
Chapter 80: Don't you feel ashamed

So an hour later, when Xia Yuxi took time off to return to her mother's residence, the house was empty.

"Mom! I'm back. Mom..?"

She shouted twice and no one responded. Did she run to night work again at this time? It shouldn't be reasonable. Isn't she trying to tell her something important?

Xia Yuxi stood in the door and carefully recalled the previous phone call. She suddenly found that her mother's tone was a little urgent.

Broken-hearted, Xia Yuxi said to herself, 'Is it something dangerous? Although she had already assumed all Fang Jinghua's debts, did those loansharks came for money again?'

Until now, when she remembered the men in the black suits at the time, she felt scared. Unconsciously, Xia Yuxi's face turned white.

She ran to the room without wearing the slippers. When the door was opened, she saw the whole family photo that was originally placed on the mother's bed.

Then she noticed that there was something missing in the room, such as the potted flower that she usually carefully treated. The cheap watch she bought after receiving her salary for the first month. It seems that those precious things that Fang Jinghua thinks are gone.

Xia Yuxi's heart sank, and she hurried to the closet, even missing the two-piece suit she could wear to meet people.

The woman infront of the cabinet swallowed her mouth and felt her throat dry. Where should the mother go without being held hostage, but did she run away from home?

Xia Yuxi hurriedly took out her mobile phone from her bag and called Fang Jinghua. The moment the phone was connected, she hurriedly said, "Mom, where are you?"

"Where? Of course it's at home. Xia Yuxi, you only care about your mother, have you ever thought about my mother-in-law?"

Xia Yuxi did not respond for a while, she pulled the phone back to her face again, and determined the phone number again. It's the mother's right, and the person who just spoke is mother-in-law Li Ranqing.

She really didn't understand. Carefully, Xia Yuxi asked, "Are you... together?"

"Well, it's just at the Wei family villa. You don't have to worry. I didn't tied your mother. It's good to discuss it. Please come over, so I said you shouldn't be arrogant, just come back!"

How can that be? Why did my mother go to that house? How could she be with her? And didn't Wei Zexuan agree? He will not force himself.

Although Li Ranqing's words were polite this time, it was a soft threat to Xia Yuxi. She bit her lower lip on the side of the phone, then stubbornly said, "Then I'll go now, I'll get my mother back."

Xia Yuxi knew Li Ranqing's temper, and she was a person who would trample on the psychological bottom line.

If she talks to you well, she must have a purpose. If she loses her temper, she really doesn't look at you from her heart. But in the past two years, Li Ranqing never seemed to fancy anyone except his son.

How does this make her believe that the old man can get along with his mother happily? And she said so on the phone, wouldn't she let her go home? A kind of aversion of unclearness until she stood in Wei's villa again.

"Xiaoxi! You are back!"

At this moment, Xia Yuxi was wearing a simple sportswear standing inside the door. Of course, she didn't need much dress to work at night.

She should have just taken a bath, and because of the light sheen of skincare on her face, she was not wearing a floral gown, but a well-cut high-end silk dress, although she still smiled warmly at herself, but it shouldn't look like a mother.

Li Ranqing who was with her mother still had her jaw slightly raised, and her eyes seemed to tell Xia Yuxi, 'Look! I'm good to your mother, what else are you dissatisfied with?'

Xia Yuxi didn't say a word and greeted her directly. When she grabbed Fang Qinghua's arm, she walked behind her. "Excuse me, we will go back to our home."

After she spoke bluntly, she stubbornly bowed to Li Ranqing. But when she turned around, it was her mother Fang Jinghua who was holding her back.

The old woman was hurting under her hands, standing there with her head slightly lowered but still motionless. "Xiao Xi, it's not your mother's vanity, but this is correct for you. You don't have a divorce yet. Why can't you live at home here? Your mother-in-law is doing this for you too!"

For her good?

She never felt that Li Ranqing treated her better. At the time Li Ranqing matched the marriage of the two, Xia Yuxi was really grateful, but at the same time she didn't even know that she was a chess piece, that filled Wei Zexuan's pieces.

Without Li Ranqing, Wei Zexuan would not have been tortured in these two years, so should Xia Yuxi thank her? This did not make Xia Yuxi feel the slightest happiness, but always had a kind of beggar-like embarrassment to eat food from others.

Thinking of this, she said twice with eyelashes, "If it is really for my good, please respect my thoughts. Even Wei Zexuan will not force me now, and no one can force me."

Half are requests and half are warnings, if Li Ranqing can understand.


Li Ranqing shouted aloud behind her, and then she suddenly realized that she was almost excited again, so she eased her emotions, "You child, why don't you know it! Even if you don't care about yourself, you have to look at your mother. Can she still live in that broken house? Do you still have this filial piety?"

Xia Yuxi's filial piety is not what others say. She raised her head and said, "I'll arrange my mother's affairs myself, so I don't need you to worry about it."

After that, she pulled her mother again, "Let's go, go with me, please?"

If Fang Jinghua struggles a bit, Xia Yuxi will feel that she has no pride.

Just at this moment, Wei Zexuan dragged his tired body into the door. He first saw two pairs of shoes not belonging to this family when he looked down and changed his shoes. When he looked up, he saw three women who were stuck under the stairs.

The man frowned slightly, but he couldn't guess what happened.

"You guys..."

The three women turned their heads at the same time, each with a difference expression on their face."

For this kind of coercion, her mother was still thankful, and Xia Yuxi felt as if she was slap on her face. But she didn't understand, why did Wei Zexuan be angry with her mother?

No matter what happened between them, she wouldn't let Fang Jinghua live here tonight.

Xia Yuxi followed, staring at the man's face and asking, "Wei Zexuan, is this what you promised me? You said you would never force me, nor would you force me back by any means."

Wei Zexuan did say that, and in order to keep his promise, he could not bear to see Xia Yuxi, but what is going on? Why are they all here?

The man was thinking, and gradually shifted his eyes to Li Ranqing's face. Seeing her pride, Wei Zexuan probably guessed a bit.

This is not his original intention, and today Fang Jinghua is going to gamble again. Wei Zexuan really does not want to ask this old woman again, how can he do this.

But his mother's black pot had to be carried by him. Because no matter what the matter is, Xia Yuxi believes he did it, that's what he did!

Instead, Wei Zexuan said, "There is a reason for her to come back. Listen to me first, OK? Talking, he planned to pull Xia Yuxi aside.

After all, there was something disgraceful. He didn't want Li Ranqing to hear it. That would only make his mother look down on Xia Yuxi more. There was no other benefit.

Xia Yuxi suddenly let go of Wei Zexuan's hand. "I don't want to hear your explanation. I want to take my mother out now. You should have no opinion."

Wei Zexuan's masseter muscle moved, but in front of Xia Yuxi, he couldn't say a word, and then the man turned sideways to make way.

"Son! Are you crazy? Didn't you say you want to get Xiaoxi back? What are you doing now?"

"Mom!" Wei Zexuan suddenly became furious and stopped the old woman's speech.

When he looked at Li Ranqing, his eyes were slightly red. Without her mess today, maybe in a few days, his relationship with Xia Yuxi will ease again indefinite. But now it troublesome, was it really over.

For Xia Yuxi, Wei Zexuan felt that he could tolerate everything during this time. Even if she said harsh words or lost her temper, it was because she had gone too far. But one thing he couldn't bear.

That is, we can no longer let Fang Jinghua be a mother to hurt her children.

"Xiao Xi, if you want to leave, I won't stop you. But I must make this clear." Wei Zexuan looked at Fang Jinghua with a dreadful glance and glanced at Li Ranqing in the distance.

Although she was unwilling to tear her face with any old woman in front of her, he couldn't see Xia Yuxi suffering more losses in the middle.

He said, "Your mother is really not suitable for living alone now, unless you have time to stay with her for 24 hours..."

Xia Yuxi tilted her head and frowned, "What did you say?"

Although she did not understand the meaning in Wei Zexuan's words, Fang Jinghua couldn't be more clear.

She had just been coaxed by the Li Ranqing all the way to the Wei's family, and she forgot about it. This doesn't work! If you want to say it, you have to say it yourself.

 So Fang Jinghua said with excitement, "Xiao Xi, it's mom, I'm sorry for you, these days you are not here, I... I went to gamble again."

In the large living room, suddenly it seemed as if time had stopped.

Xia Yuxi only felt that there was a blank space in her head. She slowly shook her head at her mother, writing with disbelief all over her face.

This look of Xia Yuxi was really scared to Fang Jinghua. She quickly held her daughter's arm and begged, "Mom know it's wrong? I was dizzy and wanted to help you get some money to pay off the debt. Sorry child, mom really ignored your feelings."

In front of Xia Yuxi, she slowly lowered her head mechanically. She first saw the cheap clothes she had obtained from the morning market on her body, and then glanced at her hands.

But she couldn't say a word, and she spread her hands out and showed it to her mother. Xia Yuxi is only 26 years old this year. She should have delicate and soft palms, because she has been holding out a cast iron frying spoon for several hours, and has blistered everywhere. Her fingertips had countless tiny blisters that she scratched when she was peeling shrimp, and they were soaked with oil for a long time, making those openings red, open, and unable to heal for long.

"If the mother understands that both hands are for a good life for both of them, will she feel hurt because of her? Will she feel ashamed of gambling again? Would you feel shame because of your performance at the Wei family today? Can you...?" Suddenly, Xia Yuxi shouted with tears, as if the heaviest pressure in her heart broke out instantly, she really couldn't hold it in.

Wei Zexuan stepped up in two steps and hugged Xia Yuxi tightly from behind. He hugged tightly, but still couldn't stop her from trembling around him.

"Why? Why can't you let me live for myself once! What am I doing wrong..."

Xia Yuxi's cry was heartbreaking. Wei Zexuan hugged her tightly, holding her jaw against the woman's hair. He repeatedly rubbed Xia Yuxi's arm with his big hand, and said over and over again, "It will be okay, everything will be okay, you deserve the best life ,Trust me.."

There was no sound in this living room for a long time. Xia Yuxi cried to the point that her throat was dumb, and she cried only with a big breath.

Fang Jinghua, who was crying silently and Li Ranqing's face was as solemn as her son. It can be said that what happened today was the first time. Li Ranqing felt touched in her heart. Although she couldn't figure out what was going on in the middle, Xia Yuxi's child was indeed a stubborn person. She still recognized this.

"Okay." Li Ranqing finally spoke, "Xia Yuxi, can you go, and live the life you want? I don't care, it doesn't matter? But your mother had better stay here, just listen to Zexuan. If you don't want her to live in vain, just help out here or something, and let's treat her as an ordinary person!"

Xia Yuxi stopped crying, she still said no to suck her nose. "Then where are you going to put her? Are you going back to the house before?"

Although stubborn, Xia Yuxi was once again helpless in the face of reality.

She had planned to talk to He Yiwei about her moving out for the past two days, but she didn't mention it because the money in her hand was not enough for rents.

"Baby, I really feel like I have no choice.."

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