
We're using a boat. - Catch

As we were waiting for the mill to finish printing out the parts we needed, Unc and I started working on the design of Ibarra's new spearhead. It would've been proper to try and improve our current design with the Headhunter's Axe but we'd still need to test it to know the things we could improve upon it.

Take Unc's first prototype for example, from the time Kaley and I left the premises yesterday, everyone who wanted to get their hands on Unc's work abused the fuck out of it to know its strengths and weaknesses.

From what Unc told me, the blade part of his first prototype was found out to be more or less than a dangerous decoration.

It was because his first creation was too top-heavy and more places to get leverage was better rather than more surfaces to cut deadheads with. Going back to the original design instead of the axe-sword combo was a great decision because not only it would fix the first problem, it'll also allow us to have a bigger canister of CO2 in it.

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