
True Love

Veronica sheathed his blade and sniffed. "Better," he said. He nodded at Riot. "Mount up, let's get out of this hole and to the real Real city."

The thief nodded and climbed upon the horse they had acquired for her earlier. The two spurred their steeds on, galloping through the town and out into the fields surrounding it, passing several startled travellers on the way.

"Tell me again about this Harry the Horrible," Veronica asked after a while, apparently unperturbed by the speed of travel.

"Harold the Hedonistic," corrected Riot, shouting to be heard over the wind of their passage. "He came to power in a bloody coup some years ago. "He killed the old king, Vilcent the Very Nice, and has ruled with a bloodied iron fist since, encouraging the dark forces and suppressing good."

"Went on a killing spree did he? Slaughtered all the white wizards and tortured the heroes no doubt," said Veronica, grinning to himself. "Sounds like my kind of guy."

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