
Chapter 2: Beginning (part 2)

Like someone waking from a bad dream snow and his sister hastily stood up in shared shock since they were both in the same hospital room and separates bed.

Feeling scared to be a dream they both stared at each other to confirm they were alive, their sudden body motion soon caught their attention and both were left in awe

Their severed limbs where as if it weren't gone in the first place, they were fully healed, and in between their bed was a lady leaning her head on snows bed.

They both were surprised at their speed recovery and healed legs and arms they both pinch themselves to confirm they were alive.

'Thank you Father'

They both said in unison and soon found themselves laughing out their hearts and forgetting there was someone in the room.

The noise had woken up the sleeping lady whose glasses had lost it way on her face

Filled with surprise her eyes shined brighter as she instantly cleaned her face with her hands and placed her glasses properly

'Thank Goodness you two are awake'

Miss Naomi said while being filled with happiness as she was called out of the blue since she was the only one who sometimes stand as a guardian for this two.

And like they had been waiting for this moment two officials in white suits walked in, a tall broad man who Gives off the present of an S-Rank hunter and behind that man was another with pair of transparent black glasses had made their entrance.

'We noticed you two are awake so we took the privilege to come instantly from the waiting room.'

The man had spoken

Miss naomi soon sat on the bed beside white as she offered her chair to the man in front of her while the other stood behind the man as he sat.

In his hands where the pouch in snow and white position

'We got words from your guild that everyone had died but two had survived'

Snow and white hearing the man soon got angry

'and in that short gap we also received words that the dungeon had been cleared, at our arrival we found you two laying on the bare floor with this in your possession along with magic ores, golds, and other items that are currently stored in our treasury till your awakening'

Their eyes sparkled in surprised, white who was the quite type soon called to the mans noticed

'Did you say the dungeon was cleared?'

She asked


He replied

'But that is not possible, we literally died, our guild leader and vice leader made sure of that'

Snow said as he remembered everything that has transcended in the dungeon.

'Those b*stard left i and my sister all alone to die at the hands of the boss'

Snow said in anger

'Yes, we later knew of it and as of this moment they have been disbanded and their licenced has been seized by the HUNTER WELFARE ASSOCIATION'

Snow and white soon felt relieved and like a kid forgetting to do something this men soon decided to introduced Themselves.

'where are my manners, please do forgive me, i am the Personal Assistant of the President of Hunter Welfare Association ARMSTRONG VALE, and behind me is an official as well, he is Mikel.'

he smiled and passed on the two pouch, like snow had been waited for this moment, he also calmly collected the pouch while his heart race faster than before from the good news.

'One more thing, we would like you two to come to the welfare building for a reexamination, we would like to reevaluate your rank'

'We are E-rank so why is there a need to re-evaluate'

Snow brush him off and soon the reason presented itself to snow

'Well you two are now popular, they say it is impossible for just E-Rank porters to clear an old dungeons that is considered a double SS-Rank'

He stood up like he was about to leave

'I am sure you would like to know what happens next, so please get some rest and come claim your fortunes'

He said and smiled while he turned to take his leave and then stopped after remembering something

'Oh that's right, I almost forgot, the president herself wishes to see you two, so please don't hesitate to come after getting discharged'

He said and waved leaving the three behind while escorted by his bodyguard

Soon they both exited the room and walked towards the elevator while walking past few people like nurses and patients

'Those two cant possibly be able to clear a double SS-Rank Dungeon, not unless they themselves are equivalent to the rank sir'

His bodyguard spoke

'Well isn't that why we asked for them to be reevaluated?, and besides the President seems to be interested in them so there is nothing we can do about it'

He said as they both stood and waited for the elevator to arrive

'If it is as i feared, then this two will be the sixth rank hunters to be capable of clearing a SS-rank dungeon in this city'

The mechanical noise made from an elevator soon alerted them of its arrival as they both walked into it.

Feeling surprised Naomi hugged white tightly as she was happy they were safe

'That reminds me, miss Naomi how many days has passed?'

Snow asked out of curiosity as he opened the two pouch to check the validity of it contents

'6 days including today makes it 7 days sorry'

Naomi said and was surprised at snow who had taken off his clothes, he was quite skinny since he had long since eaten or had any nutrient meal, meanwhile both naomi and white where surprised.

Snow staring at them was confused as they pointed at his right hand which soon was enveloped in an ancient style of black tattoo but still looked like a tribal style tattoo

He ignored it and smiled

'It isn't bad well i should take a shower and try getting something to eat first, i stink like hell'

He then walked to the close by bathroom in the room while he showered.

White had soon caught a sneak peak on Naomi who was all red now, one could say it was her first time to see an opposite sex naked

'O-oh, could it be that miss Naomi is a virgin?'

White said trying to tease her but what she expected was beyond her, Naomi had instantly tried to hide her face that had turned all red

'Or could it be that you like my brother'

White then pushed forward to break the ice

'Why are you mean white? What do you want?'

She hid her face as she asked

'Well i just wanted to know if it isn't one sided, after all my so called virgin brother lacks the tendency of mustering the courage to speak with girls other than me'

Those words got her attention, she soon turned to face white who was also preparing for a shower

' i don't have a boyfriend, still i think your brother is too young for me, and besides am only doing this because i made a promise to your father'

She said and thinking she had cleared the misunderstanding which got white pissed

'Very well, i see you were just close to us out of pity'

'Don't get me wrong, i still do care about you guys'

Trying to persuade white to her favour she was soon brought to a stop

'Enough, i appreciate all you have done for us, but at least, when turning down my brother proposal today, try to be gentle with him, because if you break him, you will never hear from us ever again'

White was angry, her voice was saying one thing but her face was saying the other because she knows fully well his brother happy moment would shatter soon as tears fell slowly from her eyes, she stood and smiled at Naomi meanwhile the door had made way for snow to come out.

Luckily for them Naomi had brought a bag containing few of their things such as clothes.

In an instant white yelled in the bathroom while snow had dashed towards the bathroom in a hurry and almost fell while at it

'What is it sis! Are you alright !'

He yelled to make sure she was okay and hastily opened the door only for White to be standing naked and staring at the tattoo on her burst, but hers was white and quite different from her brothers

Snow sighed in relief and gave her a knock


She jokingly said in pain

'Don't make me worry for nothing '

The noise from the Bathroom door had gone shut from snow closing it and walking to put on his shirt.

'Miss Naomi, we are seriously in your debt, and i thank you for your time, i am sure white feel the same'

Snow said as he wore his hoodie shirt

'Not at all, it was nothing, i only did what anyone could have done'

Her response was lacking in energy, like she was feeling guilty she felt remorse, for some reasons her emotions was transmitted to snow

'You don't have to feel horrible, we are fine, oh that is right how about we have a dinner party at home, after all we still have this to trade'

He smiled brightly staring at Naomi while holding the two pouches upright with his left hand

She soon giggled and cheered up a little

Soon snow decided it will be best to go trade this while miss Naomi and white stay behind and wait for him and in the mean time deal with the discharge paperwork

'Uhm, i think i will go and trade this at the association and head back here and then we will all head home together'

He smiled and walked away

'Oh please tell sis i will be back soon'

An hour later snow was walking in the busy street, it was a bright day, he was heading back to the clinic while staring at the platinum card in his hand with his name written on it.

Since his sister doesn't have an account yet they both just have to spend the money equally, so he thought until his path was blocked by Mr Hanzo and few of his friends making 5 in numbers

'Long time no see porter!'

Mr hanzo said and in that instant snow had kept the card in his pocket, his supposed heart that was racing soon slowed its beat and was calm, snow who had been waiting for this moment soon stood in front of them

'We came for what's ours, kid'

His tone and glare was meant to scare snow but snow did not flinch instead he walked into the nearest alley beside him trying to lure Mr hanzo and his friends in

Like a cornered rat with no escape route snow was found in between mr hanzo and his friends

Snow was sure there were changes to his body so he supposedly wanted to least give it a try

Mr hanzo trying to scare him now placed his right hand on snows left shoulder. Like a fireworks waiting for it to be lited snow anger soon took over

In that instant mr hanzo right hand was cut off cleanly by what seam to be a blade of shapeless shadow.

In surprised everyone stood speechless and dumbfounded but that silence didn't last long with the sudden scream that came after from Mr Hanzo yelling in severe pain.

The rest seeing what had happened dashed at snow in the hopes of killing him. But snow stood and like a brutal horror movies they were sliced to unrecognizable figures like a meat butcher taking upon the stage to slay meat.

Snow stood speechless but he knew this is the only way to try to suppress how frightened he himself was.

Snow looked around but everyone was dead but mr hanzo whose anger has already taken over.

He taunted snow with his skills and soon pounced on snow with nothing but a mere dagger

'I hope you die here for good mr Hanzo'

Snow said and walked past the man who was initially on the verge of attacking snow but instead he found himself cut into several pieces by shapeless blades of shadows

Hiding his terror he walked into the clinic but was soon approached by his sister and Naomi and just like a man being relief of sudden pain, his mood soon changed and he cheered up by his sister appearance, after an exchanges of smiles they all departed from the clinic and heard home.

A bright sky, with stars in the distant shined ever brighter upon this three sharing a moment, in cheerful manner they laughed and played and at the same time ate and drank

The three raising a cup to cheer, like they were drunk they clash their cups gently and soon sipped from it

'Today is quite fun, i cant believe i get to sit like this with you and your sister, honestly, it been a long time'

'I know right, but i think brother understand it better'

They both giggled afterwards and just like that white crash to the floor as she slept off right away, as if snow was waiting for this to happen he instantly stood up and cover her drunk sleeping sister properly with the mantras he had prepared just incase they tend to spend the night on the roof top

'I envy you two, i wish i have someone who would have more of my time than me having to work my ass out all day with no one even looking at me like i don't exist'

Naomi said feeling tired and drunk but her sense of reasoning wasn't disrupted by liquor

'Well i have been wanting to ask you, why did you quit being a hunter?'

Snow walking back to take a sit, he stared at her with the single crystal light illuminating the table

'I quit because i got scared after losing my entire guild members in an SS-Rank Dungeon'

Her respond was filled with sadness

'I know there is no way i can keep living like this and i am sure there will be a day i will return back to the dungeon to make a better living, but i still cant get over it you see'

A little smile soon hung on her face as to try to act strong

'Would you hate me if i told you i killed 5 people today before heading to the clinic'

Snow said while staring at his hands

'I think i and my sister had undergone some changes, even though am telling you this before i am telling my sis, it is because i trust you enough'

Naomi was surprised and soon came closer to snow, she placed her right hand on snows hands as she spoke

'Then can i say something?'

Snow was surprised at the sudden closeness between him and Naomi

'I am willing to help you two, but this time not because i feel pity but because i want to give it a try'

She said with calmness, her short strawberry blonde hair that was neatly dress behind her reflected from the solo light on the table

'A try to be loved by someone and to also love that same person'

Her lips got closer, closer than it should

'Then prove to me that you mean it and not under the influence of alcohol'

Snow trying to dissuade her action was futile as his lips was Locked with hers, he was surprised, his heart raced like never before, he wanted to wake up from this so called bad dream and like it wasn't going to end snow was pushed down to the floor with naomi on him.

They both kept at it for a long time and soon the Crystal light died out leaving just the two of them staring at the sky while being covered by a mantras.

'I cant believe i did it with someone younger than me'

She said and smiled

'Am 15 years by the way'

Snow said in disapproval

'Impossible, you are younger than your age'

Her expression was brighter, she was happy and began to play with snows chest

'I cant believe we are just two years age different'

'Too bad'

They both laughed jokingly

'I will go to the association tomorrow to take back my license'

'Are you for real? Besides what rank are you ?'

'I use to be an S-RANK hunter'

Snow sudden reaction came about with a sneeze, he was surprised and never believed it. He felt that there was no way an S-Rank hunter will ever give him the chance to be her boyfriend

'That was unexpected, you don't believe me, that hurts my feelings you know '

She said and pouted

'By the way people will get the wrong idea, try doing some exercise sometimes in the future, i think it will help you and people will stop taking advantage of your young appearance'

She said and laid her head on snows chest

'Now that i think about it, i will give it a try'

Snow replied with a smile

'Hey snow, do you love me?'

'It would be a lie if i said no, but still, i feel this moment could just be my dream playing pranks on me, after all i am just an E-Rank'

Snow said feeling disgusted about it

'Then how about you get strong, i can teach you the basic and help you improve in one month but until then, promise me not to take your re-evaluation test'

Naomi offered a proposal that picked snows interest, his happy mood never seized in that brief moment, it was like God has truly answered his prayers.

'I promise, so please do what you think will help me grow'

Naomi feeling like she had achieve her goal then kissed snow on his lips, and just as they decided to relax with no conversation they both fell asleep.

The next day white had sat on the couch staring at his brother who was getting ready to visit the ASSOCIATION out of curiosity she spoke naughty

'Your girlfriend has cute moaning voice'

Snow flustered and tried to hide the fact but was too late, and white on the other hand has pumped her fist of victory

'Why do you like tormenting me'

Snow said jokingly and sat opposite her and this time his expression were serious, white who knows her brother very well understood he was about to say something serious

'What is it bro'

'Do you remembered anything after we died?'

His question shook the being of white, she tried to hide it but knowing fully well their situation she had no choice but to speak up

'Yes, i do remember speaking to someone and wishing to protect you if i ever get the chance to live'

In shock snow expression was clouded and darkened

'I also wished for your survival and wished to protect you if i ever get the chance'

He said and as he swallowed his saliva he remembered one last thing

'I think we were granted powers after we made that wish'

They both spoke in unison

In surprised they stared at each other before snow broke the ice

'Sis do you remember the boss from the dungeon?'

'Yes, what about them?'

'I think we now possess their abilities '

The instant snow spoke white requested for proof, she was scared and excited at the same time

'Yesterday i got held up by Mr hanzo and his gangs, but before i could move or defend myself i had killed them all with just this'

White was surprised at her sight, his brother was having himself surrounded by shadows with sharp blade like structure.

'Does that mean i too will be able to do something like that?'

She asked but was amazed, like a magnet calling metals closer to it her sister powers soon manifested in forms of shapeless white weapon

'This is amazing with this we can become proper hunters'

she said

'You are right sis, but we know nothing yet, even if we were to wield this powers properly we will need to practice'

He spoke some sense into his over excited sister

'Naomi has promised to help with that, and in one month we need to become properly accustomed to how this powers work before we can take on dungeons'

He said to assure his sister, he smiled at her but at the mention of her name seems to ruin her mood

'Say big bro'


'Did miss naomi tell you she works for the ASSOCIATION ?'

Snow was surprised and at the same time pissed

'Sis why are you telling me this?'

'I just wanted to let you know what type of a lady your girlfriend is'

Snow smiled and stood up for he couldn't find it in his heart to hate Naomi, after all she has been there ever since he was little and has still been here even till now, though he did feel she was hiding something, but she had only wished to be loved and i have accepted that offer, so what else is there to hate about her.

While deep in thought, white had soon slam snows back

'I see you don't hate her, fine i will try, but don't regret your actions okay?'

White said and smiled at snow while they walked out of the apartment

Hours later snow and white had gotten to the ASSOCIATION OF HUNTER WELFARE BUILDING with people going in and out of it, some were hunters others were humans

Walking past the entrance snow and white bumped into Naomi who was about leaving.

'Hey what are you two doing here'

She asked feeling curious and nervous and in surprised she had went to kiss snow on his lips, white felt forceful and decided to give his brother some privacy as she went to take a seat and waited for his brother

After minutes of moment that seems to be a romantic greeting, their eyes soon came to lock upon each other

'Don't tell me you are here for your re-evaluation'

She teased

'Of course not, i and sis are here based on invitation by the President'

Snow said and smiled to her while holding her by her waist and toying with her hair. Meanwhile she had brought out her hunter license card from her purse to show snow as she tried hiding her nervousness

'See, i told you i was an S-Rank'

Snow felt impressed and smiled at her, still playing with her hair she felt there was something she needed to say, but not knowing what to say she blurted out everything.

'I wanted to tell you that i was working for the ASSOCIATION, it happened few years after your dad died, i was to give record of you and your sister every week, b-but'

She felt bad and horrible, her eyes showed more remorse and her breathing got heavier as she looked away

'I know, which is why i told you last night, there is no way someone like you would actually fall for someone like me, but if truly you meant what you said last night'

Snow pat her hair calmly, he embraced her knowing full well of what was happening and was willing to protect her

'Then i am willing to risk a gamble for your sake'

He smiled at her, his lips soon locked with hers, and then he held her hand and walked forward to meet white

'Where are you taking me'

Naomi asked feeling a bit scared

'Stupid brother, it seems you want to do something stupid don't you?'

'Oh dear sister, you know your brother very well'

They soon approached the counter and snow decided to bargain with the attendant.

'Say miss Naomi, are you just using brother? Or are your emotions genuine '

Staring at naomi looking confused white spoke with curiosity

'You have every right to doubt me, but what i feel for him isn't pretence of any kind, i have known him since he was little'

She turned and stare at white

'I don't see any reason to pretend anymore when you are there to watch his back, i feel if i have to give my new life a chance then there shouldn't be any lies involved'

She tried to say more but was brushed off by white

'Don't get me wrong, i just want to know how sincere you are, after all he is about to do something foolish soon'

White said and smiled trying to calm her nerves as snow was done and in short notice two agents came to escort snow and white

Naomi was stopped by the guards as snow refused

'She is with me'

'Sorry sir, but the instructions says you two only'

'Fine we shall take our leave, i hope you enjoy explaining yourself to the President afterwards '

Feeling pissed snow decided to leave as his movement were prevented

'Hold on sir, you three may come along'

And soon. They all got into the elevator mainly for the VIPs

'Snow, do you mind telling me what is going on?'

She stared at naomi and smiled

'Nothing to be worried of'

For the first-time white was surprised by his brothers composed behaviour and in that moment she also prepare herself

The elevator mechanical tone soon alerted everyone of its arrival and the three of them exited the elevator only to find themselves in a gigantic office and glass wall that revealed the other side of the city

They met three people in the office, the entire floor was covered in red carpet, flowers were used to decorate some aspect of the office, in front of the desk were table and couch.

The chair that was facing the glass mirror soon turned around to reveal the person sitted on it

'Welcome!, i guess this is our first time meeting in a long time so how about i introduce myself'

She said while seating and snow and white walked forward behind them was Naomi who was scared from just standing before the President

'My name is Liliana Heartkill, and i am the President of the Hunter Welfare Association, beside me here is Zorozo Michelle And I believe you have met ARMSTRONG VALE'

Snow wasn't interested, it's more or less like he doesn't care about them either

'Yes, nice to meet you and what does the HUNTER WELFARE ASSOCIATION President want with an E-Rank Porter'

They all felt surprised by his rude approached, but still the President wasn't fazed by it

'Well in a short note i think i finally know why Hunter Naomi had come here earlier on to quit working with us and as well requested for her Hunter licence'

Snow getting out of patient stood calmly at the overwhelming pressure pouring out from the President, she was pissed and snow could feel it and at the same time he was calm, his heart wasn't beating as fast as it would normally do.

'Still doesn't explain why we are here'

Snow said with uninterested expression, the President soon realized very well who had stood before her

'Very well, the reason we are here is solely because of you and your sister, it is unheard of that two E-rank hunter successfully cleared an SS-RANK dungeon after been left to die by their guild leader,

She said and leaned on her chair

'Everyone wants to meet you, they want to know who this mysterious E-Rank hunters who did the impossible, and to be honest even the so called 5 SS-Rank Hunters in the city want to know who could possibly achieve such a feat'

Snow kept staring with lack of interest still he felt it was necessary to hide his identity with his sisters identity until they were ready.

'That is why we would like to know if you wish to reveal your identity...'

Snow instantly brush her off before she could finished her statement

'Our identity and private contact should never be revealed, press aren't allowed either, until we decide to or an incident make us to, only then should you do so'

His words were that of someone giving command, even snow was amazed by his bold upfront

'Very well, and regarding your fortune, we would like you to decide on when to claim it'

'Now would be a good time'

Snow smiled mischievously at liliana, he was expecting  her to make a move

'Oh that reminds me, i heard your previous team leader and his rest of his team were killed yesterday'

Like snow had been expecting her to bring up the topic he instantly chuckled towards her question

'Wait, is there any charges against self defence?'

Snow asked and gave a naughty smile

'Well not at all'

'Well in that case i killed them'

Snow gave a deadly glare at liliana whose smile was been forced while trying to suppress the pressure produce by Snow aura alone

'Very well hunter snow, we shall released you fortune and convert your earnings directly to your account '

She smiled while snow and white decided to take their leave and then it happened

Three hunters instantly dashed at Naomi while aiming for her vital point like a lightning flash two was instantly sliced up in a blink of an eye while the last was been held to the wall by two white dart.

Snow feeling disappointed smiled but his glare meant another thing

'Listen carefully, i will over look this but should a similar incident occur again then remembered this'

Snow, white and , Naomi soon walked towards the exit

'Monsters wont be the only thing i will hunt'

He stood in front of the elevator and became serious, he smiled and the moment they left the President and the rest soon gave a breath of relief like a huge crisis had passed over them.

'Notify the rest of the hunters, make sure nobody messes with those siblings '

Like they were shocked and confused by what the President had spoken, their curiosity led them to ask a question

'But why?'

They said in unison, meanwhile cold sweat had dropped down her chin, her hand couldn't stop quivering

'Those two, if they had decided to re-evaluate their rank, i am afraid not even the 5 SS- Rank hunters will be able to stop them'

'What do you mean by that?'

She turned and stare at Vale

'Combine the 5 -SS rank Hunters in the city together yet they wont be equivalent to just one of those siblings'

She said and smiled staring at the dead expression on Vale and Michelle

'Good just like that, even if they were to get re-evaluated i am sure their rank would exceed SS-Rank'

She stood up from her desk after she was certain she would embarrass herself by falling and began exiting the room

'Call off the bounty on Naomi's head and make sure none of our hunters are involved in this matter, understood!?'

'Yes ma!'

They responded and escorted her to the elevator.


Chapter 2: END


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