is the first time it's been tested.

After they got off of the Train the survivors were kissing the subway floor and hugging the walls.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad."

The survivors immediately turned there heads towards me and showed me looks of contempt.

It seems Subway #1 isn't well-liked by them...

I had the survivors line up behind me and we started walking. After getting out of the Subway I took out my cell phone and prepared to call the Phone Number of an Officer who I saved in my contacts.

Immediately after picking up the call, I inquire about the situation on their side and then asked him to bring a couple of police cruisers over to bring these survivors back to base.

After I cleaned out a store nearby of Zombies I left them inside and then headed back into the Subway.

There is still a lot of things I need to prepare.

With my experience from the first time of creating a Subway Golem I now have all the needed programming saved.

I use the dungeon's power and teleported near all the subways stationed about in my dungeon and collected them. I used Create Golem and had them all turn into replicas of the first golem subway.

Although there should be a lot more commands I should add later this should be the minimum amount of commands I need for the trains to drive safely.

I first modified a total of 15 subway, there are much more than 15 trains but some of them had crashed so they weren't really in good shape. For the subways which aren't in good shape, I was too lazy to take the time to fix it back to its correct shape so I decided to simply make them into material for my humanoid Golems.

In order to make a Golem I need to picture a form for it first. I at first wanted to use the basic default setting of a Golem as it saves time but when tester Humanoid Golem came out I decided against it.

The Golem was extremely bulky and not really useful for it was heavy and slow. The default golem was both a real waste of resources as well as not really agile for combat.

I decided to try adjusting the default golem by sliming down the Golems a bit, Actually a lot. I made the new golems into human-size after all. After doing so I created 5 smaller golems using the original amount of materials which made up the original golem.

The golems were faster but lacked firepower which the original default golem had.

Default Golem- High attack, Low Agility, High Defense

Slim Golem- Low attack, High Agility, Low defense

Well if I was to equip each Slim golem with a gun then the attack power can be made up for.

Although the Slim golems now are overall worse then the Default Golem it is actually the only thing that matters. By doing it like this I can make more of them with fewer materials.

I don't need the bulky golems which are slow, for a being in the apocalypse will only end up with you being swarmed by the Zombies.

On the other hand, if they are fast then they can use hit and run tactics to lure out the Zombies kill them and then getaway.

I could always equip faster soldiers with high powered weapons or equipment meaning speed based golems are going to be what I'm going to focus on making.

I think I can make these golems faster.

I started saving on even more materials by hollowing out the golems inside.

I also added wheels onto a new Golem Prototype.

With this, the Golem speeds up but loses its transversality. Hm...

I next made a golem with feet but have wheels along the front of its legs. This design makes the golem become able to use its wheels to speed up as long as it was to kneel down.

Before I knew it I had already designed Golem Prototype 1 into something completely different.

The Golem which originally had a human shape turned into a bit of a monstrosity. It now has 4 arms in each of the arms they hold a gun, it has leg wheels which are legs which can fold and then reveal wheels. There were also wing-like structures sticking from it's back which could possibly help it speed up and maybe even make it become able to fly.

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