
Monster list


{---BEAST TYPE---}


Name : killer Bat

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 1

Power : 100 CP

ATK : 30

DEF : 10

HP : 60

Speed : 20 Meter/Second

Skill : Ultrasonic Screams

Note : Although the Killer Bat is the weakest Monster among all the Monsters in the Emross world, but this Monster has a very troublesome main attack, Ultrasonic Screams, which can make the human eardrum feel very painful.

Ultrasonic Screams cannot cause damage, but can cause coma as long as the Skill is still active, this Skill lasts for 2 seconds and has CoolDown for 30 seconds.

REWARD : Fresh Bat Meat, 1 Bronze Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 1}


Name: Spider Monkey

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 2

Power: 200 CP

ATK: 30

DEF: 20

HP: 150

Speed: 6 Meters/Second

Skill: Brain Performance

Note : Spider Monkey is a monster that has a very good team work. This little monkey loves to do acrobats in the trees.

Brain Performance Skills improve the performance of their brains to plan attacks, these Skills are active for 1 minute and have CoolDown for 1 minute.

REWARD : Spider Monkey Brain, 2 Bronze Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 1}


Name : Angry Goat

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 3

Power : 300 CP

ATK : 40

DEF : 30

HP : 230

Speed : 20 Meter/Second

Skill : Ramming Horn

Note : The habitat of Angry Goat is in open grasslands. Because they always attack in groups these monsters will not hesitate to attack anyone who dares to enter their territory.

The Ramming Horn skill deals 200% damage and has a 90 second Cooldown.

REWARD : Sheep's Meat, Sheepskin, Sheep's Horn, 3 Bronze Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 1}


Name : Mephitidae Skunk

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 4

Power : 400 CP

ATK : 90

DEF : 110

HP : 200

Speed : 10 Meters/Second

Skill : Stinky Gas

Note : "The Lonely Wanderers" is the nickname of this Monster. Mephitidae Skunk hates the foul odor that comes from their own bodies, so they are shunned by their own flock and always roaming alone in the darkness of the night.

When in a state of urgency Mephitidae Skunk will issue a foul-smelling fart that makes his opponent reluctant to approach him. Stinky Gas has CoolDown for 1 minute.

REWARD : 1 Bottle of Skunk Gas, 4 Bronze Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 1}


Name : Kalong

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 7

Power : 700 CP

ATK : 390

DEF : 110

HP : 200

Speed : 22 Meter/Second

Skill : Super Ultrasonic Screams

Note : Kalong, the fruit hunter. Disaster for farmers.

Super Ultrasonic Screams skill cannot cause damage, but can cause coma as long as this skill is still active. This skill is active for 5 seconds and has a cooldown for 30 seconds.

REWARD : Kalong Meat, Red Crystal Essence {Level 1} And 7 Bronze Coin.


Name: Wild Boar

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 9

Power: 900 CP

ATK: 300

DEF: 200

HP: 400

Speed: 19 Meters/Second

Skill: Sword Tantrum

Note: Besides the Monkey Warrior, Wild Boar is also one of the biggest threats to residents who live around the forest, because they very often attack farmers who are gardening in the fields and damage the fields that are the source of life of the residents.

Tantrum Sword Skills deal 250% damage and has a Cooldown for 1 minute.

REWARD : Fresh Pork, Wild Boar Fangs, 9 Bronze Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 1}


Name : Giant Aedes

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 10

Power : 1,000 CP

ATK : 800

DEF : 80

HP : 120

Speed : 8 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Blood Sucker

-Skin Poison

Note : In the world of Emross, Giant Aedes is the highest number of monsters. Sometimes Giant Aedes can also be too greedy to suck blood, making their bodies look like a balloon filled with water. Although at that time their movement will be very slow, but do not ever attack them from close range, because the sprinkling of blood that they suck can create an infection that can cause serious inflammation of the skin.

REWARD : 1 Bottle of Monster Blood, Aedes Antidote, 1 Silver Coin, Topaz And Red Crystal Essence {Level 1}


Name : Tawon Ndas

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 15

Power : 1.500 CP

ATK : 900

DEF : 100

HP : 500

Speed : 25 Meter/Second

Skill : Blister Sting

Note : Poisonous and deadly, Tawon Ndas is the queen's proud bee warrior.

Blister Sting causes 500% damage and can also cause blisters that can cause sustained damage of 10% per second for 1 minute. This skill has a cooldown for 3 minutes.

REWARD : Bee Venom, Ndas Needle, Red Crystal Essence {Level 2} And 20 Bronze Coin


Name : Kocheng Oren

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 17

Power : 1.700 CP

ATK : 300

DEF : 200

HP : 1.200

Speed : 20 Meters/Second

Skill : 9 Lives

Note : Although this monster rarely attacks humans, and is known as a lazy monster, but Kocheng Oren is famous for being very violent when hunting. To fight for the sake of prey, they will not hesitate to fight monsters that are stronger than them.

After Kocheng Oren dies, the 9 Lives skill will activate and make the HP bar full again. This will be repeated up to 8 times until Kocheng Oren really dies.

REWARD : 9 Topaz {Level 1}, Red Crystal Essence {Level 2} And 24 Bronze Coin.


Name : Exploding Ant

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 19

Power : 1.900 CP

ATK : 1200

DEF : 200

HP : 500

Speed : 15 Meter/Second

Skill : Self Blasting

Note : Exploding Ant is a monster that rarely attacks Human. Because besides they rarely go far from their nests, Exploding Ant will only attack when they feel disturbed.

Self Blasting is able to cause 100% damage to the center of the explosion and cause skin blisters due to scattered toxins. The toxic effects caused 10% damage per minute.

REWARD : Exploding Ant Poison, Red Crystal Essence {Level 2} And 28 Bronze Coin


Name: Monkey Warrior

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 20

Power: 2,000 CP

ATK: 400

DEF: 400

HP: 1,200

Speed: 9 Meters/Second

Skill: Imitating Abilities

Note: Although the original habitat of the Monkey Warrior is in the forest, but they often go to the countryside to plunder food. Even though their level is relatively low, but with the intelligence they have, Monkey Warrior is able to compete with high-level monsters in the Rahtawu forest.

This monster has a Passive Skill called "Imitating Abilities" which gives intelligence to them to be able to mimic the abilities of humans they have met before.

REWARD : Monkey Warrior Brain, Monkey Warrior meat, 30 bronze Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 2}


Name : Giant otter

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 23

Power : 2,600 CP

ATK : 500

DEF : 800

HP : 1,300

Speed : 10 Meters/Second

Skill : Rodent Bite

Note : Although Giant Otter is a Beaver type monster, but this monster very often disturbs the Beavers that build houses in their territory and do not hesitate to eat them.

Rodent Bite deals 200% damage and has a cooldown for 1 minute.

REWARD : Otter Meat, 45 Bronze Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 3}


Name: Electrophorus Electricus

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 30

Power: 4,000 CP

ATK: 3,000

DEF: 200

HP: 800

Speed: 20 Meters/Second

Skill: High Voltage

Note: Electrophorus Electricus is able to live in both fresh and salt water. When in a state of urgency, this Monster will issue a very high voltage that can kill ordinary people very easily.

Within a 20 meter radius, High Voltage skill can inflict 100% damage per second, this skill is active for 10 seconds and has CoolDown for 1 minute.

REWARD : Fresh Eel Meat, 8 Silver Coin, Lightning Resistance And Red Crystal Essence {Level 3}


Name: Giant Varika

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 35

Power: 7,000 CP

ATK: 3,000

DEF: 1,000

HP: 3,000

Speed: 17 Meters/Second

Skill: Deadly Claw

Note: Giant Varika is often referred to as a spirit night, this is because the eyes of these monsters can reflect light and have very loud screams that sound like the sound of death.

Deadly Claw skills can inflict 200% damage and have a CoolDown for 2 minutes.

REWARD : Varika Oil, Varika Skin, 5 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 4}


Name : Giant Blattodea

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 46

Power : 16.000 CP

ATK : 2.000

DEF : 2.000

HP : 12.000

Speed : 36 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Bacterial Spray


Note : One of the dungeon inhabitants who has a very large number, and is one of the most feared types of monsters, Giant Blattodea the mighty cockroach. "Once I fly, the world will be in chaos!"

Bacterial Spray can cause damage up to 1,000% and have a cooldown for 3 minutes. Katsaridaphobia (Flying Attack Mode), when this skill is active, Giant Blattodea's speed will double.

REWARD : Giant Blattodea Poison, Red Crystal Essence {Level 5}, Onyx {Level 1} And 16 Gold Coin


Name : Kangaroo Boxer

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 48

Power : 18,000 CP

ATK : 4,000

DEF : 3,000

HP : 11,000

Speed : 25 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Twisted Tail

-Showtime Kick

-Death Punch

Note : Kangaroo Boxer is one of the monsters who are experts in martial arts and is the weakest Monster of the "Trio Challengers". Kangaroo Boxer controlled several areas in the prairie and border areas of the Rahtawu forest.

"Twisted Tail" is a continuous tail slash that can deal 10% damage per attack. This skill is active for 10 seconds and has CoolDown for 2 minutes. "Showtime Kick" is a consecutive attack with dozens of boxing punches that end with a hard kick with both legs. This skill deals a total of 500% damage and has a 5-minute Cooldown. "Death Punch" is the Ultimate Skill that can cause 500% Damage, this Skill has CoolDown for 5 minutes.

REWARD : Kangaroo Pouch Skin, Kangaroo Flesh, 18 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 5}


Name : Master Panda

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 49

Power : 19,000 CP

ATK : 4,000

DEF : 4,000

HP : 11,000

Speed : 14 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Bamboo Warrior

-Bamboo Swivel

-YinYang Master

Note : Master Panda is a black and white mammal that specializes in Wushu martial arts. Master Panda is classified as a lazy monster, but sometimes they also looks quite eager to do his daily activities such as choosing young bamboo to eat or practice with their flock.

Bamboo Warrior is a stick martial attack that is occasionally accompanied by a punch or kick. This skill deals a total damage of 300% and has CoolDown for 3 minutes. Bamboo Swivel is a move that can make a windstorm, this skill can inflict damage by 5% to anyone who is within range. Bamboo Swivel lasts for 1 minute and has a CoolDown time of 2 minutes. YinYang Master is the ultimate skill of Master Panda, he will continue to attack his opponent with a martial arts stick until he is exhausted or the target is dead. YinYang Master deals 20% damage per attack and can only be used once a day.

REWARD : Yellow Bamboo Seeds, 19 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 5}


Name: The Mighty Beast

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 50

Power: 20,000 CP

ATK: 2,500

DEF: 3,500

HP: 14,000

Speed: 15 Meters/Second


-Body Crash

-Heavy Blow

Note: Known as a daytime ruler in the southern Rahtawu forest, The Mighty Beast attacks anyone who dares to approach him, no matter if it's a monster of its own kind.

Body Crash Skill drains the victim's HP by 1% per second, This skill is active for 1 minute and has CoolDown for 2 minutes. Heavy Blow Skill is a hard blow that deals 200% damage, this skill has a CoolDown for 3 minutes.

REWARD : The Mighty Beast Meat, The Mighty Beast Brain, The Mighty Beast Skin, 20 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 5}


Name : Formicidae Ant

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 51

Power : 22.000 CP

ATK : 4.000

DEF : 3.000

HP : 15.000

Speed : 24 Meter/Second

Skill :

-Poisonous Saliva

-Itchy Blister

Note : Formicidae Ant is one of the strongest monsters in the world. They are able to support a weight 50 times heavier than their own weight. But this monster is still inferior to the Coleoptera Insecta which is able to support a weight 850 times heavier than its own weight.

Poisonous Saliva deals 50% damage and causes blisters. This skill has a cooldown of 30 seconds. Itchy Blister inflicts initial damage by 100%, and additional damage by 10% per minute and lasts for 1 hour. This skill has a 5 minute cooldown.

REWARD : Formicidae Ant Poison, Red Crystal Essence {Level 6} And 22 Gold Coin


Name: Goliath Tarantula

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 55

Power: 30,000 CP

ATK: 3,000

DEF: 5,000

HP: 22,000

Speed: 27 Meters/Second


-Net Shot

-Paralytic Bite

Note: After completing the trap net, Goliath Tarantula attract the attention of their prey in a unique way, that is the sound of hissing and rubbing their feet together to make a scary sound.

The Net Shot skill does not cause damage, but this net is very sticky and difficult to get away from it, Net Shot has CoolDown for 10 seconds. Paralytic Bite Skill is a lethal attack injected from 50 cm long iron fangs in their mouths, this Skill can inflict 200% damage and cause the body of the victim to be paralyzed for 1 minute, Paralytic Bite has CoolDown for 3 minutes.

REWARD : Goliath Tarantula's Feet, Goliath Tarantula fangs, Spider Antibiotics, 30 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 6}


Name : Belalang Tempur

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 58

Power : 36.000 CP

ATK : 12.000

DEF : 4.000

HP : 20.000

Speed : 35 Meter/Second

Skill :

-Rock Splitter

-Air Strike

-Sword Dance

Note : Belalang Tempur is the strongest member of the Challengers. Besides having great sword fighting abilities, this monster also has agile movements and fast attacks.

Rock Splitter inflicts 200% damage and has a cooldown for 2 minutes. Air Strike is a continuous attack that lasts for 1 minute and is able to cause a total damage of 500%, this skill has a cooldown for 5 minutes. Sword Dance is the ultimate attack capable of inflicting a total damage of 1,000%, this skill can only be used 1 time a day.

REWARD : a Pair of Sharp Hands, 36 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 6}


Name: Papagomys Armandvillei

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 65

Power: 65,000 CP

ATK: 10,000

DEF: 15,000

HP: 40,000

Speed: 34 Meters/Second


-Deadly Tail


Note: The king of the rats is the nickname of this Monster, the giant monster with the largest number 2 in the world Emross. Papagomys Armandvillei lives in a place that feels warm and moist that only can be found in the interior of the Dungeon.

Deadly Tail is a continuous attack that deals 30% damage per attack and lasts for 15 seconds, this skill has CoolDown for 3 minutes. Hantavirus inflicts 100% damage and cause the body of the victim to limp for 1 minute, this skill has a CoolDown time of 5 minutes.

REWARD : Papagomys Armandvillei Tail, Hantavirus Antibiotics, 65 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 7}


Name : Panthera Leo

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 69

Power : 85.000 CP

ATK : 15.000

DEF : 15.000

HP : 55.000

Speed : 28 Meter/Second

Skill :

-Big Cat Ambush

-The King's Roar

Note : "I am the king of the jungle, strong and brave. Come and see my sharp claws, ready to tear your pride."

Big Cat Ambush increases movement speed by 200% and Attack Points by 400%. The Big Cat Ambush skill is active for 1 minute and has a cooldown for 5 minutes. The King's Roar makes the surrounding enemies stunned for 5 seconds. In addition, this skill can also calling herd of monsters to where the sound source is coming from.

REWARD : Panthera Leo Skin, Panthera Leo meat, Ruby {Level 2}, Onyx {Level 2}, Red Crystal Essence {Level 7} And 85 Gold


Name: Scolopendra Gigantea

Monster Type: Beast

Level: 74

Power: 130,000 CP

ATK: 10,000

DEF: 30,000

HP: 90,000

Speed: 33 Meters/Second


-Poison Bursts

-Twisted Foot Dance

-Damage Reduction: 10%

-Physical Resistance: 20%

Note: Scolopendra Gigantea is classified as the biggest monster in the Rahtawu forest. This monster rarely surfaces and more often spends its time underground.

Poison Bursts skill deals 20% damage per second and causes extremely intense itching, this skill has Cooldown for 5 minutes. Twisted Foot Dance is a type of Skill that can cause mass damage, each leg attack deals 10% damage, this skill lasts for 30 seconds and has Cooldown for 3 minutes.

REWARD : 78 Scolopendra Gigantea's Feet, 40 Scolopendra Gigantea Shell, 1 kg of Scolopendra Gigantea Poison, Peridot {Level 2}, 130 Gold Coin And Red Crystal Essence {Level 8}


Name : Landak Rodentia

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 76

Power : 150.000 CP

ATK : 40.000

DEF : 30.000

HP : 80.000

Speed : 15 Meter/Second

Skill :

-Thorn Shield

-Sword Rain

-Damage Reduced : 20%

-Physical Resistance : 50%

Note : The fierce shy monster, "Landak Rodentia, the Rodent King."

Thorn Shield is able to deflect damage received up to 500%. This skill is active for 30 seconds and requires Cooldown for 3 minutes. Sword Rain deals 10% damage on every thorn that Landak Rodentia launches at its target. This skill has a cooldown for 3 minutes and requires 5 minutes to grow new feathers along the 2 meters.

REWARD : Landak Rodentia Meat, Landak Rodentia Steel Feathers, Peridot {Level 2}, Red Crystal Essence {Level 8} And 150 Gold


Name : The Honey Queen {Boss}

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 82

Power : 1.160.000 CP

ATK : 20.000

DEF : 40.000 (+200.000)

HP : 150.000 (+750.000)

Speed : 16 Meter/Second

Skill : The Queen's Call

Pet : "Killer Bee" has 10% of the basic strength of The Honey Queen

Note: "Macak, Masak, Manak." The Honey Queen, the mother of bees.

The Queen's Call, the summoning of bee troops. How many Killer Bees she able to summon depends on the number of colonies she has given birth to.

REWARD : Honey Flute, 1 Barrel of Honey, Red Crystal Essence {Level 9} And 230 Gold





Name : Kemamang

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 3

Power : 1.500 CP

ATK : 1.000

DEF : 200

HP : 300

Speed : 15 Meter/Second

Skill :

-Suicide Missile

-Lightning Resistance : 100%

-Fire Resistance : 100%

-Immune to all types of Physical Attacks

-Immune to all types of Poisons

-{Level 1} Threat of Fear

Note : The flying fireball, Kemamang. "Look at me and I'll get burned!"

Suicide Missile is launching towards the target which sacrifices the existence of Kemamang. This skill can cause a total damage of 1,000%.

REWARD : Fire Resistance, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 1} And 3 Silver Coin.


Name : Pocong

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 5

Power : 2.500 CP

ATK : 0

DEF : 2.500

HP : 0

Speed : 1 Meter/Second

Skill :


-{Level 4} Threat of Fear

Note : One of the most popular types of Undead among the Senshi, "Pocong, the jump bolster."

Illusion is a passive skill that can make living things around Pocong see something that is not real. This skill is active for 10 minutes and has a cooldown for 5 minutes.

REWARD : Pocong Strap, Pocong Cloth, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 1} And 5 Silver Coin.


Name : Skeleton Army

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 10

Power : 5,000 CP

ATK : 1,000

DEF : 1,000

HP : 3,000

Speed : 5 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Sword Slashes

-Fire Resistance : 50%

-Lightning Resistance : 50%

-Immune to all Types of Poisons

-{Level 1} Threat of Fear

Note : Skeleton Army is an Undead originating from the corpses of villagers that had been resurrected by the Elder Lich, and made into a skull army that had no fear.

Sword Slashes is a skill that concentrates all power in one strike to slash enemies, this skill deals 100% damage and has CoolDown for 2 minutes.

REWARD : Skeleton Ash, 1 Gold Coin And 10 Red Crystal Essence level 1


Name : Gundul Pecengis

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 11

Power : 7,000 CP

ATK : 2,000

DEF: 1,000

HP : 4,000

Speed : 19 Meters/Second

Skill :


-{Level 3} Threat of Fear

Note : "Dusk Devil" is the nickname of Gudul Pecengis, an Undead who spends their time playing at dusk. Their favorite game is "Laugh Or Die", where they will run around the victim while making the victim laugh by showing their silly faces. If the victim doesn't want to laugh, then Gudul Pecengis will activate the Skill Laughter by scratching and biting the victim's body in turn. They will not immediately kill their victims until they are completely satisfied playing or the victims were dead.

Skill Laughter increases Gudul Pecengis's Speed by 3 times. This skill is active for 1 minute and has CoolDown for 2 minutes.

REWARD : Gundul Pecengis Key Chain, 5 Gold Coin, Onyx And 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 2}


Name : Sundel Bolong

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 21

Power : 18.000 CP

ATK : 2.000

DEF : 2.000

HP : 14.000

Speed : 7 Meter/Second

Skill :


-{Level 4} Threat of Fear

Note : Sundel Bolong is a curious spirit of a prostitute who died from being raped and then gave birth to her child in the tomb. "Sir, satay sir!"

Transformation skill can last for 5 minutes. This skill has no cooldown.

REWARD : Sundel Bolong Negligee, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 3} And 26 Gold Coin.


Name : Kuntilanak

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 22

Power : 20.000 CP

ATK : 4.000

DEF : 3.000

HP : 13.000

Speed : 19 Meters/Second

Skill :


-{Level 4} Threat of Fear

Note : Kuntilanak or often referred to as Kunti is a ghost that is believed to originate from pregnant women who died or women who died from childbirth.

Transformation skill changes can last up to 10 minutes. This skill has a 1 minute cooldown.

REWARD : Sundel Bolong Negligee, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 3} And 29 Gold Coin.


Name : Kuyang

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 30

Power : 36,000 CP

ATK : 25,000

DEF : 5,000

HP : 6,000

Speed : 20 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Bite And Suction

-{Level 5} Threat of Fear

Note : Kuyang is actually a human being (woman) who demands the teachings of black magic to achieve eternal life. Because the ritual they carried out claimed many victims and troubled the citizens, the king cursed them to be a monstrous creature that lived forever. Kuyang's favorite foods are the blood of women who are pregnant and the blood of babies who are under 3 years old.

Bite And Suction will be active after Kuyang suck blood. When this skill is active, for 5 minutes all of its strength will increase by 3 times. Bite And Suction has no Cooldown.

REWARD : Sawan, 55 Gold Coin, Topaz {Level 2}, Emerald {Level 2}, Ruby {Level 2}, Onyx {Level 2} And 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 3}


Name : Headless Durian Runtuh

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 31

Power : 40.000 CP

ATK : 10.000

DEF : 5.000

HP : 25.000

Speed : 12 Meter/Second

Skill :


-Stump Head Home Run

-Damage Reduced : 20%

-{Level 5} Threat of Fear

Pet : "Watchdog" has 10% of the basic strength of Headless Durian Runtuh, + 20 Speed Points.

Note : Headless Durian Runtuh was once a grave keeper who died miserably at the hands of the residents. During his lifetime, every young girl who died, on the first night they were buried, Headless Durian Runtuh dismantled the graves of the girls and raped their bodies. Citizens who were furious about the inhumane deeds of the grave keeper beat him up and then beheaded him. After he died, his head was made to play throwing catch by the residents. While his body is nailed to a durian tree and left to rot.

Decapitation deals 100% damage and has a cooldown of 2 minutes. Stump Head Home Run increases Attack Points Headless Durian Runtuh by 500%. When this skill is active, the stump head is immune to all types of attacks. This skill has a 5 minute cooldown.

REWARD : Machete Guard Grave, Dog Whistle, Ruby {Level 2}, Peridot {Level 2}, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 4} And 60 Gold Coin.


Name : Jailangkung

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 33

Power : 48.000 CP

ATK : 0

DEF : 40.000

HP : 8.000

Speed : 15 Meter/Second

Skill :


-Damage Reduced : 50%

-{Level 2} Threat of Fear

Note : Jailangkung is the name of a puppet figure from a traditional game that is supernatural ritual. The game called "Cay Lan Gong" is performed as a ritual to summon supernatural entities from the gods "Poyang" and "Moyang" when the moon festival is taking place.

The Takeover skill is able to take over the human body which is within 10 meters of Jailangkung. When this skill is active, Jailangkung's body will be surrounded by a thin magic barrier and he will fly at an altitude of 5-10 meters above the humans that being controlled by him.

REWARD : Jailangkung, Peridot {Level 2}, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 4} And 80 Gold Coin


Name : Skeleton Knight

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 37

Power : 64,000 CP

ATK : 7,000

DEF : 12,000

HP : 45,000

Speed : 13 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Sword Slashes

-Death Shield

-Fire Resistance : 60%

-Lightning Resistance : 60%

-Physical Resistance : 10%

-Magic Resistance : 10%

-Immune to all Types of Poisons

-{Level 3} Threat of Fear

Note : Skeleton Knight is an Undead that came from the corpses of the royal soldiers that had been resurrected by the Elder Lich, and made into a skull army that had no fear.

Sword Slashes is a skill that concentrates all power in one strike to slash enemies, this skill deals 100% damage and has CoolDown for 2 minutes. Death Shield is a defense skill that is able to increase their Defense Points up to 5 times greater, this skill lasts for 30 seconds and has CoolDown for 3 minutes.

REWARD : Skeleton Ash, 120 Gold Coin, Amethyst {Level 2}, Emerald {Level 2} And 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 4}


Name : Kolor Ijo

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 38

Power : 68.000 CP

ATK : 8.000

DEF : 20.000

HP : 40.000

Speed : 15 Meters/Second

Skill :


-Physical Resistance : 50%

-Magic Resistance : 30%

-{Level 3} Threat of Fear

Note : Kolor Ijo is an astral creature that has caused a lot of controversy among the residents. The average victim of Kolor Ijo is women. Kolor Ijo likes to force his victims to have intimate relations with violence. In fact, there are many women who died as a result of sexual violence committed by Kolor Ijo.

When activating the Lust skill, Kolor Ijo's penis will tense and enlarge as big as an adult's arm, making the Attack and Speed of this undead increase by 5 times. Skill Lust is active for 10 minutes and has a Cooldown for 10 minutes.

REWARD : Shorts Green Drawstring Pants, 3 Ruby {Level 1}, 3 Onyx {Level 1}, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 4} And 130 Gold Coin.


Name : Babi Ngepet

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 48

Power : 108,000 CP

ATK : 18,000

DEF : 20,000

HP : 70,000

Speed : 20 Meters/Second

Skill :

-The King's Call

-Anger Blow


-Physical Resistance : 30%

-Magic Resistance : 30%

-{Level 3} Threat of Fear

Note : Babi Ngepet were once humans who learned black magic to enrich themselves. Because of their greed for wealth, they were condemned to be human pigs that live eternally. Even though they have lost their minds as human beings, their greed for wealth is eternal.

"The King's Call" is a skill that is able to summon all Wild Boars within a radius of 1 km. "Anger Blow" is a single hard hit that causes 300% damage and has Cooldown for 5 minutes. "Henkei" is a transformation skill that will activate when Babi Ngepet's HP is below 10% and can only be used once a day.

REWARD : Map Fragment {Part 7}, Treasure Chest Key, 230 Gold Coin, Amethyst {Level 2}, Emerald {Level 2} And 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 5}


Name : Wewe Gombel

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 51

Power : 120.000 CP

ATK : 20.000

DEF : 30.000

HP : 70.000

Speed : 25 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Breast Shrinkage

-Damage Reduced : 30%

-Physical Resistance : 50%

-{Level 8} Threat of Fear

Note : Wewe Gombel is an evil spirit who likes to kidnap children abandoned by their parents. Even so, Wewe Gombel never harmed the children they kidnapped, and instead treated them well. Wewe Gombel will usually terrorize the child's parents until they are aware of their ill treatment of their children. When they realize their bad deeds, Wewe Gombel will return their children.

Breast Shrinkage makes Wewe Gombel's breast tighten, making her immune to all types of magical attacks for 1 minute. This skill is activated when Wewe Gombel's HP reaches 50%, and requires Cooldown for 1 minute.

REWARD : Kidnapped Children, Amethyst {Level 2}, Peridot {Level 2}, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 6} And 260 Gold Coin.


Name : SumantoX {Boss}

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 63

Power : 845,000 CP

ATK : 20,000

DEF : 30,000 (+120,000)

HP : 135,000 (+540,000)

Speed : 15 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Splitting Hoe

-Dead Summoner


-Physical Resistance : 40%

-Magic Resistance : 40%

-{Level 4} Threat of Fear

Note : SumantoX is a middle-aged man who is the caretaker of Rustic Grave. Although he is still a human, but thanks to the black magic he has that made him lives eternally, and classified him as an Undead which is an enemy of humanity.

Splitting Hoe deals 200% damage and has a cooldown for 3 minutes. Dead Summoner is a skill to summon Undead troops in Rustic Grave. Cannibalism is a regeneration skill that is done by eating Undead meat. Every 1 bite will regenerate SumantoX's HP by 1%. There is no cooldown or regeneration time for Cannibalism skill.

REWARD : The Undead Calling Stone, X Digger Hoe, Amethyst {Level 3}, Topaz {Level 3}, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 7} And 429 Gold Coin.





Name : The Mighty Albino

Monster Type : Beast

Level : 70 {EVO}

Power : 900.000 CP

ATK : 150.000

DEF: 150.000

HP : 600.000

Speed : 35 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Super Heavy Blow

-Ground Destroyer


-Damage Reduction : 30%

Note : The Mighty Albino is an evolution of The Mighty Beast. This monster has a bad temper and doesn't hesitate to kill anyone around him.

Super Heavy Blow inflicts 100% damage and has a cooldown for 2 minutes. Ground Destroyer is classified as a type of mass skill that causes damage to the center of destruction by 200%, this skill has a cooldown for 3 minutes. The Rampage skill will activate when The Mighty Albino's HP reaches 20%. When entering Rampage mode, The Mighty Albino's body will enlarge to as high as 5 meters and make its HP, defense and attack status increase up to 3 times.

REWARD : The Mighty Albino Brain, The Mighty Albino Skin, Ruby {Level 4}, Emerald {Level 4}, Topaz {Level 4}, Peridot {Level 4}, Dark Crystal Essence {Level 70} And 900 Gold Coin


akan di update setelah muncul Monster baru.

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