
Gut Feeling

Fifteen minutes before the chaos.

"Bad things will happen to you and your family…." 

Belen kept replaying the elderly's warning in her head, which made her unable to properly pay attention to her surroundings.

She was in the elevator accompanied by Everest when the two got off and was automatically surrounded by security to escort them around A STAR. 

But nonetheless, Belen was distracted, and her expression was blank when Everest glanced over to see if anything was wrong. He lightly pats her back, "Belen, are you alright?"

Belen snapped out of the trance she was in when she looked up at Everest and, for a moment, shook her head, "…no, I'm not okay…I feel anxious." Belen looks around to see that she's practically surrounded by security, meaning there is nothing that can cause her anxiety since she is fully protected. But what was causing her the most distress was the intense chills that ran down her spine, "I think I'm getting sick."

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