
Chapter: Six - Where the War of the Gate Begins

The boy Jonathan guided Crystal through the camp that was Tear down and massacred by the enemy that overpowered the squad camp. As they walk above the slaughtered bodies of their allies they make their way out of the camp and back to the town of Nieil. As they made it back and send word to the Tragedy that was fallen upon their squad, by a local delivery man to send this word to Dusdonn Capital main headquarters. After the lost of their squad ( nicked named as Soldurn squad ) Jonathan and Crystal got through this situation And move on and they strengthened their self's and continue fighting in the war of the gate.

The war of the gate began, When two large tall pillars of gold that unexpectedly rise from below, the ground and on top of both of these golden pillars were statues, one statue that was on the left towards the southside face to the east and holding its arm's open like it's welcome something or maybe somebody. And on the right towards the north is another pillar with a different statue of gold that had it's hand up like it was waiting for goodbye till it was frozen and focused Onto the East.

And on the first day in the first minute of the day open. Three Fully armed battalion's from both of the countries of Bluoowu, Vinlewu, and Dusdonn both came together. And a all full battalion of magicians that we're ready to attack and heal any injured soldiers.

As four battalions of 3200 soldiers some are magicians march and charge into the gate of the unknown as they follow their commanders.

In between the two golden tall pillars is a invisible gates like a vail that is not seen by the human eye, All is seen is the other side of the pillars. And that is the ocean and beach of Dusdonn.

The surviving solder that came back alive from the first assault onto the other side of the gate, one say this.

" When we change into the other side of the gate ... we first though that we're in a canyon, but no, we where surrounded by many man-made structure buildings that are nearly high as the mountains of dolkkufer. We stay there and search the perimeters of where the gate open. Then three hours have past, we near done putting up our Camp till, we hear a men's Who is that is loud, almost on the soldiers in the battalions heard it, but the voice just talk nonsense to us, we follow the voice and the one talking was a man in full green clothing and a helmet of green And standing above a dark green thing that had a tube or a long pipe that stuck out on the side of it and this thing was pointed at us.

And in front of the thing was in Romain that we are also dressed in green clothing and wearing green and everyone of them were holding iron like staff, Instead of holding them up words like a normal magic users would usually do, they hold their stuff sideways and they pointed them to us. The solders from the land of Lizuley, as We prepare to attack and I commanders took it as a threat, Ansell on 3200 soldiers why not ready to take these men in green and it turns out to us soldiers that survived The first day, that was the biggest and greatest mistake of our long living life.

We charge at the man in green but those iron staffs bring death to our men, in the front line's, they all died quickly, but they where torn to shreds by these iron staffs.

Theses staff's shot fire, they where like mini Cannons shooting very quickly and killing our men first amount of them, and the other Commander call back there soldiers And retreated back through the gate, but knee was captured from the man in green for Four year till I was a released to the kingdom of Dusdonn , The man and green tried to talk to me but I couldn't understand their language, so I was clueless of where I was at, all till that, I was held in A prison cell, and every seven days they try talking to me, but I still can't understand them after all that time, but the switch me well and help me feel my injuries from our failed assault. After my release, the kingdoms of both, Bluoowu, Vinlewu, Mid-green, and Dusdonn, Made peace with the people on the other side of the gate, so that how I was able to come back home, but I came back with five more captives that were with me, and I came back home to live with my daughter that was surprise she was out of the war too... Huh, looks like my prayers came true Crystal."

Said The old soldier with a glad tone voice.

Yeah... Yeah they did, but at least you came back safely daddy."

Says Crystal and she walks towards the soldier of the father of her.

" I agree with that, God bless you and your daughter and I'm thankful that you're alive and well, let's hope that it will stay that way. " send Jonathan has a balance his head in Respect to the soldier and father of Crystal.