
Young Lady...

"Good then.. All the best for all of your future battles. The road towards your success will not be always easy.. There will be many obstacles and difficulties but you have to block them in order to fulfil your dreams...

So never lose your confidence in yourself and always keep smiling. Because, smile is the best weapon of winning a deadly war with your enemies..  Mr. Lopez motivated Diana with his inspirational words..

"Thanks sir. I'll definitely remember all of your suggestions with my whole heart. I'll also try my best to stand on all of your expectations." Diana said, giving him a bright smile..

Mr. Lopez nodded his head, returning her a smile and looked at Mrs. Brooks before saying, "Show her around the building and let her know about our all of the employees along with her team members and others.."

Mrs. Brooks said, "Yes sir. I'm about to give her a tour of this office after leaving from here."

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