
A Tale

After everything that Katherine and Damien had been through, he believed she would make the right choice. Whatever that may be. For him, it didn't matter what it was as long as it would make her happy and at peace. 

For someone who spent her whole life seeking revenge for her parents' murder, Katherine was the same girl he met that tragic night. She could be vulnerable despite being capable of violence. She could kill, but she could also heal—just like what she did to him. So whatever her decision may be, Damien would support her all the way.

Katherine wanted to visit her grandfather in the hospital after lunch. Caroline joined the two of them, her eyes all puffy from crying all night. Senior housekeeper Teresa led the staff today, stepping up in her role as they did their duties and served the family in the dining room. If the rest of the staff had found out about what happened last night, they didn't show it. Everyone looked professional as always.

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