
Chapter 99: Broly Enters

While waiting for Luffy, there were a few of Big Mom's children left that went after us but they quickly died. Sanji made me a nice meal while drinking tea and blowing away the ships, leaving no trace. I saw the mirror where Luffy will be coming out of and the remaing children and subordinates of Big Mom waiting to kill him. The moment anyone emerges I will flash there to get him so the crew wasn't worried. Luffy came out a little beaten up but not like in the original where he was missing his teeth and an eye swollen shut while sleeping from exhaustion. I flashed by picked him up and killed all those waiting for him, then flashed back to the ship. Because Big Mom was no longer an issue we calmly sailed away with the etching of the Poneglypn Big Mom was hoarding. With her death the bounties on every one else should go up higher unfortunately the bounty on Capone Bege should go up as well considering he colluded with the crew. Since there was no need for Jinbe to stop Big Mom's pursuit or the need for the Sun Pirates to help, he went with the crew to the next stop, Wano Island, where the Samurai of this world come from and the next Yonko or should I say Sanko (Three Emporers) is, Hyakuju no Kaido (Kaido of the Beasts).

Franky, Zoro, Usopp and Robin are already there waiting for us to make the next move. There was no need to make that fat bitch a cake so Sanji didn't take off to make one nor was there a need for the Mink Pedro to blow himself up. The Big Mom pirates were done, even if they followed us, death will be the only thing waiting for them. I gave Luffy one of my versions of a Senzu Bean and he recovered almost immediately, Chopper wanted to know what kind of bean it was so I showed him. I told him it wasn't a Pancea, a cure all, but it can save you from exhaustion and heal wounds quickly, unfortunately it can't regrow missing limbs so it would be better to reattach them and then eat a bean. Maybe with the help of Chopper and Tsunade's research I can make it reach 100% but I still doubt it because one of the main things to make it grow is the Divine Water, which I don't know what constitutes as "Divine Water". I will have to ask Korin to at least let me taste it to replicate it then I could grow them to 100% myself.

Seeing as the crew was safe and healed, I told them that I would take another trip and will meet up with them to kill Kaido. I specifically told them to not tell anyone about me coming because then everyone will run away and we wouldn't have any fun. I went back to the Dragon Ball universe to see what's new. When I arrived it came as a surprise when I saw Freiza with his minions and Broly. Did the universe correct itself and revived him maybe? I have no clue, I asked Goku what the hell was going on.

Sage: Goku-san, why or how did Freiza revive?

Goku: Apparently the henchmen collected the Dragon Balls on the new planet Namek and revived him. To keep the Dragon Balls from dying they only knocked the Namekians out, so they couldn't contact us. By the time they woke up they only used one wish before one of the Namekians ruined the other 2 wishes.

Sage: (To myself) To think that this universe is running under Apple software with Auto-correct. Haha.

Vegeta: What was that? Auto-correct?

Sage: Just talking to myself. Who are the Saiyans over there under Freiza?

Vegeta: We don't know, but we are about to find out.

Frieza: It seems the other monkey decided to join us. These are my new subordinates Paragus and Broly. Unlike you they are loyal Saiyans.

Sage: Please, a Saiyan loyal to you is no better then a dead Saiyan. I guess that Paragus guy is just the dead weight compared to his son.

Goku: What do you mean Sage?

Sage: Can't you feel it? It's not like he can hide it, he's just not there yet.

Vegeta: He feels familiar to someone but I can't put my finger on it.

Sage: Remember the girls from the 6th Universe?

Goku & Vegeta: THAT'S RIGHT!!!

Sage: If she was the Legendary Super Saiyan for their universe, then he is the Legendary Super Saiyan for our universe.

After realizing who they were dealing with, Goku and Vegeta were on edge to fight against Broly. The Broly in universe 7 was much stronger than Kale because his body was more mature, since he was close to the same age as Goku. Broly also knew he had a vast amount power because he kept himself in check and Paragus took off his tail in fear of that power. I wanted to have first dibs on Broly but I arrived late to the show so I don't know if Goku or Vegeta will let me. I guess I will wait until he runs over them both until I get a turn. The good thing about this Broly is that I can take him back to his planet to spar with him because even though he is much stronger he is also purer than the first time he was introduced. At first he was just a mindless brute, at least this time around he can actually communicate.

Frieza started to jabber on about getting his revenge and other bullshit. I didn't care because I just wanted my turn to play with Broly. Like usual Goku and Vegeta played Janken (Rock, Paper and Scissors) to see who will fight Broly first. Since I came after they were already here I got last place, as I already guessed. I didn't mind considering that Broly was only beaten when Goku and Vegeta fused. They could have actually killed him but was wished away to the planet he was found on at the last moment.

Sage: Hey Saiyans, next to the white Gecko, introduce yourselves at least.

Paragus: I am Paragus and this is my son Broly.

Sage: Quick question, why would you Saiyans ally yourself with the same birdshit color guy who destroyed Planet Vegeta?

I started to chuckle as Frieza started to get angry.

Paragus: You wouldn't understand. Just from looking at you I can tell that you are too young to know. At the time King Vegeta casted my son and I off the planet because Broly was too strong aince birth. I tried to persuade King Vegeta that with Broly our strength would increase but instead he exiled us.

Sage: And now what? You want to kill his son? A petty reason from a petty person. He could've killed you and your son but he let you live through exile. He might have been scared of his power but why don't you think of it this way, he let you live so that the Saiyans won't die out and since your son is strong, he could one day avenge the Saiyans by killing Frieza.

Paragus was dumbfounded by my words. He never thought of it that way. By send Paragus and Broly away, Broly can learn to control his power without imploding so he wouldn't blow himself up with the planet. The only downside to this thought was that the planet they were on was desserted and they had no way of leaving because they had no ship. I did spark an intrest in Broly though, he seemed to think things through although slower because his father was a piece of shit that never taught him anything. There was a somewhat melancholy expression on Broly's face but he was still willing to fight. Vegeta was up first, Goku next then me. Frieza will regret bringing Broly here because once he transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan he can't differentiate friend from foe.

Sorry for the slow updates. I have been working on my original story. I will still continue with this story as well but it might not be as frequent.

Kintaro1210creators' thoughts
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