
Three magical words

After all of them were at Tatsuya's home all of them were surprised on Seeing how big his house was, Isami's parents were quite shocked on seeing it as they normally don't see a house this big, while the devils were slightly surprised by it as they have already experienced living in castles but since they knew the fact that Tatsuya was an orphan but still had such a house made her surprised.

Shuri looked at the house and said, "Tatsuya-chan can I buy such a house from the salary you give me."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "Maybe who knows but I can guarantee that a house half the size of this will be no problem for you with half a year's salary of yours."

Hearing that Shuri started thinking about something and said, "Looks like my job is not that bad, half the size with half a year's salary is quite a good offer."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Yeah it is, so make sure to do the work that is being piling up while you are on the vacation diligently."

He said that and Shuri's brow immediately twitched and she said, "You know I cannot enjoy my holidays if you keep reminding me about that."

Tatsuya just chuckled and said, "Well as your 'boss' I have to keep reminding you not to slack off."

Hearing that Shuri looked away and thought, 'He is having revenge for earlier.'

Tatsuya then invited all of them inside and then made them sit in the drawing room where they started to watch the video clips that they have recorded.

Tatsuya placed some bottles of alcohol in front of them making the men extremely happy with the quality of the drink while the women just sighed on seeing the antics of the men after they were under the affect of alcohol.

Tatsuya's clone and the girls then went inside to prepare food for all of them while Tatsuya was sitting in front of his would to be in-laws.

Tatsuya looked at them for a while and then both the men asked at the same time, "Do you truly love our daughters or are you just playing around?"

Tatsuya looked at both of them sincerely and said, "I truly love your daughters a lot and I promise you not let any of them feel unhappy at any point of their life."

At this the Sitri head snorted and said, "And what if we were to ask you to leave the rest of your lovers aside, or choose one over the other."

Just as he said that a lot of noise of plates being shattered came from the kitchen.

Tatsuya smiled wryly and said, "Don't worry girls everything is fine here."

Tatsuya looked at the Sitri head and said, "A word of advice from me father-in-law. Do keep your voice down a bit for your own safety."

He was about to say something but suddenly he felt the aura of the girls they were releasing unconsciously coming from the kitchen and gulped his saliva bad nodded his head.

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "About what you said before, no I am not going to break up with any of them till they themselves tell me that they are fed up with me. Do you have any problem with that?"

The Sitri head nodded and said, "Even if I don't have a problem how can I expect that you will not just forget about my daughters if some new women came around."

Tatsuya sighed and said, "You can ask them this yourself but I have never neglected any of them. Any of them have never complained about that and I try to spend time with all of them. They are as precious to me as they are to you."

Mr. Hyuodou then asked, "And are you able to save them from any danger. Because concerning your looks and their beauty they are bound to get in some sort of 'trouble' by either yours or their admirers."

Tatsuya just smiled at this question and said, "Oh, don't worry about that Mr. Hyuodou firstly I think they are strong enough to handle around those pests but of by chance there were to appear a cockroach who is very unwilling to die then.... let's just say that you would not like to hear the details." He said and showed a 'kind' smile making all four of them shiver up a bit.

Mr. Hyuodou then asked, "Then what about taking care of all of them in future. Can you take care of all their needs and the need of the children you will have in future?"

Tatsuya smiled and said, "That must be the last thing that you should worry about Mr. Hyuodou. My business is quite good and you can rest assured that your daughter will not have any trouble in the future. If you any doubts we can go together to my office and I can let you have a look on how my business is coming along."

Hearing that Mr. Hyuodou looked at him for a while and then his wife elbowed him from the side and said, "Don't you think that this is quite enough for you to ask, I don't think that he is a bad child and Isami loves him, what's more do you want? Just accept it already."

Mr. Hyuodou sighed and then a smile appeared on his face and he said, "Well I guess my Isami will be in your care 'son'."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "Thanks a lot and I promise that I won't let you down 'father'."

Mr. Hyuodou nodded his head and then looked the Sitri couple and said, "Well what about your decision Mr. and Mrs. Shitori."

Mrs. Shitori just smiled and said, "Do both of you mind if we ask something to him in private."

The Hyuodou couple looked at each other and then at the Shitoris and then with a smile nodded and left the room and went back to the drawing room where Sirzechs and Zeoticus were sitting.

Just as they left the room Tatsuya immediately formed a barrier around the room and Mr. Sitri started releasing his aura in order to pressure Tatsuya.

Tatsuya who felt the 'huge' aura that the Sitri head was releasing smiled and then released a bit of his aura which immediately overpowered Sitri's and he started panting.

Tatsuya looked at him and said, "Satisfied with my power."

The devil looked up with difficulty but was not able to say anything.

Seeing that his wife got surprised and immediately said, "Now now Tatsuya-kun there is no reason to go that far, right?"

Tatsuya just nodded and stopped releasing his aura. He then looked at the panting Sitri and offered him a bottle of water, which he gulped down in one go.

He looked at Tatsuya with an amazed expression and said, "You are packing quite a strength there."

Tatsuya just waved his hand and said, "Don't flatter me now." He then turned serious and said, "I once again ask you to give me chance to marry your daughters. I promise you that I will never let any harm come in their way and will take good care of them in future." and bowed his head.

Seeing him bow his head the Sitri head sighed and said, "Raise your head." He then looked at Tatsuya with a smile on his face and said, "I will let you marry my daughters, but make them sad even once and you will have to deal with the whole Sitri territory."

Tatsuya just smiled and thought, 'If only you were to know the exact level of my power then you woul have not even thought of saying something like that.'

He then nodded and said, "Don't worry they will never be sad, infact I promise to make them even more happier than their father ever made them."

Hearing that Lady Sitri just chuckled while her husband just glared at Tatsuya and said, "You have quite the mouth 'son'"

Tatsuya continued to smile and said, "Thanks a lot 'father'." while both of them kept glaring at each other.


After all the matters were settled and all of them were having a nice meal together suddenly Zeoticus looked at Tatsuya and said, "Hey Tatsuya-kun mind if we have a little chat somewhere more privately?"

Tatsuya looked at Sirzechs who looked back at him with a confused expression on his face.

Tatsuya looked at Zeoticus and said, "Sure why not Mr. Gremory." He then looked the others and said, "Please excuse us for a while."

And both of them then left the room and went to the drawing drawing room and sat down facing to each other.

Both of them had a smile on their faces when suddenly Zeoticus put a barrier around them, on noticing which Tatsuya narrowed his eyes and asked, "So what is it that you want to ask, to not only let a sound barrier but also an entrance barrier places around us.

Zeoticus just laughed and then said, "You see Tatsuya-kun a few days ago we recieved a notice from the Shinto faction about the rights that the Gremory had over this town being taken from them because of bad management."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Yeah, the territory was very poorly managed by her, so I had to take this decision."

Zeoticus just smiled and said, "I apologize on her behalf, but don't you think that everyone should get a second chance to overcome their mistakes."

Tatsuya nodded his head and said, "Yes, I do believe in that ideology."

Hearing that Zeoticus's smile widened and he was about to say something but Tatsuya interrupted him and said, "That's why I am giving myself a second chance to govern this territory." and showed a smile.

Seeing his smile Zeoticus's lips twitched and he said, "You have quite the sense of humour don't you, well let's get straight to the point here, what do you want in exchange to giving the rights of town to the Gremorys."

Tatsuya shook his head and said, "Sorry, I am not doing trade here."

Zeoticus's smile disappeared from his face and he said, "Listen here, you are just a human, you should be happy that a devil much less a devil belonging to a high class family is making deals with you."

Tatsuya who saw the look on his face also became expressionless and looked at him.

Seeing the human's expression change Zeoticus widened his eyes and asked, "What, You want to say something."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "I

Seeing you I cannot help but say those three magical words." He then paused for a while and then lifted his fist.

"FUCK OFF ASSHOLE" and showed the middle finger to the devil.

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