
Spending Time Peacefully

He was not able to spend much time with his child because he has to settle many official matters of his company so that's this child refused to recognized him . This sure was a huge blow to him . He wanted to cover up his loss so he started playing with Zen .

He started to make face , mimicking different animal voices , but it seems like nothing worked on this little one and he didn't even stop crying .

In the end he gave him to his wife and as soon this little fellow got into his wife's arm he suddenly stopped crying and started smiling . This disappointed him further and he sighed . It was truly very hard to win this little fellow's heart .

Tap.. tap... tap... and suddenly a clear voice of a women could be heard " So you all are playing with your Zen . Count my girl in too ". This voice was of none other than Suzen and she had also bought her own child .

This was the first time Shenazard saw Riya but he instantly became fond of her . Riya was very cute girl and her facial features were similar to Suzen and her eyes were brown in colour matching her facial features .

She would definitely be peerless beauty when she matures . She looked very cheerful and adorable .

" She would definitely be very beautiful in future . It seems like I have really done something good by arranging their marriage otherwise it would have been truly my loss " He secretly thought in his mind .

He extended his hand forward and took Riya from Suzen and surprisingly she did not cry but instead she giggled happily after coming into his arms .

This stunned both Suzen and Sunita . Soon they heard his crazy crazy laugh " She surely is my daughter-in-law . I am looking forward to her future even more . I haven't thought that you would be this cute " . He took spin with Riya and she enjoyed it a lot .

At the side Suzen almost loss her ability to speak because when she spun her last time then this little girl started crying but now in his hands she was playing with him heartily .

Even Sunita looked towards Suzen jealously and said with serious tone " Is she really child between you and Sneahit or it between you and him right . Please tell me honestly " .

Hearing her words Sunita suddenly choked and said in angry voice " Are you crazy or what . She really is child between me and Sneahit . Why did you suddenly asked me this sort of question . Do you really have no trust in your husband " .

Sunita felt offended and answered angrily " I am just asking because Zen was not able to recognize him because he did not spend much time with him but it is truly strange that she is playing with him happily " .

Suzen was also pondering regarding matter and after it some thought she said " Even when I spun her she started crying and at that time I felt regretful but seeing her now like this I am also at loss " .

" It seems like we are on the same boat . Just forget what I asked and let me also play with her " Sunita said to Suzen while walking towards Shenazard she took Riya in her hand .

In the next moment something unexpected happened that stunned Suzen and even made Shenazard laugh like a mad . Riya wet her pants as soon as she came into Sunita's embrace .

This was be utter humiliation for her . Utter humiliation and even Shenazard laughed madly and praised Riya " Good daughter.... Good , You started humiliating her just after you are born . It's just that if you had done this on Suzen then it would be even more fantastic " .

These words accidentally slipped through his mouth but soon he realized that he had said something wrong . He started to wipe out his sweat from forehead and stopped laughing .

Just a moment later some voice's came from where he was standing "Creak"..."Thud" his ass suddenly got kicked by Suzen and he fell on the ground , hissing with pain he said " Are you daughter of the donkey or your ancestor's head was kicked by a donkey . Was this the reason a variant donkey was born in human clothing . It really is a pity for whole human society . You really are pain in our asses " .

Suzen's face twitched with anger and she argued " What the F*k are you blabbing . Your brain was kicked by pig . Are you looking for more beating ? " . She said these words with such expression as if it was a clear cut fact .

Riya started giggling when she heard their voices even though she was not able to understand what they were saying .

Suzen took her from Sunita and said " I am going to change her pants and you also go and change otherwise you will start stinking " .

Just few seconds later Suzen turned back and asked Sunita " Where are the diapers kept , I did not brought extra with me " .

Shenazard said with great difficulty " Its on second floor inside the drawer " . He stood up with great effort and started walking towards bathroom . Sunita also went to to her changing room to change since she and her dress was stinking .

Few minutes later the first one to be freed was Shenazard followed by Suzen with her daughter and finally Sunita . Suzen came closer to Sunita and teased her " You are still stinking . Did you not use soap while washing yourself " .

Listening to her negative comment she started to sniff her clothes and hand but there was no out of ordinary smell coming from her dress .

Soon she realized that she had been tricked by that dammed girl . She refuted with slight smile " It seems like Riya had pooped on you . I am even able to smell it up to here . You yourself should have used perfume to cover up that pathetic smell no " .

Seeing both of them fighting like cat he stared to chuckle and thought in his mind " How were the great emperors able to handle more than one wife .Sigh.. I only have one wife but she is always ready to cause trouble to any girl I am close with " .

He straitened up himself and moved forward to stop the fight but soon was kicked back dozen's of meter by Suzen and heard her angry voice " Men are not allowed to meddle in women's business " .

This was his third time getting kicked by that dammed women today and he was very upset with himself that he did not learned any fighting sports during his college days otherwise he would surely had taught her a good lesson .

After stabilizing himself he thought for some while and finally came to decision that he is going to make his child learn a martial arts otherwise he would not be able to show his face proudly in front of this dammed judo fighter Suzen if her child also learned how to fight and his son didn't .

He looked towards both the women who were still busy arguing and taking a deep breath he shouted with fury " We do not have much time left . I have already prepared everything and we just have to go to airport , so stop fighting both of you " .

He then tapped the feet on the ground angrily and he was shocked to see that both of them stopped arguing instantly and faced different direction as if nothing happened at all . This caused him to almost vomit out shit . Their behavior was truly very strange . Women are indeed most complex creature on the earth .

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