

"You managed to pick up a rather annoying character. Why don't we just kill him? Come on, don't give me that cold shoulder, hey, hey, don't you dare open that door!"

The Gray Figure tried stopping the inevitable, but he could do nothing as Wang Ling opened the door. Upon opening, what he saw was Fjord smiling widely like always, "Brother Wang Ling, you finally opened the door!"

"Only because it was too noisy. Brother Fjord, are you not bored doing this routine every morning? You come and go like this every single day, are you not bored or are you not going to make preparation for the upcoming Heavenly Dragon Selection?"

"Nope, I have been itching to fight and if I prepare now I may lose track of time and seclude myself for months. Conversing with Brother Wang Ling is enjoyable anyway, besides, I have some good information today!"

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