

Gaitonde: If you tell them who called they will forget about Sonu pickpocket.

Sartaj keeps the phone on but opens another app. He starts recording the call. He types Ravi Pandit gang on the search bar.

Sartaj: Are you one of Ravi Pandit's guys.

Gaitonde laughs for a second

Gaitonde: Ravi Pandit isn't even equal to a drop of my urine. I wouldn't fuck with your sleep for that nobody.

Sartaj: Stop bullshiting. Who are you? Do you have a lead or not.

Gaitonde: They're going to kill me. There's nobody in this city who could be trusted. Then I remembered Dilbagh Singh.

Sartaj stands up walks towards the door .

Sartaj: Who is going to kill you? How do you know Dilbagh Singh.

Gaitonde: Its not so easy Sahib. I was young. I think 10 or 11 years old.....

This day was already decided. This time, our connection, you, Dilbagh Singh and me. I saw this destiny water.

I felt this from my childhood only that my life is some kind of from scriptures. The whole world is a small part of my story. Baap bhi (father too).

The drought lasted for thousand years before Sage Gautama meditated and manifested the River Ganga(Ganges).

In my village this river was known as Godawari

Gaitonde's Childhood


A boy was sitting on the bank of River Godawari. He suddenly stands up and starts climbing the stairs which were behind him. One man was Repeatedly saying 'Vithala'. Gaitonde's voice continues in the background.

Gaitonde: My father was a Pandit there but he was nothing more than a beggar.

The boy is actually young Gaitonde, he runs to his father. His father is the one continuously repeating 'Vithala'.

Gaitonde's father used to go to each house and say,"Bhiksham Dehi."(Asking for food)But sometimes young Gaitonde accompanied him. So once while asking for food. Gaitonde asked his father one question.

Gaitonde: Dad, is god everywhere?

Father: Yes god is present everywhere, look these grains which people gave us also have god in them

Gaitonde: But not in begging

Gaitonde(Background): I wa disgusted by my dad's weakness. That's when I decided that I would be the master of my fate.

Present Day

Sartaj is driving his car. He has two phones

On one he is talking with Gaitonde and the other one is off. His second phone starts ringing, its Katekar calling. He picks up the call.

Katekar: Sir, the DOT is tracking the number. The caller is from somewhere near the Metro theater.

Sartaj cuts the call and continues talking with Gaitonde

Sartaj: Tell me more

Gaitonde: I also had a Mother. She was really caring. I dont know where did my Dad find her. It was dark in the night so she used to be the only one to shine in the Night.


Gaitonde's mother buys him a new shirt.

Mom: How's it good?

Gaitonde nods his head answering yes.

Gaitonde(background): She always made herself beautiful for that beggar.

Gaitonde: Mom, mom where did you bring this from

His mom didn't answer

Gaitonde(background): I knew that this dream wouldn't last long.

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