
Setting up - Test him, you’ll see.

We went back and I saw the PVC pipes being moved to the storage area. Unc Zeidrick and I grabbed a few and we placed them in the workshop. I called Charlotte over and Chris came with her to help as well.

I checked the length of the PVCs first and it was just the right size for the greenhouse. I decided to make a rail system that hugs the walls of the greenhouse. It would wrap like a snake so I started on marking the PVC to cut a hole into.

"What are the holes for?" Charlotte asked.

"This is where we would put the cups where the plants will then be placed into. You could transfer some of the seedlings here that are ready." I replied.

My uncle fastened the PVCs first and I grabbed the hole saws. We started cutting holes in them with Chris holding the other side just to be sure. We were placing the saws over the PVC to remove the part where the PVC is marked with.

Bits of materials were flying off but we would just clean up after.

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