
Chapter 3: Road to Recovering

'So going for the heart is a big no.'

'Where did I stabbed the first one? Heart, lung, eye, and lung again.

'Possibly eye, near the brain, let's try again.'

He jumped again and with a good aim, he got his eyes in a matter of milliseconds.

And the zombie fell to the floor.



One month.

A boy about six years old is viewing himself in the mirror for about 10 minutes without doing anything but stare.

'So this is how I look like.'

It is the first time looking himself in the mirror since he got here. One month has passed, and a lot has happened. He somehow managed to convince his relatives to ignore him completely. What looked like a boy of 3'5 feet tall, now is a boy of 4'1. His body now more muscular, thanks to the food he kept in his inventory, courtesy of the System in exchange for points.

Dark curly long hair fell to the sides of his face. The exercise, food, good improving mental health, and a dose of social interaction on the outside have made the unhealthy starved child into a healthy and somewhat 'cute' boy.

Syrme was not going to be quiet and stuck in the house of horror forever. So he travelled with apparition to some other countries and sites with wizardly people.

That's when he discovered something fundamental about this world.

It happened when he was passing through an electronic store in North America, more specifically in San Francisco. The titular in the news was like a wake-up call to get even stronger than before. Given that one of his dreams, since he was a kid, was to help people.


Howard Stark: inventor, scientist, engineer, multimillionaire.

Marvel World too.

'Maybe after I end with the Death eaters mess I could do something to help? But for now, I don't think they will need me or my knowledge. If the movies go the same way, then there is nothing to be worried about.'

'But again, in Harry Potter, Harry wasn't supposed to die.'

'Then, this could go different too.'

'Nothing to do right now. I am just a kid at the moment. Even if I have the System to help me.'

In the second week of that same month, Syrme experienced what was likely to happen at one point in the future.

He killed.

It was a vampire, but it was a kill of a sentient and intelligent being nevertheless.

The vampire had a base of 'food' in the south of Japan full of kids and a few women.

'It was necessary, that vampire wasn't going to stop getting his food that way.'

'I know that for a vampire is impossible not to kill at some point, but what he had done was unforgivable. He is a creature that needs blood to live. That doesn't mean he could kidnap kids and do whatever he wants with the life of an inocent person.'

Syrme's eyes were fixed sometime this last week and the scar in his head gone. If someone were to see him, never in their wildest imaginations would believe this was Harry Potter.

Eyes fixed with the System. Scar because when Harry died, the Horcrux died with him.

Now his new destination is New Zeland.

'Time to go.'

Syrme recollected his things into the inventory and prepared himself.

Soon after, he disappeared with a loud pop sound.

He appeared in Whakatane, New Zeland. In some woods of the area. He always before travelling investigates the site, and in this particular place, there is a cave named Muriwai where several people tried to investigate the situation only for no-one get out. There were several hotels over nearby, so there is time to search about the matter.

The next day Syrme was buying some medical kits in the town. It was late at night, and it was cold. The nights of winter, especially in New Zeland were freezing so he was wearing a lot of clothes. Money was quickly gettable once you had the System, even easier directly buy the thing you want from the System. But sometimes he just wanted some normalcy, and a little walk to clear his mind of things.

Just when he was about to go to the place of interest, howlings were heard at the Forest Kapu Te Rangi, only at the back of the Muriwai's cave.

'Werewolves this time, not just one. I need to be careful.'

It was not rare that there were zones with werewolves around the globe. What was rare is that there were killing all over the place and not just no-one came to investigate but also the pack didn't go away.

They weren't scared of getting caught.

'Something is happening in this place.'

"Hey boy, if I were you, I wouldn't go to that place. You should go with your parents." A rough voice came from the small house where Syrme was passing.

"Do you know what was that? It didn't sound like a wolf..." Syrme said innocently, trying to get information from the man.

"As I told you, kid, you should go to your parents. This place is getting weirder as time passes by, and this is no place for a kid, especially at these hours at night." The man replied evenly.

When Syrme was going to respond to him, another voice made itself known.

"Oh? What do we have here... kid, how old are you?" The newcomer said. Syrme didn't have to look at the new entity to know the man was someone vicious and ill-intentioned.

Faster than meets the eye the vicious guy was in front of Syrme with his jaws opened and in direction to Syrme's neck.

Dodging with little difficulty Syrme rolled to the ground and canted his aria.

'Here I dream, here I learn!'

Reinforcing his body and legs, Syrme headed to the man.

'Renewal Taekwondo - Arang!' Syrme elbowed the man in the stomach sending a shockwave through him.

'Renewal Taekwondo - Baekdu - Recoilless Baekdu!' A knee to the side and another jumping high and hitting in the head.

"THIS BRAT!" Now rabid furious the man tried to grab Syrme, but to no avail, it was like trying to catch a fish in the water.

Taking advantage of the state of him, Syrme took out his Stilleto.

'He is so enraged that he is telegraphing his movements clearly.'

The last thought of the man was something intelligible for the human tongue.

[140,000 EXP Gained]

[10,000 StP Gained]

'A werewolf.'

The now-dead man was hairy and big. He has what looks like a wand in his left pocket.

'He forgot the wand in his frenzied state. He didn't think for a second that a kid could best him in close combat.'

'Wait... he looks familiar.'

'System: scan.'

[Fenrir Greyback - Lvl 67]

{Status - Dead}

'Fenrir Greyback?! Wasn't he supposed to be in Azkaban? So he was free and recruiting in New Zeland?'

'Now that I remember the people murdered were always grown-ups, and the disappeared were kids. I suppose that it has to do with indoctrination?'

'Greyback kidnapped kids, killed the parents. When the kids were made werewolves, then they teach them how to hate muggles and wizards alike.'

'If I'm not wrong, that was the mentality of Greyback back when I read the book.'

A sigh escaped the lips of Syrme.

'What a mess, now what do I do with the kids and the rest of the pack.'

[ Stats ]

Lvl: 32

EXP: 13,400/190,000


-Name: Harry Potter

-True Name: Syrme

-Race: Human

-Age: 6 years


-Strenght: 22

-Vitality: 33

-Dexterity: 50

-Intelligence: 43

-Wisdom: 56

-Charisma: 30

-Luck: 3

Points unassigned: 105


Origin: Dreams, Knowledge.

Magic Circuits: 30C

Magical Core: B

Magical Trigger: Here I dream, here I learn.



-???: ???

-Death Wisdom: A

-ID: Create/Escape: D->C

-Spellcasting: C->A

-Speech: C->B

-Instinct: D->C

-Occlumency: C->B

-Thought acceleration: C->A

-Memory Partition: D->C

-Paranza Corta: D->B

-Reinforcement: D->C

-Northern ITF Taekwondo: D->C

-Renewal Taekwondo: D->B

-Memory Manipulation: D->C

-Apparition: C->B


{ID: Create/Escape: D->C}

Creating and escaping a dimensional space around you that depending on the level of the skill, it introduces more things and beings into the said dimension. Warning: Someone with enough space awareness could discover the dimension.

{Spellcating: C->A}

This skill consists of the proficiency of spellcasting either by voice or by thought. For this skill is necessary to have a magical core or magical circuits in the caster. For any skill with the requisite of magecraft is needs a magical trigger, also known as an aria.

{Speech: C->B}

Conversation understanding, speech managing, and Skills related to voice are improved.

{Instinct: D->C}

Rare Skill that only comes with experience. The user has a better intuition about what is going on around you. When it comes to following a path, you 'feel' if something could go wrong.

{Occlumency: C->B}

The practice of the mind. More organised thoughts. Creation of mindscape and protection of the mind. Occlumency is the art of one's mind.

{Thought acceleration: C->A}

With the need for the magical trigger. The thought of caster is accelerated for the amount of time the caster wishes. Warning: Using this skill for an extended period could cause migraines.

{Memory Partition: D->C}

It is the ability to partition their thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single "room" in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms.

{Paranza Corta: D->B}

Style of blade/knife fighting of Italian origin. Paranza Corta centre itself around blocking strikes and responding with counter attacks of quick stabbing motions in very delicate zones of the body. Jugular vein, kidney, eye, carotid artery, brachial artery, wrists, heart, lungs, liver, femur artery, etc.

{Reinforcement: D->C}

Purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost limit. It is the foundation of all Magecraft that enhance the existence of the target by pouring Magical Energy. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Magical Energy. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or in the case of a living creature, physical strength, and durability.

{Northern ITF Taekwondo: D->C}

Art developed in modern North Korea. This type of Taekwondo is derived from ITF Taekwondo which favours straight, fast attacks and, unlike WTF Taekwondo, allows all forms of fighting without protection.

{Renewal Taekwondo: D->B}

Art developed in modern South Korea. It is emphasised in strong, linear kicks like its base WTF Taekwondo. Some skills are directly linked with WTF Taekwondo.

{Memory Manipulation: D->C}

It is an alteration of the mind's records to make a person forget about a specific event. Effectiveness is limited by the number of deviations between what the target remembers and what the people around them remember. Basic spell of magecraft.

{Apparition: D->B}

Method to travel used by the wizarding world. This is accomplished by having the user focus on the desired location in their mind and then purposely disappearing from that spot to reappear at the location the user envisioned.


Chapter finished.

I was hoping, this story is large enough to make Syrme travel a lot of worlds, like Naruto, One Piece maybe even Worm or DC?

He would need a comrade or a lover/girlfriend.

Harem? I think not. But we'll see.

Am I making Syrme overpowered very quick?

GadigWalkercreators' thoughts
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