
Vol. 5 - Chapter 2: El Conquistador (The Conqueror)

Part 1- 500 ago: Aztec Empire

The night after, Cortes sees the moon remembering the things the Red Witch said to him. He grabs his head with his eyes closed thinking what he should do. Marina touches his shoulder surprising him."What´s wrong Cortes, you look nervous did something happen?" Marina says with a worried face.

"Nothing Marina, I was thinking that we should run away to the North." Cortes says looking in the water.

Marina laughs saying: "You are kidding right now tell me what´s going?" Cortes looks at Marina with a nervous expression and says:

"I am not kidding, let´s run away now, the four of us let´s get out of here." Cortes grabs Marina´s both shoulders causing her tremble saying:

"You´re making nervous Cortes please tell me what´s going on?"

Cortes let´s go of her and walks to the water saying: "Tomorrow night there will be an invasion from my people."

Marina looks at him frightened asking:"Is that true?"

"Yes, I was informed yesterday, please let´s get out of here. I don´t want to lose you" Cortes says with tears in his eyes.

"I need to inform the others about the attack." Marina says to Cortes but he replies:

"They won´t believe you Marina, I tried telling Montezuma but he laughed believing it was a joke."

Marina looks at the sky and says: "We will leave this place, just the four of us but I need to go to the temple to inform the Gods."

Cortes at first denied the idea but later agreed. He looks at Marina saying: "Alright, tomorrow at sundown I will be waiting for you here and we will runaway before the attack." Marina hugs Cortes with confidence while he looks worried.

Meanwhile in a place 50 km away from the Capital, The Conquistador with red eyes gathered all the natives for the reunion. They gather Natives from various places who were under the control of the Aztecs. In a platform made of wood stand the man with red eyes, and the man with green eyes.

"Good evening, I am "Guerra" and this man is "Conquista" and we want to discuss something with you!" The man with great eyes says to the Natives.

"We are going to attack tomorrow night the capital, are you tired from being there empire?" The man screams making the Natives doubt, he continues to explain: "Join us to defeat the evil Montezuma and reclaim you land."

The Natives at first rejected the idea, but then one of them says: "He´s right, we need to free ourselves from them."

"Perfect" The man with red eyes says to the man of green eyes.

He lifts his sword and says: "Fiesta De Guerra" (War Party)

Red shock waves come out of the sword passing though all the Natives. The Natives change into black with red corneas. They begin to scream calling for war. The man with red eyes says: "Now then tomorrow night is "La Conquista"!!!" (The Conquest) The natives begin to cheer for the man of red eyes as he says: "We are the followers of Cortes."

Part 2- 500 years Before: Tenochtitlan.

"We are going daddy" Xochitl says hugging Cortes. He hugs her saying: "Good bye my flower please don´t forget that I Love You!"

He hugs Ahide as well saying: "Protect your sister please, don´t forget about me." Ahide looks at him with weird eyes saying: "Okay I will, but we will see you again in the afternoon"

"I´ll be back, please wait for us." Marina says to Cortes as she hugs him. "Sure I will do that" Cortes replies with a low tone.

Marina, Ahide and Xochitl went to the temple; Marina puts flowers praying for the safety of her people.

In the house on the island, the chairs, the tables and everything in the inside the house is in pieces. Cortes is in his knees punching the ground saying:

"Why, why me, why do I have to do this why?" He begins to cry as he hears a voice saying:

"It is because that is your true nature." Cortes looks up with frightened eyes looking at himself with red eyes; the whole room turns black with the furniture white. Cortes begins to think that everything is in his mind.

"We are conquistadores, it is our mission to show these animals who is in charge." The white eye Cortes says to himself.

"No, you're wrong I will run away to the North with Marina and my children." Cortes replies. But his other self begins to laugh and says:

"Those aren´t your children, you only have one child: Martin and he is your only son, now the time has come, stand up and face me."

Cortes stands up with rage to confront his other self but gets stabbed with a sword. The white eyes Cortes says: "It is time Cortes or should I say; Hernan Cortes." Cortes begins to turn to ashes crying saying: "Marina, Ahide and Xochitl please forgive me."

Hernan wakes up with his eyes white amd stands up. Malitze and Martin are in the house with him. Malitze says: "Are you ready? "Hernan smiles with an evil glare saying: "Es la hora de la conquista"( It is time to conquer)

Part 3- Night of the Eclipse: Capital of Tenochtitlan.

The sun is falling, Ahide and Xochitl are crossing the bridge to get to their home. Marina is walking slower thinking of the voices she was hearing back at the temple saying "Beware"

Xochitl opens the door saying: "Papa donde estas?"(Daddy where are you?)However Cortes was nowhere to be seen. Ahide runs to the house and sees all the furniture destroyed. He begins to say: "What happened?"

Suddenly Xochitl faints causing Ahide to scream: "Xochitl" however Ahide also faints. Marina sees their children unconscious. She screams her children's names trying to wake them up.

"There alright Marina, they are just unconscious." A voice of woman says behind her. Marina turns around and sees a woman with a red dress and a veil. Marina stands up and says: "Who are you?"

"My name is Isabella and you will come with me. The Conquest has begun." Isabella says as an explosion occurs in the entrance of the capital.


Fire begins to be seen with great intensity. Isabella snaps her fingers and light shines making Marina and her disappear leaving her children behind.

In the entrance of the city, a great explosion occurs thanks to the man calling himself "Guerra." Hernan Cortes enters the city with his horse followed by "Marina" and the two men, they were all his army of Conquistadores and Natives. Many Aztec soldiers begin to attack with arrows and swords. The man calling himself "Conquista" raises his sword and green fog flows from the sword. The man says:

"Zelenaya Mor" (Green Pestilence)

He swings his sword causing all the Aztec warriors fall in their knees throwing up blood. They begin to die one by one; others only lay on their knees. Cortes raises his sword saying:


The conquistadores and the Natives clash into a bloody battle causing massive explosions, and many deaths. The battle lasted for 3 hours with the victory of the Conquerors. Marina and Isabella appear within the crowd looking at the top of the pyramid. Marina is frightened to see "herself" next to Cortes.

"What is happening?" Marina says as she begins to walk through the crowd but she is stopped by Isabella saying: "Wait, let's see the show as it begins."

Montezuma is on his knees bleeding with a sword pointing at him. La Malinche steps forward to say in Ancient Aztec: "AZTECAS KNEEL BEFORE OUR SAVIORS WHO CAME FROM THE HEAVENS, THE CONQUISTADORES!" The conquistadores begin to cheer as the natives fear form them. La Malinche continues to say pointing at Cortes and Montezuma: "HERNAN CORTES IS THE SAVIOUR FOR OUR RACE, HE WILL LEAD US TO A BETTER TOMORROW, NOW FOLLOW US OR HE WILL DIE!!" The Aztecs begin to kneel for Cortes and his men. Isabella grabs Marina and disappears. Cortes and the others disappear as well. At that moment the Conquistadores begin to slaughter the Aztecs who kneel before him.

Part 4 – Night of the Eclipse: Temple of the Deities.

Marina and Isabella appear in the altar of the 5 Deities. "Now then Marina tell me, where is the Golden Key?"

Mariana opens her eyes saying: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You should cooperate Marina, or else you will die." A voice says to Marina, she turns around and sees herself. With a frightened voice she says: "Who are you?"

"I am you, but better." Malintze says to Marina laughing. Cortes appears from behind with Montezuma and the two conquistadores. Marina begins to scream:

"Cortes, help me, she is trying to kill me." However he stays silent looking at her with rage. Marina runs towards him, but Cortes hits her causing her to fall a couple of stairs. Marina begins to cry and say:

"Why, I thought we were going to run away why?"

"SHUT UP!! YOU IMPOSTER." Cortes screams to Marina. Malitze hugs Cortes saying: "Cortes you should kill the imporster for our sake."

"Who is she, Cortes what has happened to you?" Marina exclaims to Cortes who says: "She is my wife Malintze and you are the imposter, I love this woman." At that moment Malitze kisses Cortes in front of her. This causes Marina to grab her chest, cry and scream: "TRAIDOR!!!!"

"Guerra" picks up Marina and drags her pulling her hair towards the center of the altar. He says to Marina pointing a gun at her: "Now where is the Golden Key, tell me and we will spare them."

"Guerra" points at the children who were standing and screaming for her. "Conquista" points a gun at Marina as "Guerra" walks pointing a gun at them. "NOOOOOO!!!" Marina screams at the man. She looks at Cortes saying: "HELP YOUR CHILDREN CORTES HELP THEM!"

Cortes looks away saying: "Those are not my children you bitch. I only have one child named Marin Cortes and she is his mother." Marina is shocked on what she was hearing. "YOU MONSTER!!!!I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Marina screams with hate. Suddenly the five deities from the Altar begin to shine with brightness. The 5 Deities Gods appear before them. Quetzalcoatl releases a breath of manna towards "Guerra" causing the stairs to collapse.


The children begin to fall seeing Marina one last time as she says to them: "I LOVE YOU!!"

The Five Deities attack the Conquistadores. "Guerra" punches the Guardian Jaguar and The Feathered Serpent.


The Red Witch appears in the middle and chants: " Sigillum Ruber" (Red Seal)

The three deities: Huitzilopochtli the Green Hummingbird, Tlaloc the Blue Rain Xlamander and Xipototec the Orange Guadian Dog get sealed in three paintings. Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca escaped the sealing and head to attack Isabella but the two Conquistadores punched them knocking them out causing them to fall off the temple. Isabella goes to where Marina is and grabs her hair saying: "Where is the key?"

Marina remembers that the Gods said to her: "The Key is in the heart of the volcano. It will open on the night of the Lunar Eclipse and we need a sacrifice to see that. Please protect it, it will cause the destruction of this land if someone else holds it."

"I see so the Volcano." Isabella says as she read Marina's mind.

"WWAAAIIIITT" Marina says as all of them disappear into the Volcano.



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