
The Phantoms

[Author's note: No Alexandria in this chapter]

Discord: https://discord.gg/4j4yC6EEK8

[Words: 1335]

(The Triskelion Washington D.C)

A caucasian man wearing a tailored suit, and black leather shoes, was moving rather quickly down the corridor to report to his boss with a black tablet in his hands. The tension can clearly be seen on his face, even if he was trying to feign a calm exterior, causing everyone to move aside to let him through.

His dark brown hair and receding hairline disguised him as one Agent Phil Coulson. The right-hand man to the director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division or better known as S.H.I.E.L.D.

An expert in information gathering, stealth, and diplomacy, he has already seen more things than people would believe. His calm demeanor during those chaotic scenarios distinguished him from the rest of the rabble making him on of the most high ranking S.H.I.E.L.D with a clearance level of 8 out of 10, with Maria hill, Alexander Pierce and Nick Fury being the only ones with higher clearance levels.

He is generally considered a very easy going individual, with a great sense of humor, so to find him reacting this way, would mean that an unprecedented even had occurred.

Reaching to his destination where he would otherwise have knocked since he knew from personal experience just how much of a hardass his boss can be, and not knocking before entering would have immediately landed him one a one-way ticket to Furyville, however, despite knowing these consequences he instead just kicked the door open.

Surprisingly however instead of immediately getting yelled at or getting shot since Fury has been known to shoot at people when they earn his Fury, he saw his boss pacing back and forth not even giving him a glance with a cellphone in his hand placed next to his ear.

"Yes, Mr. President. We already have a quick response team on-site with a secondary team en route... Yes... Yes sir, We'll send an update when able... Goodbye, sir have a good day sir."

Placing the cellphone on the table, Nick Fury sighed heavily before the intimating bald African American man, turned to face Coulson.

His signature black eye patch and his all-black combat attire covered by a black leather trench coat made for a rather intimidating sight.

"Coulson. I had to find straight from POTUS, that a 48c event had just occurred. POTUS HAD TO TELL ME! THE DIRECTOR OF S.H.I.E.L.D! THAT A 48c EVENT HAD OCCURRED! CARE TO EXPLAIN YOUR SELF?!" Nick Fury started off calmly before exploding in unexpected rage.

Sweating a little(Read: Sweating buckets), Coulson began to speak before he was cut off from providing an excuse.

"WE are S.H.I.E.L.D. WE are supposed to be the one's that the tell POTUS, when stuff like a fucking 48c event happens not the other way around! Thankfully people were already on the south pole because of whole spacetime shit that happened there investigating what the hell fucked space in the ass before deciding to double team time too on the way out. So this event didn't go unnoticed. Now I'm gonna ask with all the calm that I can muster. What the fuck is going on!?" Nick Fury asked finally ending his tirade.

Nicolas Fury or simply known as Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, better known by its acronym S.H.I.E.L.D., is an American extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security. Founded in the wake of the Allied victory over the Axis powers and HYDRA in World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. was organized to protect the United States from all possible threats.

Nick Fury is an expert on deep infiltration, espionage, and assassination. He had toppled governments, assassinated world leaders, basically, he changed the world. There isn't much known about him and that's the way he likes it.

Handling over a tablet that contains the information on the event, Coulson answered the tirade like a professional.

"On 2040 hours, researches in Antarctica while researching the strange events that are happening in the continent, discovered what looked like. a huge black unidentified flying object encased in a one hundred wide mile glacier, General Ross who was on the scene at the time decided it was a good idea to send a missile in order to break the ice encasing the ship, which when asked for the reason for that decision, he said and I quote 'It would have been a huge military asset for us to get our hands on that ship before any other nation could, I decided to go with the fastest way too do so', since there was no one with a higher rank than General Ross on the scene at the time, the missile was allowed to fire towards the glacier. " Here Coulson took a deep breath before continuing.

"Once that happened, and the glacier was broken thus freeing the ship from its confines, General Ross after failing to open the ship after multiple attempts at doing so decided to call another missile to be shot towards the ship. Unfortunately, things didn't go as General Ross intended because the missile didn't even scratch the unidentified flying object, and instead it suddenly activated probably from sort of defense system and opened fire killing over 80 people and then flying off towards Earth's atmosphere, where we then lost it once it was out and into space. Everyone was evacuated off the whole continent immediately, and our teams are on-site are already cordoning off the area and trying to find any clues or missing pieces from the ship for it to then be sent towards HQ." Coulson said finishing his report.

Fury closed his eyes in contemplation, and also in order to hide his anger at the situation, before finally opening them, and talking.

"I want you to go there personally our tech with all the toys you can bring. Take another 10 agents for investigation and bring Barton with you. He can see things others don't."

"Uh, commercial or private?" Coulson asked unsurely.

A hardened stare was the answer he received.

"Right, the Quinjet it is. I'll just get going then, sir."

"I'll send Romanoff as your relief team as soon as she gets back from her mission."

Coulson nodded and walked out of the office readying himself for another mission.

Once he left, Nick Fury picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"General Ross? I have some words for you, you stupid motherfucker"


(Somewhere in space)

After the destruction of Krypton, multiple things went wrong, one of them was the destruction of the Phantom Zone. During which millions of lives were lost.

However, while the Phantom Zone destruction did kill the majority of people that resided in it, some managed to escape.

The ripple effect of the Phantom Zone's destruction broke the boundaries of the Phantom Zone, allowing the Black Zero ship, Zod's ship, to escape.

Seeing that their planet had been destroyed, Zod declared the Black Zero his new flagship and began searching the universe for surviving Kryptonian colonies, finding dead colonies, and a world engine, which they took with them.

After countless years of searching and finding nothing, Zod had almost given up on Krypton's revival.

Whilst wallowing in disappear in his ship, Zod was startled when his ship lights suddenly turned red and blared an alarm.

Looking towards the center console of his ship, whilst his crew members were running around trying to figure out what was going on, Zod saw that a distress signal had been sent from the far corner of the galaxy, from the third planet away from the Sun.

Putting his hands together and clapping to get the attention of his crew, Zod smiled and said.

"It would seem like all hope is not lost"

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