
I will be your star

Xiao Ni stares at the couple of ring they has choose and smiles. "Keep it, what else."

"You don't like it?" Wang Kai asked as he narrowed his eyes. "You can make other from it if you want," he added.

Xiao Ni pick up two wedding ring at the same time before she chimmed. "I don't feel like it, which one do you think is better? I like this line on the edge but the like other diamond shapes."

"Really don't like it? Not trying to save for me?" Wang Kai ask with suspicious voice. Xiao Ni makes her annoyed face and Wang Kai shut his mouth.

At the end he follow the design Xiao Ni likes.


Hyatt Hotel, Xiao Ni's press conference.

Xiao Ni's team has arrange everything according to the plan. From the stage to media were ready as they start to countdown.

Precisely at 07.00 PM, Jun Li come to the stage along with Xiao Ni. Wearing a formal white suits Xiao Ni appear calm and gentle.

"Welcome and thank you everyone for attending today press conference. My name is Han Li from Wang Entertainment PR Team. Today, our actress and company has choose me to represent their voice." Just Li face were serious as he hold a mic.

Everyone can see how calm and professional he is. But behind the desk, Jun Li leg didn't stop shaking, showing how nervous he really is. Xiao Ni glance a him and smiles, trying to send the courage for her ex manager.

After all it's his first job as PR team.

Jun Li saw Xiao Ni's support from the corner of his eyes, he felt better. "Without further due, let's start from the first rumour. Not long time ago, precisely at 3 January 2020 at 07.31 PM, certain media company publish photos of Xiao Ni and an Italian man, which is our actress's good friend name Xavier Alejandro."

The shuttering sound from camera shouts everynow and there. Wang Kai look at them without any expression, but his eyes fixed on Xiao Ni.

The projector shows a picture of evidence complete with the article they wrote. "Then later, our actress held a charity and invite Mr.Xavier and her daughter. As a host, Xiao Ni take them around the country. That is when the same company starts to claimed that Xiao Ni has become third party in Mr. Xavier wedding." Jun Li stares coldly at the camera, the projector then show again the article and photo accordingly to Jun Li's word.

"This is not true, for several reason. First of all, as we all knew Mr. Xavier is a divorcee with child." The screen show the divorce certificate they obtained from Xavier. They blured out any important information and picture only left the date of divorce.

The reporters starts too murmured like each other, sounding like a bee.

Jun Li knock on the table once, gathering everyone attention once again. "From we can see from the date, it's written that he divorce 2 years ago. And Xiao Ni only go to Italy this year and never has contacted Mr. Xavier for many years. From this only, we can conclude that Xiao Ni is not a third party at Mr.Xavier marriage."

However, a reporter with number 42 on his seat suddenly stood up. Raising a question, "Xiao Ni claimed that they have no interaction this past few years, but there is no evidence, how can you make conclusion out of this?"

Han Li fiercely look at the woman on the crowd and frown. "Reporter number 42, with all respect please leave this room. We've agreement, no questions before Question and Answer section."

The next minute two bodyguard has asist the woman away and Jun Li continue his narrative. "Anyone want to raise a question again? Because I have many other point to explain." He said coldly.

Of course, no one dare to ask. This might be the most wanted news they can write. Imagine how many bonuses they can made?

"No? Then we will move to second point." Jun Li raised his pointer and show other picture. There are 5 picture of Xavier and Xiao Ni in different places, however there is also Wang Kai in every picture.

"In every places Xiao Ni and Mr. Xavier go, there is also Mr.Wang Kai as Xiao Ni's companion." the stupid accusion vanish into a thin air just with Wang Kai appearing on the picture.

Who the hell bring their ex boyfriend on a date with future boyfriend? Imagine how awkward it will be.

Everybody has a basic understanding about that. Clearly show that Xiao Ni really have no intention towards Xavier. She purely look at him as a friend.

Xiao Ni look at the picture and lips slightly twitched. She then stare at the man standing on a certain corner so no one can see him.

Everyone that watching the live starts were dumbfounded. President Wang giving them dog food again aren't him?

Slowly netizen acostumized with Wang Kai's way to show off.

Jun Li crack a little smile feeling helpless with the dog food too, however he quickly take opportunity to move to another point. "Second accusion Xiao Ni got is that a rumor about her being a bully." Jun Li stare at the reporter their directly in their eyes, piercing like an eagle.

"First of all, the video about Xiao Ni bullying actress or singer Li Ying on Jade Palace shooting set appears. Let's watch the video." Jun Li click the play button and the video everyone already see on the internet play in the screen.

"Li Ying, how many times I've to tell you! Please do your homework and remember the script. Did I asked too much from you to read your script and prepared from today scene?" Wen Hao voice appear on the video, which surprised many people.

The video on the internet only showing how director Wen Hao comparing Li Ying to Xiao Ni. While showing Xiao Ni lean on her assistant lazily.

They didn't know that Wen Hao scold Li Ying because she keep forgetting her own line. The video ended there because Jun Li has make his point.

Jun Li didn't say much, but only make a short comment. "first false accusations."

Next there is video of Yue Lan and Ye Hua making scene on Waiting for you after school movie premiere. No need to say, Xiao Ni did nothing but defending herself.

"second false accusations and an explanation. Both Ye Hua and Yue Lan has ended their contract with Wang Entertainment. But not like the false news spreading on the public but because they have ended their contract. After long consideration, Wang Entertainment decided to not renewing contract with both actress for several reasons." Jun Li move the slides and now show two

"Actress Ye Hua failed to follow several company rules. One of them is bringing outsider into her apartment. She also has a diva temperamental, rejecting 30 out of 40 resource prepared for her." Jun Li show a picture Ye Hua throwing a party at the apartment company arranged for her.

"Actress Yue Lan do something the company can't tolerate. Which we didn't want to publish on the first page because of several reason. We will give 1X24 hour for Yue Lan to explains her accusations towards Wang Entertainment and Xiao Ni before we make our move." Jun Li said confidently that make people believe Yue Lan has indeed do something unforgivable.

The reporters starts to make bees sounds again, discussing with each other. Jun Li give them time before he move to the last point. "For every party that involves in making false accusations for our company name and actress, we will take a legal move. The mails from our lawyer will be sent as soon as possible."

Jun Li look at Xiao Ni before he end the first section. "Thank you for your attention. Now is the right time to raise a question." Jun Li look at the empty seat with 42 numbers on the chair.

A reporter from first media stood up and raised a question. "The explanation you give us today is very complete and detailed. However, Xiao Ni you and President Wang has several scandal too."

Jun Li frown at the man number 11 and cut his long sentence. "Straight to the question please."

Xiao Ni face were calm from the starts to the end, she ready to answer question from the pers with a sweet smile.

The number 11 reporter didn't look ashamed. After being alarmed by Jun Li he make his direct question. "Is it true you were dumped by President Wang because he can't stand your temper?"

Wang Kai furrow his eyebrow, clearly dissatisfied with the reporter question. He shot a icy glare. "Take a note, first media." HR said to Han Li.

Jun Li once again frown but Xiao Ni stop him from saying another words.

Xiao Ni grip the mic and close her eyes before she answers with a big smile. "My dear friend reporter number 11 and other reporter in this room. First of all thank you for being here and listen to my explanation." she greets them with perfect manner before she slowly stare at the reporter.

"First of all, honestly this is my private affair. I don't have any obligation to tell you my love stories. But looking at so many of you want to know about this then let me explain this for once and all."

"I've know Wang Kai from my childhood, he is my brother best friend. Our family is close and I did developt feeling for him early. Because of that, we are very close to each other. I'm spoiled, you also know about that. Maybe it's true I have a temper that no man can handle." Xiao Ni laugh and some other reporter follows.

Her laugh make the atmosphere turns better. The rooms change as she shone bright in the stage.

"But not for him, even when I'm throwing a tantrum and he run out of patience. He always be the one who apologize first. Even when I know I am the one who messed up. So for him to cancel our engagement, is not as simple as he dumping me. There is so many reason I can't tell you why." Xiao Ni voice were cheerful and bright, it bewitched everybody on the hall.

They don't understand how those question will have such a sweet answer. The viewer on the live felt like they might suffer from diabetes. Xiao Ni face and answer, they don't know which is sweeter.

The reporter quickly ask another question when the reporter number 11 sit down. "I heard that you got marry recently, did you really marry President Wang after he were fired from the Wang Corporation?"

Xiao Ni blink at those fellow and felt tired. She felt like this question shouldn't be answer by her. They should ask Wang Kai about his. However she already have a draft answer from Fei Fei.

She calmly picked up a mic again. "Yes I'm marry and no you won't get the invitation." she show an annoying smile. The reporters laugh again. "Wang Kai is not fired, for future explanation please as Wang Company and Wang Kai himself."

Xiao Ni lean lazily on her fair hand as she look up to the standing reporter. "However, that is a stupid question. Wang Kai still hold significant amount of share, and the only stupid thing he ever does is sending truck of roses for me."

"Well we did ruin reputations, so this moment I want to apologized to everyone on Want Corporation and Guan Corporation." Xiao Ni bow her head deeply and sincerly.

Her simple action however, touch many people who is watching. After answering several other question with her usual funny and cheerful voice, one reporter starts to ask about her next project.

"Ms. Xiao Ni, what do you have next in you career. Both of your first film and drama were all booming and breaking records. You have gains so many fans through your remarkable acting. Surely they want to know your next project after Jade Palace."

Xiao Ni still smiling but there is sadness in her eyes. She took a deep sigh before she took her mic. "Finally question about my career. I starts to think that no one care about my work and only curious about my personal affair." she laugh as the crowd laugh too.

however her next sentence makes everyone jaw dropped. "Jade Palace will be my last project in Television." Xiao Ni smile and look at the camera, enjoying the flash.

"As all of you has know, my reputation is bad. This time I really make my family sad and worried about me. I feel like the attention on me is getting out of hand."

Silence. Even reporter forget to take a picture.

Xiao Ni smiles and jokes around again. "Why you stop taking picture, come on take more picture! this might be the last time you see me." she playfully interact with the pers.

"This conference..." she stop talking as sweat start to fall on her forehead. her legs shaking terribly under the table and her thumbs starts to move against each other.

Wang Kai widen his eyes, next second he stood up and run to the stage. His sudden appearance make everyone shock more than Xiao Ni news.

Wang Kai look unfriendly as he frown to the reporter. A rare person appear, the reporter goes crazy taking a picture. Wang Kai worriedly hold Xiao Ni hand and hand her a bottle of water.

He take over the mic and magnetic low voice echo through the wall. "Today apart from clearing everybody false accusations towards Xiao Ni ..." Wang Kai paused and hold Xiao Ni little hand tighter. Subconsiouscly he looked down at Xiao Ni to look at her condition.

Xiao Ni relentless eyes look at Wang Kai. she look sad and nervous at the same times but her lips smiling reassuring. "I want to announce it myself, that is what i owe to my fans." she murmured.

Wang Kai tongue want to move when his hand has give the mic to Xiao Ni. Wang Kai himself can't understand his brain. He told his tongue to stop Xiao Ni but his hand give her the mic.

at the end he only standing side by side with her and tighten their hand together when Xiao Ni annocunce. "I will taking a break from entertainment from this second, thank you for my fans that support me from the starts. It's been such a journey from being a rockstar to actress." she smiles and bow 90 degree on the stage.

she sincerely look at the camera and give her best she can to the fans. "This is my present for my fans. I love you and goodbye."

That's when the lights dimmed and a video starts to play again. This time Xiao Ni prepare a single as goodbye gift for her fans. With help from several professional at Wang Entertainment she finally finish her single on time.

A sweet song with touching lyrics for fans were made with love. On the screen Fei Fei deliberately make a short movie about Xiao Ni's journey from the starts.

"I will be your stars." Single by Xiao Ni make her fans cried and she once again stay on the Weibo first search. This time she stay for two whole week without ruining her reputation.


In the other place, a guy with scary mark on his cheeks stare at a potrait hanging on his wall.

When he heard a heavy footstep he slightly look at the man in denim jacket and asked. "Fail again?"

the man look down and give a reason to his boss. "Boss, the other side security is very good. They show no weakness in every aspect."

The man sneer and remove his sight from his man. "Of course it's two legendary family, it's okay you can go." he comment it's icy voice.

the man has a scared face when he saw two big man approaching him. "No! No! Boss give me another chance!" his body disappear around the corner.

After that, a horrifying scream filled the big mansion. The 'boss' man he called close his eyes before he eventually look at the big portrait again.

As he stare at the cold eyes, he rubs the jade ring he ware. "Father, don't worry. I will punish them for you. I won't die before I avenge you."

little discrimer: I think I have to finish the story about Wang Ru - Xiao Ni last mistery before we move on ^^

can you guest who harbour such a bitter feeling at Wang and Guan family?

do you need hint?

Snatcreators' thoughts
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