

Infiltrating the boy's source of power, I have come to a conclusion that this power can only be created by a certain migrated God, concluding it as a potential threat to the progress of the boy.

Now onto the observation of the boy's life, I could say that he pass for being a candidate.

The boy is subjected to the jeers of his peers and his abusive father.

In order to cope with his peers, he tried to become the clown of his class in order to turn those jeers into funny remarks, but failed in doing so, yet he still persisted, but the purpose change into being the 'funny guy' to make friends into being his true personality, that is, until his very own father killed his mother when he was sixteen, turning him to a boy who subjected himself to vices.

Being mentally scarred, the unstabled child saw himself into another world after his death.

Due to the influence of the system, the vulnerable boys' personality change into a ruthless person who thought of nothing but his ambition.

Due to him not knowing how the mind of a person worked and due to his brimming confidence in the power of the system, the mentally unstabled Pleron was easily stabbed in the back.

Dumb and irrational.

Feral and delusional.

But knows how to decieve, and quite perceptive if he doesn't put his own preblems at the back of his head, this weakness is quite exploitable to those around him.

Unlike boys of his age, curiosity doesn't seemed to be implemented to him as he doesn't ask much about anything.

The system seems to be inconsistent and is still trying to trick the boy, despite my interference.

The boy cannot still see ahead and make decision appropriate in his situation.

Once dreamt of being a hero.

Our candidate still has improvements to make.

Hopefully the trial of Sros would have an effect to the boy.

His genetic pool seemed to have an inkling of King Solomon, since the main lineage of solomon had long since stopped, outer branch from a bastard's dynasty seems to be a viable reason.

That is the end of the report for now, further observation is still needed.

Reported by Aeshma.

(Observation still ongoing)

(Will be updated)

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