
Our House, My Wife

When she gets down, she was surprised to find someone else in the apartment.

"Ah, good morning madam Wang. I'll introduce myself, my name is Jia Xuan." The woman in middle age smiles warmly at Xiao Ni.

Xiao Ni nods her head and sits on the bar chair. "Auntie, just call me Xiao Ni." Mrs.Wang is still strange in her ears.

"Then Xiao Ni, what do you want to have for breakfast? I've prepared dim sum and porridge but if you want anything else just tell me." Xiao Ni craves for strawberry yogurt in the morning. She simply shook her head.

"Auntie, I'll just have strawberry yogurt." Xiao Ni smiles politely and takes out her phone. Many people send her congratulations text even her 'ex-fling'.

She scans through her text and replies with courtesy. But she stopped when she read text from Ye Na.

"Xiao Ni, congratulations on your wedding. Can we meet? I need to tell you something."

She wondered what she wanted to tell her. Last time they met she runs away after telling Wang Kai is a bad guy. Then she asks for invitations but she didn't come.

"Here is your yogurt, but won't you have a stomachache eating this kind of thing in the morning?" Auntie Jia toned filled with worried as she put the yogurt on the bar table.

Xiao Ni put down her phone. "I used to. But not eating it will also make my stomach ache. Slowly getting used to it." She grins and sips the yogurt. "Later, just give me strawberry yogurt for breakfast." She added.

Auntie Jia nods her head and smiled. "Xiao Ni, Mr.Han Li has given me a list of master's allergic food. But I notice you don't have any. Is there anything?" Aunty Jia hasn't finished his words when they heard man's voice from behind.

"She doesn't have any specific allergies. Just make sure she didn't overeat seafood."

Xiao Ni avoids any eye contact with him. She can felt her cheek blush. She can feel Wang Kai walk passed her and surprised when she felt somebody kiss her head.

She nervously sipping the yogurt faster and making some voice.

Slurp... Slurp... Slurp.....

"Why don't you come back to bed?" he asked grumpily. He was expecting Xiao Ni beside him when he opens his eyes.

"I'm hungry." she quickly answers.

Wang Kai's dark gaze falls on her back, Xiao Ni can felt it. She slightly lowers her head and focuses on her yogurt. "Ah, the master let me introduce myself. My name is Jia Xuan."

Wang Kai nods his head as acknowledge. "I have high expectations since Aunty Rong has recommended you. Please help my wife take care of our home in the future." He said calmly with an unusually gentle tone.

Our home. My wife. Xiao Ni wanted to pass out already.

She felt someone sit beside her, especially tidy and smells good. Xiao Ni glance at him then frowns. "You are going to work?" She asked with an unhappy tone.

Wang Kai looks at her for a second then nodded his head. "I need to take care of something. I will be home before 4, promised."

There is a visible line shows on Xiao Ni's forehead. "We are going to Hong Kong tonight and you still go to the office. What a great wedding." She sneers.

Wang Kai grins as he takes a chopstick and put it on Xiao Ni's little plate. "So this is what married men feel when they have a wife worrying and waiting at home."

Xiao Ni's lips twitched, her hand move without command and take the chopsticks. "This is clearly an annoyed look not worrying." Xiao Ni rolled her eyes.

Wang Kai simply smiles then starts to eat. "Just stay at home and take a rest today. If you need anything just call me, I'll arrange someone to send it to you."

Xiao Ni lifted up one of her eyebrows. "Control freak." She murmured and randomly eat a dim sum.

Wang Kai hold his tongue when he heard her little complaint. Aish, he shouldn't put it that way. Since the time she complains he was being too control freak, he tried to read books and fix that. Calming himself, he stopped then look at her eyes.

"Do you have any plan today?" He restructures his sentence, say it with a forced little smile. Xiao Ni looks at him with her side-eyes. There is surprised in her eyes.

She tilted her head to the right, give him a playful look. "Have, of course, I have. I want to see my friend today."

Wang Kai pursed his lips then look back at his food. Taking one Xiao Long Bao and put in on the white porcelain spoon. "Who, Xia Sha?"

He doesn't remember her having another friend than Xia Sha does him. Xiao Ni put down her chopsticks. "Xia Sha is not my friend okay, I was just helping my brother."

They actually have quite a close relationship now. It starts when she helps him at Grandpa Wang's birthday. They sort of become partners in crime now.

Wang Kai let out a short 'oh'. "Then who is your friend? Nevermind I'll just go with you."

"No, I can go by myself. Just go busy with your work." Xiao Ni waves her hand, rejecting his suggestions. Wang Kai finishes eating, he elegantly wipes his thin lips with tissues.

"I need to know who is your friend, that way I can ensure your safety." Wang Kai said it slowly but every word is piercing. He looks at her, expecting her obedience.

Under his penetrating gaze, Xiao Ni gives up and rolled her lips inside. "Fine, I want to see Ye Na." Before he can disallow her she added. "It's totally safe by the way, with a whole military team you order to follow me."

Note the sarcasm. Xiao Ni raised her eyebrow and smiled wickedly. "Yes, I know."

Wang Kai opens his mouth then closes it again. He leans back to the bar seat, looks amused. "Not angry?" He asked.

Xiao Ni shakes her head. She really not angry at him as long as they keep hiding. She is also well aware of her safety issues. "No, as long as it remains invisible."

If she didn't overhear his conversation last night, she might be throwing a tantrum now. But Gu Yi Zhen is back and he is always aiming for the Wang family.

And she is one of them now.

Gu Yi Zhen is hard to deal with. Now he is back for a revenge Xiao Ni didn't want to add another schedule with Jason.

Two weeks once is enough.

Wang Kai smiles and gets up from his seat. "Xiao Ni finally grow up." He praised before finish his sentence. "But last time you met her you end up kidnapped. She is off the limits."

Xiao Ni follows him and stands in front of his talk body. Both arms on her hips. "I'm a grown-up who can decide on my own life."

Wang Kai rests his hand on Xiao Ni's shoulders. "The answer is to remind the same if you ask me. No. But if you insisted..." He smiles and didn't finish his sentence.

Xiao Ni narrowed her eyes. What? What if she insisted?

"I'm going to work, see you at 4!" he kissed the top of her head and walk away. Xiao Ni wipes away his lips trance on her hair.

"Xiao Ni, Master treat you really good. I have a daughter at home if only she can get a good husband like yours." Auntie Jia said. Xiao Ni smiles wryly and takes her yogurt from the stall.

"Really?" He starts to imprison her. Just like what she expected. Auntie Jia innocently nods her head. Xiao Ni smiles.

"Auntie I'm going to take a bath." Xiao Ni said before she walks upstairs.


Heh, just like what she thought. He must place people to guard the door. If she missed any second she will be trapped inside the apartment.

She really needs to thank the Guan family gene for being smart. "My husband left an important file, I'm sending it to him now. He is waiting downstairs."

She is a failed actress if she can't fool just a few men in a black suit. They were newlyweds, of course, they wanted to be together all the time.

Mr.Yun has waited downstairs. She orders Mr.Yun to used her brother Maybach. That way Wang Kai's people will really think Wang Kai waited for Xiao Ni.

Xiao Ni smiles when she successfully slides to the car. "Uncle thank you for your help today, please don't tell anyone you fetch me today." Xiao Ni sits on the middle of the second row and popped her head.

"But I need to fetch Madame afterward," Mr.Yun said with confused. If he didn't report to the madam or master that he needs to drive Xiao Ni, how can he order other drivers?

"Uncle, I just need you to drop me on SN Town Atrium. My friend will drive me home later." Xiao Ni answers.

"Are you sure? Madam said you will leave at 3 PM. Are you sure you can make it in time?" Uncle Yun asked with a worried face.

Xiao Ni sneaks at the clock. It still 9 AM in the morning, it's not late at all. "Don't worry uncle I'll only go out for a while."

Uncle Yun gives up and merely nodded his head. He still looks worried though, so Xiao Ni convinces him for the last time. "I will inform you when I'm done."

Only after hearing her promise, Uncle Yun smiles and talks about other topics.


Xiao Ni can spot Ye Na at first glance. She was wearing a black t-shirt with jeans. She looks better than the last time.

Xiao Ni waves her hand and smiles. "Did I made you wait?" Xiao Ni sits across her. Ye Na has a weak faint smile and shook her head.

"Are you okay? Can you tell me what happens now?" Xiao Ni's big eyes stare at Ye Na who looks timid. She can saw she is calmer and less anxious than the last time they met.

"You marry Brother Wang at the end." She murmured. "Congratulations."

Xiao Ni merely answers with a polite "thank you." Ye Na looked down and play with her thumb, put it on the table. "Xiao Ni, thank you for saving my family."

Xiao Ni was puzzled. She didn't remember helping Ye family at all. "What do you mean? I don't even know what happens to you."

Ye Na didn't dare to make eye contact with her. "Xiao Ni, do you perhaps know about Gu Yi Zhen?" She spoke in a soft tone, almost unheard.

Xiao Ni frozen but slowly nod her head. She knows it was her aunty's ex-husband. Wang Ru's father. "He holds grudges for the Wang family for a long time." Xiao Ni said.

Ye Na nods her head. "That year, my family moved to Japan because of Gu Yi Zhen."

Xiao Ni back turns stiff, she sat down with straight positions. "Not because of the accident?"

That year, A solo bus accident killed 25 out of 26 passengers. The case is too big that Ye Na's family can't cover it with money.

Long short, the Ye family declare bankruptcy and move to Japan.

"He made that accident. Ye Transportation has strict safety procedures. Every day we have mechanical to check the bus condition." Ye Na said with a pained look.

Xiao Ni gasps. Kill 25 innocent people within a blink. But why he need to entangled Ye family?

Ye Na seems to know Xiao Ni's question. She licks her lower lips to moisten it. "He is a big gang leader. Their member makes trouble almost every day. To ensure passenger safety, my father agrees to give him protection money." Ye Na explained.

"He needed money to operate, but he demands more. My father reported to the police and everything happen at the end." Ye Na said with tears almost fall out from her eyes.

Xiao Ni gives her tissues. "Why don't you tell me? I'm sure my father can help."

Ye Na shook her head as an answer. "I can't meet you at that time. They said something happens at your house and you've gone crazy."

Xiao Ni wrinkles her nose. So she once a crazy woman in her friend's eyes. No wonder nobody willing to be her friend.

"Only when I'm in Japan, I learned that Gu Yi Zhen killed your aunty in Wang House. He even wants to kill Wang Ru too. That is why I told you to stay away from the Wang family. Gu Yi Zhen is dangerous and he is eyeing for the Wang family."

Xiao Ni gasp. "Gu Yi Zhen killed my aunty, she didn't suicide?" Her head starts to ache.

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