
Mong Realm Immortal’s Battle Style

"Gah!" The immortal screamed in despair, watching the formation shatter under a single punch from Krune as the backlash disrupted the environment, destroying his herbs. They would no longer mature or reach the state he had been hoping for. 

In a single action, his more than two centuries' worth of painstaking efforts had been rendered useless. 

"You... bastard!" the immortal bellowed in anger, erupting with the entirety of his strength, causing his body to swell up immediately as he turned into a giant with three heads, punching forth at Krune. 

The swelling up of the body was related to his body cultivation, rapidly spiking his strength. The emergence of three heads was related to his soul cultivation. After all, at present, he had three minds to work simultaneously with, allowing him to attack Krune's mind in three different ways. 

It would be like fighting against three cultivators. 

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