
Chapter 153: Training Before the ToP


Name: Soren Zoldyck

Life Span: Immortal

Race: Saiyan

Bloodlines: Origin God's Bloodline

Titles: Dragon, 7+ more

Power Level: 300,000,000,000 (True God 7,500 Million x Base)

Luck: Lucky

Body Type: Destruction God

-Bloodline Skills-

-Mangekyo Sharingan-: Level 100

Exp to Next Level: --/--

-Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan-: MAX

-Rinnegan-: Unlocked

(Special Ability): Time Manipulation

-Rinnesharingan-: LOCKED

-Saiyan-: Zenkai Boost Level: EX

Exp to Next Level: --/--

S-Cells: 37.2 Trillion (A/N: All Cells turned into S-Cells)

Transformation: Super Saiyan Mastered 100%, SSJ2 Mastered 100%, SSJ3 Mastered 100%, Sage Mode, SSJ4 Mastered 100%, God Base, True Saiyan God Red, True Saiyan God Blue, True Saiyan God Purple, True Saiyan God Green, True God, Ultra Instinct Complete Form

Chosen Path: Destruction God

Path Skill: Hakai- Can destroy anything with the raise of a hand.

(Hakai is dependent on how much power is placed in it)

-Skills-: 1000 -List?-

-Passive-: 60 -List?-

System Points: 15.129 Million}

[What is the Origin God Bloodline?... Sakura, can you help me out?, and how long have I been passed out for?]: soren


[So he gave me his Bloodline?]: soren


[What!?... The information is that important, that an OP wish can't even get me the answer?... Just how important is this bloodline?... And wait! You said 37 years? Thank God I set the time dilation to its Max, and only a little over 3 and a half days in this place]: soren

Soren then stopped asking Sakura questions, and focused on his new prowess in his Ultra Instinct form. Soren then powered up and felt as his power pushed through the roof and entered into a new stage, which would be God Knight by the systems standards, and no longer a half step God Knight. Soren then began to check out his new figure, as his muscles reached optimum efficiency, be it strength of agility, Soren had it all, Soren also noticed that the once Snow White hair, now had shiny Golden hair layering Soren's White hair, while Soren's tail stayed pure White in color. Soren then decided to spend the next 3 years in the Training Chamber to get his explosive power under control, and over that time, Soren had noticed that both his Observation Haki, and his Kings Haki had fused together in his Ultra Instinct form, the pressure alone being given off by Soren could kill someone if Soren wanted, while Observation Haki was fused with the main passive skill of Ultra Instinct, which is the auto act function. The fusion between the two made it so Soren would not be a slave to his body parts, he could freely move them no matter what, but his body would send signals to his brain after seeing the future. Soren was happy to see that he was now ranked as the strongest Mortal in all the 12 Universes, and Jiren will bow down and beg for forgiveness, for even the thought of winning. After 3 years were up, Soren exited the Training room, and saw some unexpected figures waiting for him, the ones waiting were Misha, Hancock, Zeno, Zenith, Killua, Gon, Serina, Shannon, Shizu, Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, Champa, Whis, Gohan, The other Z fighters, Vados, and a child who had a Halo floating above his head. Soren knew immediately that over the past 4 days, Vados had given birth, and the child had grew to the size of a 2 year old, Soren was happy to see his family, and the ones he considered part of his family, but Soren noticed Champa giving Soren a death stare, while Beerus looked to nowhere specific and began to whistle with his head pointed into the air, the second he realized Soren was looking towards him.

[Hey everyone… Why are you all waiting for me?]: soren

Everyone looked at Soren, and noticed his new appearance which was Soren still in his Ultra Instinct form. Both Whis and Vados just gave Soren a smile, while Beerus noticed, and felt like he was falling behind. Champa didn't notice, nor did he care, because he was here to challenge Soren to a deathmatch for taking Vados away from him. It was a known Rule, that once an Angel loses his or her purity, they must resign their duty, and leave it up to the younger generation, being their child, and the only person exempt from this rule is the Grand Priest himself, as there is no body strong enough to take over his position.

[Y-You!... You bastard! You ran off with my Vados and had an affair! Now she has to leave my side and quit her job as my attendee… How am I supposed to find another one just like her? Huh?]: champa

Champa couldn't hold his anger anymore as he came stomping up and began to raise his pointer finger towards Soren, and began to try poking him in the chest while shouting curses at him, but the second Champa's finger was about to land on Soren's chest, Soren turned into just an after image before reappearing behind Champa with his had raised in a chopping motion, and in the next second Champa stopped speaking and hit the floor passed out.

[Woah! That was so cool Soren!]: goku

Soren realised what he had done and spoke.

[Oops… I didn't mean for that to happen… My body just moved on its own… Teehee]: soren

Soren began to scratch the back of his head with his left hand, while winking and sticking his tongue out at everyone as he said "Teehee". Beerus didn't say anything and continued to not make eye contact with Soren, but Soren couldn't tell what was wrong with Beerus, so he asked Beerus directly.

[Beerus, what's wrong? You keep trying to avoid eye contact with me]: soren

Before Beerus could come up with an excuse, Whis spoke up while chuckling a little.

[Lord Beerus won't make eye contact because he had a little incident when he came to ask for food 5 days ago]: whis

[Whis you trator!]: beerus

[So that's who that was… I'll admit, I am a bit embarrassed you had to hear that]: soren

As Soren spoke, everyone who heard began to get curious about what Beerus had heard, because to them, it sounded like Soren might have been arguing. Little did they know, Soren was making hot and sweaty love, that Beerus just happened to hear when walking into Soren's home uninvited, Whis just began to chuckle while taking the child out of his sisters arms, he then began to coo at the child. Soren then walked over to Vados and gave her a kiss before asking about their child, he had no idea what the child's name was, nor did the child know who its father was.

[Don't worry honey… His name is Ariel, he has an idea about who you are after I showed him some images through my staff… Would you like to hold him?]: vados

[I would love that… But will Whis let me? He looks quite interested in being the big Uncle who spoils our child]: soren

[Ufu fu fu… Go spend time with our child]: vados

Soren then walked over to Whis for his turn with his child, and the second Whis saw Soren coming over, he didn't want to give up his little Ariel, but when he caught the sight of his Sister, he relented, and gave the child to Soren.

[Hello little fella… I'm your dad… Can you say dada?]: soren

The child opened his eyes, and Soren could see beautiful Golden eyes, and it was never recorded for an Angel to have Golden eyes, so this was a first. Soren began to take in Ariel's appearance, the baby had Snow White hair, Golden Eyes, and his Skin color was not a Sky Blue color, but pale White, with a slight Sky Blue hue, some might think the baby was dead if not for the warmth he gave off, along with the rosy cheeks. Soren then turned his attention to the others who began to surround him, and when he looked up at them Goku had spoken.

[You will be joining the Tournament right!?]: goku

[You mean the ToP?... Yes, why?]: soren

[How did you know about the Tournament? I was planning to tell you about it… But looks like you already know everything then]: goku

[The day you went to the Grand Zen-Oh expo, I got a letter from the Grand Priest telling me about the Tournament… But will I be allowed to participate now?]: soren

Soren then turned his attention towards both Vados and Whis, who both just ended up shrugging their shoulders as they didn't know either.

[Why wouldn't you be allowed to participate?... Your a member of our Universe]: goku

[But I have surpassed even Beerus, and am on par with Vados in strength… Don't you think that would be cheating?]: soren

[No way!!... You're already that strong!?]: goku

Soren realized that Goku had no idea about Soren's true strength, so he just sighed, he then dropped the conversation and asked a question instead.

[So… When will the Tournament start?]: soren

[Umm… In about 2 days]: goku

Soren then decided it was time to speed train Goku and the others who will participate in the Tournament, and spoke out.

[Okay… Gather all the participants who will be joining the ToP… Beerus, you can come too, I want to try to get you into Ultra Instinct]: soren

Goku heard Soren and went to get all the people who will be participating, as he had already chosen and gotten replies on who would fight. Beerus on the other hand heard Soren single him out for training, and the idea of achieving Ultra Instinct before Champa was tempting, he then spoke.

[Not a bad idea… At least you still think about me, even if you are stronger for the meantime… But take note, it won't stay like that forever]: beerus

Right as Soren got confirmation from Beerus, he began to smile a bit, and when he turned to head back towards the Training door, and out of nowhere, Soren heard a voice, and was tackled to the ground.


Soren didn't feel any malice intent in the attack, so he let it happen, and when Soren lifted his head, he saw a Black dog.

[Haku… Why have you tackled me?]: soren

[I miss you… You never talk to me anymore, and I feel like I have been left out]: haku (A/N: You have been forgotten… So sorry Haku, you will now have more screen time)

[I missed you too buddy, but I see you leave the house quite often… Where have you been going?]: soren

[I have found a mate… I found her with some Rich lady wearing a fluffy scarf… The Rich lady took me to her house and made me breed with her dog… So now I have a wife, along with 10 pups]: haku

Soren was surprised that Haku let someone basicly violate him, but Soren guessed Haku liked the other dog in the first place, so Soren didn't put too much thought into it, and was just glad Haku was happy. Soren then turned his attention towards the 9 gathered people, and Beerus, Soren then used Creation Magic to create a hair pin, like those used by male cultivators with long hair. Soren bunched up his hair, and enclosed the now topknot in a metal casing that had a Golden Dragon curling around it, he then placed the metal pin through the metal cuff and completed the hair pin. Soren's hair now didn't touch the floor, but went up to behind his knees, Soren then began to speak to the 10 people.

[We will use 1 day to train for 10 years in my Training room… You won't need to worry about ageing, as once you step in, you will be blessed with Eternal Youth until you leave… Oh! One more thing… The gravity inside is 10 million times Earth's gravity… So please stay inside the pavillion if you can't take the gravity]: soren

Soren then lead Goku, Vegeta, Killua, Gon, Gohan, Zenith, Piccolo, Krillin, Master Roshi, and Beerus into the chamber, they then spent the next day and a half training, and after they came out, Beerus was a completely White haired cat, while Goku, Vegeta, Killua, Gon, and Zenith were in SSGSSP, Krillin was actually releasing a strong Goldy aura himself. (A/N: SSGSSP = Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Purple)

Next Chapter is the start of the ToP... Jiren is about to get his ass beat.

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