
Chapter 118: Vegeta Arrives

Goku powered up to his current max as did Moro. Although Goku was trying to keep a good balance but he was never the type to do that to begin with so in the end it only helped him gauge his opponent before using the full extent of Sign, the initial stage of Migate no Gokui. After they finished powering up they started fighting with their auras. I didn't know the extent of Moro's magic so I was too reserved. I thought he absorbs energy subconsciously, so while fighting, I thought it was a natural ability. Ever since he said he only absorbs energy because of hunger I was pissed, I thought I could've killed him a while back, but a huge but, the amount he consumes is fucking vast, just to satiate his hunger. He can give me a run for my money if we are talking about hunger. In a way he reminds me a lot of Neo from Toriko's universe, devouring anything and everything.

Gohan: Look at those clashing auras!

Piccolo: Neither one is backing down!

Goku and Moro were pushing each other with their auras for a few seconds and were stepping towards one another in the process. Goku pushed harder and won the exchange, pushing Moro into the sky.

Gohan: Dad pushed him back!!

The battle raged on as Goku was still faster than Moro but Moro, because if his age, had more experience. The fight was fun but only until Goku started to run out of gas. Goku made great strides but Moro was no slouch, Moro took all of Goku's attacks and barely blocked but only for a little. Moro eventually didn't block at all and took Goku's hits, which was then that Goku reached his limit. I've said this before but it's so much different watching an anime and the real thing. If I were still in my original body in front of them, their auras alone would kill me. Since I have grown through the universes I can calmly watch the fight while eating dragon poppers and drinking Mellow cola.

Moro: Perhaps I approached you TOO cautiously after all. If this is truly the extent of your power…then I will not fall to you.

Goku: Dammit! What is your body even made of?

Aw man, that's what a loser says to an overpowered opponent Goku. Oh well, I guess my turn will be up soon. Moro slipped through Goku's right straight and kneed him in the gut. Even his speed has fallen, I shook my head, I am still baffled as to why he regressed, and it's not like something happened to him, what could I have missed?

Moro: Oh? What happened to your trademark speed?

Gohan: Dad's attacks aren't landing anymore.

No shit Sherlock. Goku reengaged Moro but was still losing out. A pity he couldn't reach full Migate no Gokui but I can only guess why he regressed so I will drop it and ask him later. Goku was now just being bullied around. If it goes bad I will take my turn and save Goku but I still have no clue when Vegeta is supposedly coming.

Moro: Naturally, you have reached your limit. That said, consider me shocked that you amassed such power.

Goku: You don't get to decide when this is over!! I'm not done yet!! HRAAAAHHH!!!

Goku became blinded by Moro's mocking and relied on power but it didn't help. They exchanged a few more fists until Moro opened his mouth and used a Ki blast to hit Goku at point blank range. Goku still put up a futile resistance but Moro kept stomping Goku down. Gohan, Piccolo and Jaco were surprised.

Gohan: He lost the Ultra Instinct Aura!!!

Moro: That's quite enough fun for now. Yes…it's about time to consume your energy.

Just when Moro was about to start draing Goku's energy, Androids 17 and 18 rushed Moro from behind but he evaded them with a backflip.

Android 18: Looking to snack on some life energy, you monster? How about a taste of ours?

Android 17: Spoiler alert, we don't have any.

Moro: Artificial lifeforms? To think this planet possessed such advanced technology.

The Androids attacked together again with a kick to Moro's stomach but simply flexed and repelled their attack. They then prepared an attack by coating their hands in energy and cross slashing Moro. After they struck they found out that it only left small scratches on Moro.

Moro: I see. Such power…it's almost a shame I can't steal it.

Android 18: What the hell? It's like we're fighting a lump of steel.

Android 17: Our heaviest attacks barely make him flinch!

Gohan: Piccolo! Should we join them?

Piccolo: And what? Let Moro absorb our energy? Diving into this battle recklessly would only feed Moro more power.

Goku: Damn! I didn't think it would turn out like this…

After Goku said that, Vegeta appeared before him. So far Moro has yet to use the Earth to drain because he hasn't felt the bite yet. Since I've been watching the whole thing I can see how unprepared Goku was for this fight. Moro took little to no damage from Goku or the Androids, maybe Vegeta can do some damage considering that his power has risen dramatically.

Vegeta: Hello, Kakarrot.

Gohan and Piccolo: It's Vegeta!! He's here!!

Vegeta: Well don't you look pathetic. What, did Ultra Instinct prove to be useless?

Goku: D-did you just use instant teleportation?

Vegeta: Worry not, I have no intention of pilfering your signature move. I likely wouldn't be able to pull it off again and I won't be learning it after this. Besides, I've learned a far superior technique of my own. Hey Sage! I know you were waiting for your turn and I really appreciate that but don't you think you let it go to far in not helping?

Sage: Good to know that you increased your strength again Vegeta-san, even the trash can eater over there didn't know I was here. I really don't think I went too far though. Who the hell jumps into a fight with an incomplete technique? I don't know why Goku-san came in with a weaker form of Ultra Instinct but maybe this will help him grow. I got your back if shit goes sideways.

Honestly I was surprised that Vegeta was able to tell that I was here. After finding out that I was here, Piccolo and Gohan looked almost embarrassed that they couldn't sense me at all. Goku also chuckled when he headed to Gohan and Piccolo. I gave Goku a Senzu, returning his power back. I also offered him some of my dragon bites. Even now Goku, Gohan and Piccolo were squinting their eyes to see me better even though I was next to them.

Vegeta: Hmph! Who do you think I am? Don't bother because you won't even get a turn. Hey! #17! #18! That's enough. It's my turn!

Android 17: Vegeta!

Vegeta: That one is mine.

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