
35. The Wedding

"Oh my Jeremy, you look dashing! Handsome babe. Riley is one lucky man." I hugged him, and stroked his cheek.

"You know I love you right? But I said yes to him." I showed Jeremy my engagement ring. He was screaming and twirling me around his hotel room.

"Lori! I'm so happy for you. Oh wait till Riley hear about this." He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Later Jemmy. Today is your day. No words to anyone else until you're all done. I'm telling you this because you're my first love." I hugged him tight.

"Oh Baby bear you always know how to melt my heart. Okay, I will try to keep it from Riley, but I'm not promising for how long. Because your ring looked heavy Lori, it might even tilted you, when you walk." He joked, while I smacked his arm.

"There's the lucky fellow. Come here you James." Jeremy gave James his bear hug, congratulating him. Then we were finally called by the wedding organizer people, to gather and get ready for the ceremony.

And two hours later we were all sitting down, Riley was walking quickly to our table looking straight at me. "Lori you Bitch." Everyone was looking at us now. "Honey, congratulations!" This time he picked me up and twirled me. I was laughing at his excitement.

"Riley please, people are looking." I was blushing. James was chuckling behind me. Riley was putting me down and gave James a big hug.

"It's my wedding Lori, I do as I please. Come dance with me. James, you take Jeremy." He nodded his head to Jeremy, who was talking his way out of an old lady, that seem to blocked his path to ours.

Three hours later, we were back at his place. Tired. "Lori, what kind of wedding do you want?" He sounded exhausted. We were laying down on the bed, to lazy to stripped our tux off. Yes, I was still in my best-man's tux.

"Can we just eloped James? I don't think I'm built for weddings." I was closing my eyes slightly drifting off to sleep. I could feel James was stripping me to my underwear and getting me under the cover, with him also stripped to his boxers.


I slept trough the entire night,  I must have been very tired. James was gone, but his side was still warm. I smelled and inhaled his pillow like a pervert. Just when I needed him for morning sex.

Damn! Morning urges.

I stretched my body, and finally got up and go to the bathroom. Then put on his shirt to make coffee.

There he is. Mmm...sexy back.

I slithered my arms from his back to his front. And started kissing his back. "What are you doing up James? I thought I was going to be ravish this morning but you were gone."

He was tapping on his laptop, then stopped and move the laptop away when I start kissing his naked back.

He picked me up and put me on the kitchen island and stood  between my legs, as I draped his shoulder with my arms. "I'm arranging our wedding, we're eloping today, then straight to our honeymoon. I was checking your schedule. I think it's doable. What do you think?" He was smiling at me and stroking my hair, waiting for my answer.

"What about your parents, wouldn't they want to host a wedding for you?" 

"They would be fine, we could always take them with us, there's still place for another two in the jet."

"I'm good if they are, I just don't want to disappoint them." I was giddy on inside, the thought of being married sooner to him, warmed my heart.

"I'll call her right now. Wait, I'll put it on speaker." He was dialing his mom, his hands were on my waist now. His lips just pecked my nose.

Awww...he can be so sweet.

"Hey mom, I've got you on speaker here I'm with Lori. Is dad there?" We could hear her calling out for his dad.

"He's here now son. What is it?"

"Well, we're eloping. We're both on the same page for not wanting a wedding after attending Lori's friends last night. So, this morning I was arranging our itinerary. I asked her, but she didn't want to disappoint you guys for not witnessing our marriage. So, I'm asking you. Do you want to go with us and be our witness?"

"Oh...my, first of all James, how dare you elope without telling us. Second, thank you Lori for setting him straight. Lastly, yes! Yes we'll be your witness. Just ask someone to pick us up James. We're still at the vineyard. Just tell us what time, I'll go pack up." His mom said excitedly.

Four hours later we were in Vegas with his parents in a small wedding chapel. I was wearing my simple white dress, while he was wearing his khaki suit jacket with white pants and shirt.

We got Elvis marrying us with his parents as our witness. Though the priest was making all kinds of poses, my eyes land on James. His hand held mine and rubbed my knuckles, we were repeating our vows given by king Elvis.

I still got teary eyes, and James wiped it off with his hand. He finally announced that we were husband and wife, and he may kiss the bride.

He cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss, it was a sweet slow kiss, but I could feel his love running through it. Until he backed away, and left me to finally opened my eyes and finding him smiled widely at me.

I finally got my bearings and turned to face his parents. His mom was the first one that hugged me tightly. "Oh Lori, that was a beautiful wedding. Thank you for having us. Now you call us mom and dad okay, welcome to our family Lori." She smiled sweetly at me, then his father hugged me and pecked my cheek.

"Congratulation Lori, thank you for taking him. Be patient with him okay, any issues or wrong doings by him, you come to me, I'll set him straight for you. Okay?" He told me with a serious face, but smiled seconds later. I was grinning already.

"Thank you mom, dad. So, husband. What are we doing now. Lunch? I'm hungry. This Elvis guy had a long line of weddings on his list." He laughed at me, and quickly took all of us to the hotel restaurant and guided us to our chairs.

It was my first time in Vegas. After our late lunch, we ended up sightseeing with his parents, until it was very late in the evening.

"So, you want to go to sleep?" He asked after we parted ways with his parents and entered our honeymoon suite.

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