
New Perspective

Finding out you've been brain-washed for most of your life sucks, finding out it was your father that brain-washed you hurt deeply. For Kate what came after was anger, She had become the very thing she hunted and now she could see things through a different lens. What does one do when they become the very thing they once hated? Well, it took Kate a while to come to terms with who she now was. It was only then that she realized that her hate and disgust for werewolves was something she had inherited from her father.

All her drive and passion had come from her ultimately wanting her father's love and attention. She cringed at the thought now, because she knew her fate, she knew what her father would do upon discovering what she was now. Right now none of that mattered though because she hadn't returned to kill her father. Not yet, no she had returned to save the only person that mattered to her. Allison…

They say you should learn history or you're destined to repeat it. Allison was currently repeating the very same path Kate had once walked. Derek Hale, thinking about that name a small smile appeared on Kate's face. Yes, he no doubt currently hated her guts but they once had something. Something Kate had ruined to get into her father's good graces.

With Kate, all of a sudden going missing she was sure her family had begun to consider her dead. Using her connections Kate had easily discovered that her father had traveled to Beacon Hills. Allison would be his target, Kate wasn't afraid to admit it, Allison had more natural talent than she herself had ever had. A natural-born hunter with a pension for falling for werewolves, Kate chuckled as she thought about that.

Kate had been watching Allison closely these last few days, it seemed that her father had already gotten into her head. She had been tricked into placing Scott up on the chopping board, Kate had to save him she wouldn't allow Allison to have the same fate as herself. Getting Scott out was only the beginning though, her father hadn't returned to Beacon hills because Kate had gone missing. He had other plans, plans Kate didn't mind putting an end to herself.

Scott Mcall opened his feeling the stinging pain that filled his face, even with his healing he could still feel the effects of Gerard's last torture session. He was in a dark room, the walls were metal with his hearing alone he could tell they were underground. He was currently chained against the metal wall, his blood stained the floor. His hair was matted to his forehead, his clothes drenched with blood and sweat. Being the target of a shock baton wasn't very pleasing, Scott wheezed just at the thought. He didn't know how he was holding on, Gerard had kidnapped him for information only he hadn't asked him one question. Scott wondered why Allison had allowed this to happen, did she know what was happening to him?

Hearing the sound of the metal doors opening Scott wondered what kind of torture he would go through today. Only the footsteps were different this time, Gerard's were usually full of confidence and vigor. These footsteps were cautious and subtle almost as if the person was sneaking inside.

Hope began to rise inside of Scott, had Allison finally found out what happened to him or even better. Had Stiles discovered his location? Looking at the passage into the room he waited anxiously but upon seeing her face he felt fear.

"Kate," He whispered with a frown on his face. Kate had burned the entire Hale pack alive, what would she do to him?

"You don't have to look at me with those eyes, I'm not allowed to harm your alpha which unfortunately means I can't harm you." Kate sighed as she stepped closer to Scott.

"Let me guess, you had a date scheduled with Allison and now you're here chained against the wall by her family?" Kate grinned as she looked down at Scott.

"Allison would never-"

"I know, but right now she doesn't have much of a choice. That's why I'm here to stop her from becoming a pawn, like me." Even now Kate was a pawn, and Klaus was a king with all of the abilities of the Queen. This was a game she couldn't play, she didn't even know the rules. The Argents had hunted werewolves for hundreds of years and yet they never branched out to vampires. There had to be a reason for that, if there was one it was simple. The Originals.

"I should probably get you out of here," Kate took another step forward but stopped upon hearing the metal door opening.

"Kate!" Victoria Argent ran over to Kate's side grabbing her hand. "We thought the worst, Allison hasn't been herself since you disappeared."

Kate could see the worry on Victoria's face but it may as well have been fake. If she knew what she was she'd stab her to death right here and now. "Where is Allison?" Kate asked.

"She's with Gerard, I'll take you to them but before that." Looking at Scott Victoria's expression changed, disgust and anger could be seen on her face. "You thought you could date my daughter, you're a monster." Walking over to Scott she reached for the electric Baton his screams drowned out the sound of her laughter.

Mikaelson Manor

Confusion, they could all see it in Jackson's eyes, it overwhelmed whatever fear he felt within. He didn't seem to realize what he was, even as he suddenly began to tear at his own skin. Oily green scales could be found beneath the surface, a true monster appeared and no one made a sound. That was until he began to step forward reaching his hand out before rebounding off the invisible barrier Bonnie had created minutes before. A resounding screech filled the room next causing no one but Stiles to jump.

Elias managed to stop himself from sighing while looking at Stiles, it seemed some things simply wouldn't change.

"Bonnie, I'm guessing you can do the tracking spell now?" Elias asked, taking a step towards the Kanima. Bonnie nodded stepping forwards and beginning to chant the spell as she closed her eyes.

"What are we gonna do about him?" Stiles untied the rope bounding Lydia helping her up from the ground. He made sure to send a couple of glares toward Derek and his pack while he did so.

"I say we kill him," Derek shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

"We can't kill Jackson," Stiles argued.

"Why not, he caused all of this. He traded Lydia for the bite and because of his nature, he turned into that thing. He's killed multiple people already. Who's to say he won't kill more?"

"We can't kill him, he's a jerk and a liar. But deep down he's just afraid, everything he's done is because he's afraid. Afraid he isn't enough for his parents, afraid that he won't be cool if everyone knows he's gay. He wasn't like this at first, he just needs help." Lydia spoke up causing everyone to fall silent.

"You're defending the person that sold you to my uncle like cattle?" Derek asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm perfectly fine, I'm alive. Why should I hold a grudge when I know he didn't really mean me any harm?"

"Found him, he's here," Bonnie pointed at a map of beacon hills pointing directly at the school. Not directly at it just to the right of it where the pool facility was located.

"Why is he there?" Stiles asked, confused.

"Who knows but he's caused enough mayhem in Beacon hills, let's get rid of him, and hopefully when school starts back things are more peaceful." Elias walked towards one of the chairs picking up his jacket.

"Bonnie. You should stay here and look after him," Bonnie nodded looking towards the Kanima.

"Lydia-" Stiles was stopped as Elias' hand landed on his shoulder.

"I think it's best if Lydia stays with Bonnie, I'm guessing she has plenty of questions." Elias then looked at Derek. "Keep them safe while we're gone." Getting a nod Elias walked towards the exit with Stiles.

"I've been meaning to ask this but has anyone seen Scott today?" Stopping at the door Elias turned around seeing the frowns on everyone's faces. "No one's seen him? What about you Stiles?"

"He should be with Allison right now, he sent me a text saying they were meeting up." Elias nodded hearing that. It seemed at least one person was enjoying their summer.

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