
There is no need to care about what’s mine if you don’t want to lose what’s yours

Xiao Ni was ready for her long speech and protest against Wang Kai. However, he knew her too well, knowing she would likely support his enemy rather than stand on the same page with him. Thus Wang Kai simply didn't let her speak, instead, he would make her busy so that she forgot her protest.

After giving a forced fake smile to the pair of father and daughter, with Xiao Ni still on his embrace, he kisses the top of her head and said, "Your manager is on the line waiting for you, she said she has something to discuss with you. Be good."

Not convinced, Xiao Ni squints her eyes suspiciously. Wang Kai whoever is a good actor, maintains the calmness on his face, showing that he was stating the truth. Well, she has abandoned her work ever since they broke up, her manager and assistant must have many things to sort out. However, leaving this jealous monster is probably not a great idea.

Noticing Xiao Ni was in a daze, Xavier chooses to reassure her to go, "It's alright Xiao Ni, work is important." The warm smile on Xavier's face sends Xiao Ni to pick up the phone on Han Li's hand.

After Xiao Ni left the scene, finally the real aura both of the powerful men have tried to hide surpassed their owner's body. Staring at each other with cold eyes, Xavier who still carrying Sienna turns Sienna's body so she won't be facing Wang Kai.

Like two alpha males in a big war, the atmosphere between the men is terrifying. Wang Kai has long known that Xavier is one of the most talented businessmen in Europe. With the back-up from his mafia king's father, Xavier has nothing he should be afraid of.

This is his territory, even if he only stands alone here, surrounded by Wang Kai's man he knew Wang Kai can't hurt him if he still wanted his life.

"Kyle Wang, stop plastering Xiao Ni. You had hurt her once, you have no right to pursue her again." Xavier said with a flat tone, the gentle smile he sometimes when Xiao Ni was there, gone with no trace. Even with such a casual sentence, he emitted a strong intimidating aura around him.

Wang Kai, however, looks like he didn't want to be in a conversation with him. "That is not your business."

"I watch her grow up, I see her as my sister." Xavier raised his eyebrow and casually brush Sienna soft curly hair with her big hand. Wang Kai raised a corner of his lips when he heard Xavier's bullshit. See her as a sister? Did he take him as a fool?

That kind of gaze towards his girl, Wang Kai was familiar with that gaze. It doesn't take a genius to read between the lines. He clearly has a feeling for Xiao Ni, yet using 'brother-sister' as his alibi. He knew it very well because he also has using those alibi for years.

An only stupid woman like Xiao Ni won't realize.

At the thought of Xiao Ni, Wang Kai becomes even more displeased. The silly girls attracting so many men without even realizing it. It makes him extremely uncomfortable knowing there are many men eyeing for her.

Make him wanted to kill every man in the world, in order to keep her on his side.

Sigh, so much trouble, he might be happier if Xiao Ni is a little bit uglier. See, he starts thinking about weird things every time he thinks about the biggest issues he is facing.

However, the fastest way to deal with smart people is to act stupid. Did he want to used brother and sister relationship right? Then let him be. "Then I should call you big brother."

Wang Kai indifferent who usually makes people died from anger didn't seem to work on Xavier since there is no Xiao Ni, there is no reason to beat around the bush. But considering he still carrying Sienna and the little girl can hear their conversation, Xavier softens his words.

But still, he goes straight to the point. "You are not even president of Wang Corporation anymore, even if you still are you can't save your company, leave alone the Guan Corporation. Before, I still have a little respect for you. I thought at least you are doing a good job at the business even if you suck at the relationship."

Xavier is clearly provoking Wang Kai's anger, but he didn't expect that Wang Kai will be so good at self-control. Instead of falling into Xavier traps, Wang Kai makes a trap for him instead. "What that got to do with you?" he asked with his usual cold and indifferent face.

Xavier sneers but catches Wang Kai's bait. "That meant you didn't worth of Xiao Ni. But it's different If Xiao Ni marries me, I have the power to make Guan Corporation lead C Nation."

Hearing Xavier confession, finally, Wang Kai broke his expressionless face, cracking a mocking smile on his face. "Thank you for your concern, but you should really just be thankful for what yours."

Wang Kai's black iris moves to Sienna's body. Sienna has normal and calm breathing despite being in the middle of the battle of asura. She can even fall asleep on her father's warm body.

"There is no need to care about what's mine if you don't want to lose what's yours." In the end, Wang Kai wins the battle. Even with such a great background, Wang Kai still manages to get him caught off guard and make such a big mistake.

Xavier knew he screws up when he saw Xiao Ni listening to them not far away with the corner of his eyes.

Embarrassed, his grip on Sienna's body subconsciously tightens. Wang Kai's face turns back to natural before he casually walks to Xiao Ni, he even has a faint smile. After defeating other cockroaches, he felt accomplished.

"I want to buy a suit." Wang Kai lowering his head to look at Xiao Ni who has complicated look on her beautiful face. After a while of looking at Wang Kai and stealing a glance at Xavier, Xiao Ni nods her head at Wang Kai with mixed feelings.

Wang Kai patted Xiao Ni's head after he saw she was nodding her head obediently. Reaching for Xiao Ni's hand, he covered her petite hand with his hand and walk away from the park.


Guan Xiao Mi: "Hello everyone, please support the author by reading this book only on web novel. Also, don't forget to leave a comment and give the author some spirit stone."

Guan Xiao Mi : [whispering] The author easily distracted and get bored, leaving many comments will make her guilty if she didn't post a chapter every day...

Since it was still practically winter, even if the park they choose is less cold than another place, it was still cold. Wang Kai tightens his grip on Xiao Ni's hand as he looks at Xiao Ni who is still in a daze. The look on her face is a very conflicted look, it almost makes Wang Kai want to laugh at her.

Poking her cheek with his left finger, Wang Kai successfully gains Xiao Ni's attention. Surprised for a moment, Xiao Ni puffed her cheeks and retract her gaze from Wang Kai again. Not like her usual face, she ignores Wang Kai and walks mindlessly.

Wang Kai raised his think eyebrow, couldn't help but wonder what the heck is bothering her. She has that 'I-Am-In-A-Deep-Trouble-Look' written on her face. Did she felt sad that she couldn't play with that little girl of Xavier's again after he took off her daddy's mask?

She really wants daughter that much?

Hmm... Although he still wants to postpone having a child for a year after marriage, but if she really wants a daughter he didn't have any objection. However, they should get married first.

All the way to the ride, Xiao Ni didn't bother him at all. Like a man with billions of debts, Xiao Ni's face turns even darker and darker…

She even starts to emit depressions aura with her.

Can't hold on anymore, Wang Kai decided to confront Xiao Ni. "What are you troubled about? Tell me, I will help you solve everything."

Of course, if she wanted a daughter, she can only have it with him. The image of cute Xiao Mi on Wang Kai's mind makes him felt a little less annoyed. Gentle smile hanged on his handsome face.

Xiao Ni, who looks like a person who brings back to life stare at Wang Kai with her bright eyes. It's captivating, very alluring. Wang Kai almost forgot everything if she didn't say, "Did our company is heaving big trouble?"

Her voice filled with curiosity and empathy, but Wang Kai still catches the tone of sadness in her voice. In between dilemma whether to explain or not, Wang Kai sighed and decides to explain the outline to Xiao Ni. "Yeah, it's unavoidable. But you don't have to worry, Guan Xian can solve this."

Hearing Wang Kai's answer, make Xiao Ni even more worried, "You sure?" she raised her right eyebrow and slightly move forward so she can see Wang Kai's face closer. Wang Kai nods his head and smiles at Xiao Ni. "Yeah, don't worry everything will be okay."

With that, finally, Xiao Ni sits on her seat again. Wang Kai lean his back, he felt relieved that Xiao Ni isn't worrying about that pair of father and daughter. If she is really worried about them it means she has attached to them. Definitely not good news for him.

That man can always use his daughter as an excuse if it was the case. A faint smile show on his face as he randomly questioned her.

"So you are not worried about that man and his daughter?"

Xiao Ni stares at Wang Kai for a while, raising the same right eyebrow. Watching him patiently waiting for her answer, Xiao Ni nonchalantly answers with another question. "Why should I?"

Wang Kai nods a few times, agreeing with Xiao Ni's reaction. That is right, she shouldn't care about them, they are just slightly closer than a stranger. No need to worry about them, that is good.

Wang Kai was even more satisfied when she heard her saying, "Do you think I'm that stupid and dense? Everyone can see he likes me, but He likes me had nothing to do with me. He has the free right to like me just as I have the free right not to like him back."

"But openly rejecting people is not good either, I've tried it in high school, mostly didn't go well. The best way is to ignore them and act like you don't know."

With a proud look at his face, Wang Kai patted Xiao Ni's head a few times and quickly retrieved his hand when Xiao Ni glare at him. Even though she still acts cold towards him, but her previous answer has grown a garden of roses on Wang Kai's heart.

So he ignores her glare and shamelessly praised her. "That is right, no need to respond to other men except me."

Xiao Ni flattering her eyelash a few times and rolls her eyes, "You don't have to teach me, I know and I don't want to respond to you too." Please, if she gets panic and nervous every time she knew man attracted to her, she already has a truck of ex-boyfriend that can be piled up to form a mountain.

Wang Kai has a faint smile close his eyes to rest a bit. He went directly to see Xiao Ni and felt a little jet-lagged from the flight. Now that he had settled everything and she is sitting beside him, he thinks that he can get a good rest.

After he closes his eyes, no one spoke again in the car. But silent can really be dangerous because no one is speaking, Wang Kai mind directly replays Xiao Ni's previous word. Once, twice, thrice, it makes him happy and content.

But at the fifth replay, he realized something and open his eyes. Gritting his teeth, the sleepiness is gone. Looking straight at Xiao Ni with an interrogation eyes Wang Kai questions her. "Guan Xiao Ni you already know that man has feelings for you and still sleep on his house?!"

"What are you shouting for?" Xiao Ni was startled and almost shouting at Wang Kai.

"Answer the good damn question!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I know and I still sleep in his house, so what?"

"Guan Xiao Ni… you…!"

"Hah? What? What? What you want to say?"

Wang Kai was speechless for a moment before he realized other things.

"You know that I've liked you from junior high school didn't you, but you still act like you don't know!"

"What the heck! You are avoiding me like a plague, how could you say that you like me?!"



"!!!! Blablabla…!"

Han Li sigh, when the boss meets a young mistress, a fight is unavoidable. Han Li closes his eyes and enjoy his little entertainment.

Everyone please motivate me haha, I know I really should have a stock of chapter, but I felt so unmotivated. Also shout out to reader who still hold on into this story although I know it's getting boring because it's getting too long.

Pardon me and my trouble.

Snatcreators' thoughts
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