
To cook for you, of course. Aren't you angry at me?

Inside, Xiao Ni is calming down aunty Zhou that keeps saying thank you. The man did not come inside and make the kiddos scared is more than enough.

But hearing no noise from outside, the young man must pay the rent for them.

She thanks Xiao Ni countless times. "Thank you, we really thank you." She once again said, wiping away her tears.

Xiao Ni smiles and hugs aunty Zhou gently. "It's okay, it's for the kids. It's all fated. Fated for me to come here and help."

Xiao Ni never felt losing money felt so satisfying before. It felt more than bought a limited edition bag.

Aunty Zhou nods and smiles. "Thank You." She said one last time. Xiao Ni grins and hugs little Cai Lin.

"That it's what princess should do, right Cai Lin?" Xiao Ni held Cai Lin's hand beside her. Cai Lin nods her head slowly.

"Yes, princess help others." She blinks innocently

Then Joey who played with a toy car near Xiao Ni tug her clothes, "Aunty, that uncle is so scary..." He mumbles.

Xiao Ni looks at the door that has round little glass in the middle. There stood Wang Kai with a dark face. Xiao Ni was startled by him.

She patted her own chest and walk to the door. "You startled me, I thought I saw a ghost!" Xiao Ni scolds him.

Wang Kai did not reply, he merely observing her face then give her a cold shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Ni asked with excitement. She wants to introduce Wang Kai to the kids. It would be hilarious watching awkward Wang Kai answering questions from them.

Wang Kai looks at her with relief then dangerous coldness takes over his eyes. "Go Home." He said emphatically.

Xiao Ni did not even have time to refuse because he had pulled her hand.

"???" What is that?


Wang Kai did not speak to her all the way to the apartment. Xiao Ni did not bother to make conversation with him too, she takes her bag on her own and walks to the lift.

Wang Kai is left speechless.

The driver looks uneasy because the madam didn't even give him a chance to help her. Wang Kai look at the driver and raised his hand.

His long leg catches up Xiao Ni in no time. Xiao Ni glace from her corner eyes and huffed. 'Dare to throw a fit? I'm the one who needs to throw a fit.'

Does he even learn basic politeness? Even if he wanted her to go home, he at least needs to give her time to bid goodbye.

Wang Kai is too angry to coax her. He pressed his thin lips into a straight line, preventing words from coming out.

He presses the PH button on the apartment without looking at Xiao Ni. Xiao Ni rolls her eyes and refuses to look at him too.

When the lift door slides open, Xiao Ni put down her thing in the door and enter the kitchen in quick steps.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry. I want to beat him to death." Xiao Ni murmured angrily while shoving her strawberry yogurt down to her throat.

Aunty Jia just finishes mopping the dining room when she saw her mistress looking furious eating her yogurt. She looks cute rather than looking terrifying.

"Xiao Ni, you are back. Just at the right time, what would you like for dinner?" Aunty Jia asked with her kind smile.

Xiao Ni did not answer, due to her bad mood. But after a while, her face lifted up. She smiles wickedly. "Aunty, Do you know how to make Si Chuan cuisine?"

Aunty Jia nods her head then said. "I come from Cheng Du. Si Chuan food is my specialties." She is proud and confident in cooking the Si Chuan dish.

Xiao Ni claps her hand. "Then please Si Chuan dish for tonight dinner. The spicier the better."

Aunty Jia's face turns horror. When she got the work, Aunty Rong especially told her that Young Master Wang Kai cannot eat spicy food.

She shakes her hand and slightly trembling. "Young Mistress, Don't fire me!" She begged as she thinks Xiao Ni wants to fire her.

Xiao Ni's face fell. "No-ah! I won't fire aunty. Don't worry, I'll say I'm the one who cooked the dish."

Aunty Jia must know Wang Kai can't eat spicily and she can't cook. Her lie is too obvious. Thus she afraid he would fire her if she did what Xiao Ni told her to.

Aunty Jia looks hesitant and still afraid. Xiao Ni takes a deep breath. "Aunty I'll cook it with you, he can't blame you now."

Xiao Ni smiles and patted aunty Jia's shoulder. Aunty Jia agrees but still confused inside.

Young master's wife wanted to cook for him, shouldn't she cook something he likes?

Aunty Jia felt like she should not help Xiao Ni this time. But when they start cooking she quickly forget about everything as she keeps screaming at Xiao Ni.

"Mistress don't do that!"

"Young Mistress, there is still water. Don't put it on the frier!!"

From that day, aunty Jia never let Xiao Ni enter the kitchen again.


Blue veins pop on Wang Kai's forehead. He seats on the boss's chair and can't focus on his paperwork.

His heart still beating so fast from the previous moment. He is no superman, he admits that he was scared.

He just doesn't want the past repeat itself. He just wants Xiao Ni safe and sound. From Taylor's report, he found out that indeed Gu Yi Zhen is the one who helps Song Yun put Xu Kun on that orphanage.

This also makes him aware that Gu Yi Zhen controls a lot of people around him. Wang Ru, Bai Jing, and his dad, Ye company, Song Yun, the Zhou aunty.

He should not take him easy.

He also told Han Li to reinvestigate Song Qian and Song's mother at the First hospital. He directly told Wang Ru to remind him.

"I think it just coincidence." Ji Cun Xi express his opinion in the group call. If aunty Zhou has something to do with Gu Yi Zhen, they won't fall into these states right now.

"Or it might be part of Gu Yi Zhen's plan." Jian Jun said coldly. There is the sound of men running from his side.

Wang Kai blankly stares at his desk and knocks his finger against it. "I doubt the aunty has a connection with him. Xu Kun said the aunty is very nice." Wang Ru said.

"We never know, I also thought the security on Wang Manor is a good uncle. But then he a let Gu Yi Zhen in." Guan Xian sarcastically.

Others might think Wang Kai is overthinking, but not him. They grow up feeling uncertain every day because of Gu Yi Zhen.

Moreover, today the event is very suspicious. Lin Dan takes his future wife and the orphan kids to Glory World, then they meet Xiao Ni there.

Xiao Ni takes an interest and follows them to the orphanage. Suddenly a bad people come for the rent money. If Wang Kai did not ask Ji Cun Xi to be there, how can Xiao Ni deal with them?

One good thing that they learn from him is to be aware of every day. "So how must we suspect? Aunty Zhou? Lin Dan? YaYa?" Cun Xi asked he stuck under traffic after leaving the orphanage.

Too, every child has more than 3 or 4 pictures. Xu Kun only has one group picture.

"Everyone, of course. Especially Lin Dan." Wang Kai answer without a doubt.

This time Guan Xian and Cun Xi crack a laugh. Wang Kai's face turns expressionless. "I'm not targeting him for the past grudges. It's because he is the one who starts this whole chain reaction."

Wang Kai explains lazily, but Guan Xian and Ji Cun Xi are not that easy to deal with. Even Jian Jun smiles right now, under the bright sun in the barrack.

"Why do I felt this Lin Dan has other problems with Wang Kai?" Wang Ru asked in curiosity.

Guan Xian takes a breath to stop and explain to Wang Ru, but he really can't. So Jian Jun take the role. "Hah, that guy beat Wang Kai once in the exam. We also suspect he has an ambiguous feeling for Xiao Ni."

Wang Ru nods his head, saying. "No wonder."

"Nosy." Wang Kai scold them and wanted to end the group call. He regrets talking to them. Mentioning about Lin Dan makes his face dark again.

"Ahahaha! He once offers his notes for Xiao Ni. It's so funny. Old Wang can't focus on the exam and for the first time, he didn't pass the test." Ji Cun Xi almost crying as he laughs out loud.

Wang Kai did not want to hear about his dark past and hung up the phone. Right after he hangs up, the four of them laugh even louder.

He reaches a document to work again when he heard a loud scream from outside. Furrowing his eyebrow he quickly went to take a look.

Only to find Xiao Ni hold a big work lid and spatula on the other hand. She froze after throwing fish into the oil and the oil splash anywhere.

"Put the lid!" Aunty Jia said panicked when she heard Xiao Ni's scream. Xiao Ni wanted to cry. How to put the lid to close the wok if the oil keeps splashing.

Suddenly someone took the lid from his hand and stood in front of her. His big body-protecting Xiao Ni from the hot oils that splashing everywhere.

Xiao Ni froze as she watches him close the wok and turn off the stove. She hasn't recovered from her shock when he sweeps her off her feet. Carrying her to the living room.

Xiao Ni long eyelash flutters slightly. Wang Kai looks down and surprisingly stretches her hand to check her.

She will be lying if she said her heart did not turn soft. But for pride, she pulls her hand and looks smug.

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes then pull her hand again. He keeps silent as he pours water to cotton for first aid.

"No need, I can do it myself." Xiao Ni tries to pull her hand again, but his grip on his wrist is too strong.

He frowns, she also frown.

"Stop being stubborn." He almost went crazy today worrying about her and she makes another trouble again.

He looks at a few point of her white hand that turns red and let a heavy breath. "What are you doing in the kitchen." He clicked his tongue.

Xiao Ni bites her lips. She will lose her life is she give him an honest answer. The man looks very dangerously angry right now.

No one can help her in this apartment. She should be smart and use her special abilities now. "To cook for you, of course. Aren't you angry at me?"

Hehehe, Guan Xiao Ni you are so smart.

Wang Kai is stunned than felt slightly better.

So she is trying to coax him because he is angry? even hurting herself in the process.

How can she be so lovely?

His face turns soft as he gently brushes the cotton to her hand. "If you hurt yourself I will be even angrier."

Guan Xiao Ni cannot believe this genius boss actually eats her rainbow first nonsense. Xiao Ni wants to laugh when suddenly Wang Kai raised his head.

Their eyes meet. Xiao Ni lowers her head, didn't want him to realize she lied and now wanted to laugh.

Wang Kai smiles, in his eyes, Xiao Ni is being shy and acting coquettishly. He sighed.

"I can't understand woman." He mumbles.

One second she makes him angry and worried, throwing tantrums and give him cold shoulder. The next second she goes to dangering herself again to make him forgive her.

He really doesn't understand, but feel warm and happy inside.

Xiao Ni's lips twitched. "We woman is not for you man to understand. We are here for you to follow our wish."

There is no sentence as a woman is confusing. Clearly, man is more confusing than a woman.

He says they cared but scolds her. Know what she hates but still doing it. Insensitive, arrogant, egocentric, control freak. The list can go on.

Say woman love and creates drama every time. But will the woman get angry if they just listen to what woman want?

Don't drink, so don't drink.

Don't smoke, so stop smoking.

Be loyal, then don't cheat.

Give me attention, give them attention.

see? easy!

She might start another fight with him if she didn't hear him answer her helplessly.



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