
If I reflected, you will let me touch you? is that a promise?

Xiao Ni did not think much when she had a ride with Wang Kai. He's an expert in making Xiao Ni forget about her problem and even starts to laugh like she usually does.

But it quickly dried up when she realized she has to sleep on the same bed with Wang Kai tonight. It's kind of awkward after the things she put him through the other night.

Wang Kai did not seem to mind. Like a little boy, he was filled with excitement when she comes out from the bathroom wearing her mickey mouse pajamas. It's all good until he saw a bruised on her knee.

"What is that?" he pulls her leg the moment she sat on the bed. Xiao Ni widens her eyes.

Her first reaction is to hide behind the pillow.

Wang Kai will definitely chuckle if his mood is not this bad.

He gritted his teeth when he confirmed it was a bruised. He spares Xiao Ni a cold gaze, the temperature around him dropped. "Are you going to hide this from me?"

Xiao Ni, still hiding behind the pillow, but she couldn't help defend herself. "It was just a bruise..." she chimed in with a low voice that Wang Kai almost misheard.

"Just a bruised?!" He pulls the pillow from her. Now he was staring through her guilty eyes. "Tell me, where did you got hurt?"

"On the set."

Wang Kai let out a heavy breath, and he tried to surpass his frustration. "I know you got it from the set. But apart from making your knee looks like a century-old egg, where did you hurt yourself again?"

Xiao Ni shook her head frantically. She raised her index finger and middle finger. Making a peace sign with her hand. "I swear, I did not bruise or hurt anywhere else."

Wang Kai squinted his eyes. He was silent for five heartbeats (yes, she counted) before he gave up and reach something from the nightdresses.

Xiao Ni watched him silently open the lid of the bottle. Inside there was a famous red ointment to heal bruised. Part of her felt relief when he starts gently massage it on her knee.

When he finished, Xiao Ni is prepared to sleep. But on the next second, she felt her bare legs were exposed to the air!

"You are mad!" She shouted with bewilderment. Cross her hand on her legs. Wang Kai, the rogue, seems like he did not care. "Give me back my pants!"

"Guan Xiao Ni, you dare lie to me!" he pointed out so many bruised on her tight.

He pointed out so many bruised on her legs, and she gulped nervously. However, the best defense one could have is to point out the opponent's fault first.

"Still not a reason to pull my pants! and you-!" she couldn't find his mistakes.


"I, I, I, I what?" Wang Kai raised his eyebrow. He looks fierce. Xiao Ni pulls a blanket to cover herself. She puffed her cheeks and put her arms around her chest.

"It's part of my job. you need to understand this."

"I don't want to understand. You don't have to do your job. I never asked you to." He replies almost instantly.

"H- How..." Words failed Xiao Ni. Her little forehead creased, showing a line. "It's my right to do what I want."

"It's my right to not has my wife bruised like this." He clearly did not want to give in this time. Xiao Ni was utterly speechless.

She narrowed her eyes, showing her protest. When she saw him pull out the blanket to apply the ointment again, she refused. "Don't touch me until you reflected on your word!"

"..." It was Wang Kai's turn to be speechless. His stern, cold face suddenly changes. A faint smile cracked on his lips. "Guan Xiao Ni where did you learn to use this kind of thing to threaten me, huh?"

"?" she did not understand.

Wang Kai let out a helpless chuckle before he decided to tease her. Leaning into her ears, he whispered. "If I reflected, you will let me touch you? is that a promise?"

Xiao Ni's eyes are wide open. She proceeds with the words she is very ambiguous. She bites her tongue insider her mouth. Her heart began to pound controllably.

Her vigilance looks cute on Wang Kai's eyes. However, he still needs to put on the ointment to this little brat.

"You rogue!" she took the pillow that she holds, and threw it to Wang Kai. A burst of loud laughter filled the penthouse afterward.


Xiao Ni did not have a nightmare that night.

Maybe because she is too tired, or she is comfortable under Wang Kai's arm. She was sure she put a bolster between them, but she pretty much sure he kicked it away after she was asleep. Because when she opened her eyes, she was gritted with a gorgeous adonis face.

"Good morning, mon chéri. Good sleep?" then he stole a peck.

Xiao Ni was airheaded as she blinks her eyes several times before responding. "Are you making up for Paris?" she rolled her eyes.

"Tu me manques. Embrasse-Moi." he shows his boyish smile that makes Xiao Ni's knees went weak. Ugh! she forgot he speak perfect french. Way too charming.

"Hahaha, yeah, get out of me." She hides her weakness with a grumpy face. Push his chest away from her.

Wang Kai chuckles and ignores her request. Of course.

He tightened the grip on Xiao Ni's waist and stole a kiss from her. A refreshing, moist kiss that he will never get enough. Xiao Ni was helpless. She tried to resist but fall for his charm in the end.

Wang Kai smirked in between their make-out session, before bewitching Xiao Ni with yet, another kiss. He only stops when Xiao Ni bites his lips and glared at him.

"Stop! We- we need to get ready." She rushed to the restroom afterward, leaving Wang Kai groaning and sulking alone on the bed


"I need to buy something at Sonorous, just send me there." Xiao Ni said when she gets into Wang Kai's black Bugatti La Voiture Noire. Wang Kai raised his eyebrow at bossy Xiao Ni.

"You are cute when you're bossy." He chuckles before drove away. Xiao Ni hides her blush by quickly lowering her head and play her phones.

"What you want to get?" he casually asked.

"A piano for Didi. I met him in the village," she explained curtly about the kids' condition. Wang Kai said nothing and silently following her to the store. After choosing a suitable piano, an upright piano they went to Xu Kun's school.

Wang Kai casually put his hand on Xiao Ni's back while they walk to the auditorium. Their appearance was outstanding in the first place. But what's really makes them stand out is the noble aura emitting from both of them.

It extinguishes them from other people.

"Welcome to our school play today." The teacher gave Xiao Ni the brochure. Xiao Ni replied back in a cold smile. She did not come here to be nice.

They did not hesitate to sit in the first row. Xiao Ni said she wanted Xu Kun to see her supporting him. The show quickly started.

Kids nowadays really pushing their shelves hard, or might as well said the parents are really pushing hard their child. From ballet, karate, singing, dancing, playing an instrument, everything looks outstanding.

However, Xiao Ni did not care. This time when the group of wu shu kids comes to the stage, she leads closer to Wang Kai. "Do you know who bullied our Xu Kun?"

Wang Kai stares blankly at his wife before shooking his head. Xiao Ni looks at him with disbelief eyes. "You are a bad uncle."

It cracks a smile on Wang Kai's handsome face.

He leans closer to Xiao Ni's ear and replied back.

"But I'm a good husband," he said, before stealing a kiss on Xiao Ni's cheeks. Xiao Ni was so embarrassed that she hides her face with hand and glare at him.

"This is public space!" It's an elementary school for god sake!

Wang Kai grins and shamelessly intertwined their hand together. Xiao Ni felt this dogman getting more and more thick-skinned. Thankfully Xu Kun comes to her rescue.

The handsome little man is wearing a black coat as he read a poet to the audience. To be said, his performance was the highlight of the shows. Xiao Ni was beyond proud.

"BABY YOU ARE SO GREAT!" Xiao Ni shouted. Wang Kai shakes his head helplessly but clapping along when Xu Kun finished the shows.

They waited for Xu Kun at the corner of the auditorium, when they saw a fatty holding a lollipop block Xu Kun's way. A frown appears on Wang Kai and Xiao Ni's face.

Before they knew, Xu Kun has punched the fatty to the ground. Making another interesting show for everyone to watched.

Guys, I've made 3 chapters for RWOPW but it suddenly disappear. I'm so frustated :(

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