

Addison shook me awake the next morning. I squinted at him and asked in a harsh whisper what the time was. "It's five. Why?" I groaned and pulled my covers over my head. I was not getting up that early. "Come on Victor I want to officially show you around the school so we should get a head start." I groaned again and told him no one in their right mind would be up at this ungodly hour. "Oh fine I'll wait a few more hours, but I am taking you on a tour of the school and you can't stop me." I groaned again in response and went back to sleep.

    As promised a few hours later at eight Addison woke me up again and this time wouldn't let me go back to sleep. "People are up now so let's go!" He declared as he struggled to pull me out of bed. I sighed and yanked my arm away. I put my clothes on and noticed that there were people roaming around. Mostly humans dragging along their inhuman roommates. Addison grabbed my arm and began to drag me around. He was talking nonstop and would get distracted easily. 

The school was huge and actually kinda interesting. The classes weren't anything special, but there was a lot to do. Take that back, there was a lot to do for humans. A lot of the clubs or activities had NO INHUMANS written at the bottom of fliers and posters. Addison tore some of them down and threw them away. "Are you sure you don't want to talk to the headmaster? He is an inhuman and would probably help you play football." Addison glanced at me but I again refused. I wasn't going to go cry to the HM just because I can't solve my own problem. Addison sighed. "Fine, come on there's plenty of stuff we can do together! We don't need those stupid sports or clubs." He grabbed my arm and began to pull me again.

To anyone watching it would probably be quite the sight. A five-foot twig pulling around a six-eight football player. I saw a few people snickering mostly Inhumans. I just rolled my eyes and ignored them. Addison didn't seem to notice them or at least it didn't bother him if he did. 

After more classrooms and random buildings, Addison told me to close my eyes. I was hesitant at first but closed my eyes anyway. He pulled me along and we went up some stairs. Finally, when he told me I could open my eyes I could see we were in an astronomy tower. My jaw hit the floor. Addison was grinning from ear to ear. "Welcome to the best place in the school." I sat in one of the seats and stared at the sky. Addison sat beside me still smiling, "the astronomy club accepts all members no matter who they are." I couldn't remember hearing about an astronomy club so I asked how he knew about it. "Oh, well I made it up at my old school as a way for me to be in the astronomy tower." I chuckled a little, it was kind of silly, but he was being nice to me, so far the only one.

We watched the stars for a while then I heard Addison's stomach growl. "Looks like someone's hungry," I got up and pulled Addison to his feet. "Let's get something to eat before you get any thinner." Addison grinned and took me to the cafeteria. The food smelt pretty amazing so I got a lot of it, it being meat. Addison got a small salad. "You call that a meal? That there," I picked up a lettuce leaf, "is rabbit food." I dropped it back onto his salad. "No wonder you're so thin." Addison giggled and told me he was a rabbit and proceeded to nibble on a leaf. I couldn't help but laugh. The food was better than it was at my old school, and there was a lot more of it too.

Once we were finished we went back to our room. I had almost gotten lost, but Addison was like a human compass and was able to get us back. There was an envelope taped to our door, and it was addressed to me. My heart skipped a beat. Maybe I was getting out of this place. Addison took the envelope and handed it to me. I ripped the envelope open and the latter inside wasn't one letting me go home, but it was a letter from the headmaster stating that I was officially on the football team and if I had any problems to let him know. "Did you do this?" I stared at Addison. He bit his lower lip and nodded slowly. He then started to panic and told me not to hit him or a wall and that he wanted to do something thoughtful for me and then he started talking way too fast and I couldn't make out what he was saying anymore. I held up my hand and silenced him. Addison was on the verge of tears. "I'm not mad. Yeah, I told you to drop it and stuff, but thanks for not listening I guess." Addison began to cry and I hugged him trying to calm him down, "please stop crying, please?" 

He sniffled a few times then stared at me. "You're not mad?" I shook my head and smiled a bit. I told him that I was actually glad he did it. Addison smiled and hugged me. "Does this mean we're friends?" I was caught off guard by the question, so I just nodded slowly. Addison was so ecstatic that we were friends he started to ramble on about something, but my mind was elsewhere. I had never had a human friend before. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a wee bit happy that we were friends. I went to bed that night thinking about my friends back home and how they would react if I told them I had a human friend. Even my parents would be shocked. Maybe it was best to keep this to myself. I mean being friends with a human couldn't possibly last very long. As long as I was here though I might as well make the best of things.

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