

Tyr was training Arthur as he felt warm doing so since Arthur was still a sponge that absorbed everything that he taught him.

Arthur was training when he asks, "Why are you here Tyr?"

Tyr looked at him but didn't say anything when Arthur says, "I know that Athena was here because she broke the rule and gave wisdom to the Greeks."

"Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen were here because they were fighting in the Mortal Realm while Wukong was also punished for entering other Pantheons."

"And Lucifer was quite obvious since I had to see both brothers fight in front of me."

Tyr sighs as he sits down and says, "I'm here because I adopted a Mortal as my son. I knew it was against the law but I still did so."

"You had a son," says Arthur as Tyr nods.

"Do you want to hear the story," says Tyr as Arthur was excited since it wouldn't be every day he would listen to something like that.

"Well, do you know about the war between the Jötners (Frost Giants) and the Aesirs (Asgardians)?" asks Tyr as Arthur nods since he learned about it from Athena.

"Then you must know that the fight took place on Midgard. Odin gave me a small squadron to flank the Jötners."

"We marched through a forest when we encountered a village that was burning. I commanded to attack the Jötners still their feasting on the dead."

"We killed them all so they couldn't inform about our position when we heard a newborn cry. The boy was being protected by the corpse of his mother."

"I took him in my arm and the others warned me that it would be better to kill it but I couldn't. I felt guilty for not being able to protect them that I could squish the last life of the village."

"I'm the God of War and Order in the Norse Pantheon. So I took some clean clothes and put the newborn into them before placing him around my chest with the help of my lieutenants."

"We went to war and we arrived at the right time to flank the enemy pushing the Jötners back to Jötunheimr. After the battle, I wanted as a reward to raise the newborn as my son."

"Odin allowed it as long as I didn't give it a name. He couldn't see a future for the child if it stayed in Midgard. Once in Asgard, he was raised by me. I trained him as my successor but Destiny had other plans."

Tyr sighs as Arthur looked at him seeing him quite sad when he asks, "It didn't end well?"

"It didn't," says Tyr as he continues, "My son was quite strong and I gave him Möjd (Mead) so he could reach the level of an Aesir."

"Thor died in an ambush of the Jötner and we needed a new Thor. Odin placed Mjölnir on the plaza in front of the palace and called everyone."

"Aesir after Aesir failed to lift Mjölnir and Odin had the idea of letting my son lift it," says Tyr as he sighs again.

"You were against it?" asks Arthur as Tyr nods.

"Yes, but my son was still young barely 18 years old. He was young and cocky because he was stronger than most Aesirs," says Tyr as he continues.

"He walked towards Mjölnir to try to lift it. Many thought it wasn't possible since he wasn't an Aesir or Vanir like the rest of us when suddenly Mjölnir was in the air and Lightning struck him down."

"He became the new Thor. Everything went too fast for him. He was still a boy when he was made into Thor many protested but Odin placed his hand on his shoulder and saw his future."

"Odin then walked over to me and told me he was sorry and I knew that my son was going to die. Years passed and I was trying to protect my son from everything I could but the news came to me telling me that Loki and Thor went out to hunt and encountered Shura."

"*sighs* I knew that my son wouldn't return and so it was Loki returned with some heavy wound but still breathing while Thor's body was almost not recognizable from everything that was missing."

"In my rage, I almost killed Loki that's when Shura appeared to take me away under the law of raising a mortal as my own. I went with him and told him that I would stay in prison my whole life if he could let my son rest in peace forever."

"Shura agreed as he talked to his wife and she made it possible. You might haven't met her yet but Shura's wife is Lorena. She is the Goddess of Life and Death."

"After fulfilling his promise I was imprisoned here to live in this realm until I die," says Tyr knowing he will never die.

Arthur suddenly lost a tear as Tyr says, "You are crying."

"Really," says Arthur as he hasn't noticed that his left eye was crying while his right eye wasn't.

"Was it that sad?" asks Tyr as Arthur shakes his head.

"No, but something in me suddenly felt sad," says Arthur as Tyr looked away not wanting to see Arthur for today.

"We will stop here today. See you tomorrow," says Tyr as he leaves. He didn't want that Arthur finds out that he was Thor before.

Arthur leaves as his eye stopped to leak tears while returning to his room when he meets Shura who sees him.

"Did something happen?" asks Shura worried as Arthur shakes his head.

"No, it's nothing. Just Tyr told me about his son. Why did you kill him?" asks Arthur as Shura snaps and they appeared in the dining room.

Shura sits down and Arthur follows him when Shura says, "I had to keep the law and he broke it as did Loki. The boy didn't need to die if he didn't overestimate himself too much."

"What do you mean?" asks Arthur as Shura snaps and the whole room became Shura's memory.

"We shouldn't be here," says Thor as he talked to his brother.

"Thor, you need to relax. No one will know that we went hunting on Midgard," says Loki as he couldn't be more wrong about it.

"Loki and Thor. You shouldn't be here. Return before I take you away," says Shura as he comes out of the forest.

"Who are you?" asks Thor as he had Mjölnir in his hand.

Loki was quite nervous from seeing Shura as he says, "Brother we should leave now."

"Why? He doesn't look that strong," says Thor as Loki tries to pack his shoulder to leave when Thor was already engaging Shura.

"Thor!" shouts Loki as Shura suddenly had a black sword in his hand.

"For going against the Godly Laws, Thor Tyrson is herewith punished to Death," says Shura as he swings his sword killing Thor with one move that heavily wounded Loki as well.

"Loki Laufeyson, your punishment is to drag the body of Thor Tyrson back to Asgard. Then you will be imprisoned for 100 mortal years in the Warriors Realm," says Shura as the sword disappears from his hand.

Then the room became normal again and Shura says, "If Thor hadn't attacked he would just have been imprisoned like Loki and Tyr but he must have thought that he was the strongest."

"So if he didn't attack he would still be alive," says Arthur as Shura nods.

"Exactly," says Shura as he snaps his finger, and food appears on the table and says, "But let's eat you will have a long day tomorrow."

The next day Tyr was waiting for Arthur outside and they began to train in silence as Tyr seemed to ignore Arthur a bit. This went on until Arthur asks, "Why are you ignoring me?"

Tyr didn't answer as Arthur says, "Is it because you told me the story and you are angry with me."

"That's not it," says Tyr as he turned towards Arthur as he continues, "It's because you resemble my son. That's why I sometimes sigh in the middle of training most of the time and why you thought I was sad about something in the beginning."

"Is that all," says Arthur as he looked at Tyr that only sighs.

"You even have the same temperament when it comes to training," says Tyr as he put his hand against his forehead while sighing again.

"The year is almost over so ask me about anything you want to know now that I still have both hands and can demonstrate it," says Tyr as soon his ghost hand would disappear.

"Can you stop seeing me as your son and train me as if I'm some random Joe," says Arthur as he didn't need to be compared to a human that became a god the whole time.

"As if it was so easy," mumbles Tyr in front of himself.

"What did you say?" asks Arthur when Tyr sighs again.

"I will try," says Tyr as he goes in position to attack. Earth was beginning to form around his sword as he says, "We will spar for the rest of the time I have two hands."

Arthur was happy that Tyr finally got serious. He goes into almost the same position as Earth formed around his sword copying Tyr as they clashed.

This went on until the first year came to an end with Tyr always winning against Arthur without sweating.

Tyr now only had one hand again and says, "Now its time to teach you how to overcome the handicap of having only one hand."

Tyr begins to train Arthur as Arthur was getting stronger every day since he was swinging two Greatswords in practice to strengthen both his arms while Tyr was watching.

"Why do I have to train both arms again?" asks Arthur as Tyr laughs.

"Do you want to end up like me with only one hand," says Tyr as Arthur shakes his head and Tyr continues, "Thought so. We are doing this so when an emergency strikes and you need to react you can also use both hands instead of relying on your strong hand."

This went on for a long time as Tyr felt like he was back in Asgard while training Arthur when the year passes and Tyr says, "I will really miss you, Arthur."

"Me too," says Arthur as Tyr puts his hand on Arthur's shoulder. Energy runs through Arthur's body as he felt some burning on his chest when a Valknut appears on his chest and Arthur asks, "What is that?"

"A Valknut it to honor Slain Warriors. This one will protect you once from a mortal blow. I wanted to gift it to my son but he is dead. So let me give it to you as recompensation for using you as my son," says Tyr as he could feel already Arthur's next teacher.

He grabs into nothing surprising Arthur as suddenly a man appears in Tyr's hand. He had blond hair and golden eyes when Tyr says, "Hermes."

"Tyr," says Hermes as he was in the air because of Tyr.

"Try that again and I will report it to Shura," says Tyr as Hermes became stiff.

"That will never happen again," says Hermes as Tyr puts him down.

"Well, I will leave then. Hermes train him well or Shura might train you," says Tyr as he waves at Arthur before leaving the training ground.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts
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