
The First Meeting

Author's Note: This final instalment for MTAW is going to be focussed around KakaIru. Caution for Mpreg and time skip. Not much involvement of the first two pairings from earlier, you have been warned.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

The streets weren't very crowded today even though it was already late. A certain kindergarten teacher sighed. It was quite a rough day with two new students to the centre. The non-stop crying and hyperactivity from the other students simply drained his energy. Iruka didn't think that he could handle it for more than eight hours. To make matters worse, a parent called in informing them that they would be late to fetch their child due to a sudden request for overtime work. As a result, the poor teacher had to extend hours until the last kid left so that he could close the centre up. Autumn was really cold and Iruka pulled his jacket up to cover his exposed neck. It won't be good if he falls sick too.

Seriously, the teacher would complain about the owner's reluctance to get more staff. It was always troublesome and tiring whenever one of them fell ill. The other would be forced to cover for the sick teacher. Iruka didn't dislike helping others but there was always a limit to doing so. He also didn't think that his co-worker was genuinely sick. If anything he might be just drunk and had a terrible hangover. Iruka hated these kinds of people the most but there really wasn't much he could do about his circumstances. Not many people were willing to employ him in such a small town. Male kindergarten teachers usually had it tougher than female kindergarten teachers. Thankfully, this centre was an all-boys kindergarten so it was alright for them to engage male staff. However, for Iruka, that only meant the children were rowdier than usual with no girls around to even out the intense level of testosterone.

After grabbing on of the last two instant meals from a convenience store and making his payments, the tired teacher trudged back to his humble apartment in one of the quieter parts of the town just like how he liked it. The rent was cheap simply because the apartments in the area were old and it was a distance away from any public transportation. The closest convenience store was also at least a fifteen-minute walk away, not to mention the other amenities. Still, for a young university graduate like him who had only managed to find a job at a low-paying kindergarten four months back, this was a god-sent haven.

Iruka had already pulled out the keys and was about to enter the building when he sensed something amiss. It was a quiet evening but something felt off. The street lamp would usually cast a shadow onto the sidewalk that Iruka liked to place his bags under but today, that shadow seemed exceptionally long. Curious, the teacher went to the alley to check it out.

He nearly screamed when he saw a dead body... no, Iruka quickly corrected himself. It wasn't a dead body yet but it might be one very soon if nobody helped this unlucky fellow.

Without a shred of hesitation, the teacher held his convenience store purchase with his teeth and dragged the dying man up the building. Thank goodness his apartment was close to the lift on the third floor. Iruka didn't think that such a lithe looking man would end up weighing so much. It was either that or the kindergarten teacher had grown flabby but Iruka doubted it. Working with boys tended to require a bit of muscle strength.

As Iruka lived alone, he didn't have a spare mattress. He was also too poor to afford a proper bed so the thin mattress he slept on was the only thing he could let the injured man lay on. His dinner was set down on the countertop and quickly forgotten in favour of a badly needed first aid kit that the teacher hid in the bathroom.

Returning with the first aid kit, Iruka had to get rid of the stranger's clothes to check the severity of the wounds. There was so much blood that Iruka didn't know if first aid would work. Maybe he should have just stayed and called for an ambulance instead. Why did he bring a suspicious person into his home and try to save them when he could have done the logical thing to call for the professionals? At times like this, Iruka really hated his act-first-and-think-later nature.

After removing the stranger's top, Iruka blushed a little. The man he brought home was rather handsome. Initially, the teacher thought that he was an elderly person with that silver hair but now that he had a better look, that silver hair was hereditary. The stranger appeared to be a very beautiful albino in his thirties or late twenties. Iruka could only drool over the chiselled jawlines and masculine beauty. The man was heavy for good reasons with the well-defined muscles from his arms, torso and abs. However, that was where the admiration ended.

Just above his right hip bone, Iruka spotted a horrible looking wound that appeared as if someone stabbed him with a small knife. Surprisingly, the wound wasn't bleeding as much as it should have so Iruka thought that it would be alright to bandage the wound up. It was slightly tricky to properly dress the wound but somehow, the kindergarten teacher managed it. He was also proud of his handiwork. Who knew that his first aid license would prove to be handy in situations like that? He was glad that he signed up for the extra course back in his university days. He thought that it would come in handy when dealing with children who could often get hurt and although reality didn't give him the opportunity to put the skill to use while on a paycheque, Iruka was thankful he learnt it.

Once that was done, Iruka prepared a basin of water to wipe the hunk down and clean the blood while throwing the soiled clothes into the washing machine. The wounded man was slightly taller than Iruka so some of his baggier clothes still looked a little too short on him but the teacher didn't care. It was better than letting the injured man sleep naked in his bed.

After cleaning up the mess, Iruka finally sank down exhausted with dinner in his hands. As Iruka ate, he pulled out his lesson plans. There were still some class materials he needed to prepare for the classes tomorrow. Seriously, the owner needed to employ at least one more staff to help out with the centre. He could really use the help of an assistant teacher.

Like my work? Check out my Originals:

Ball of Nothing <- 90% Fluffy friendship adventure, 10% reality that hits you in the feels.

Love Journal - As Told by an Emotionally Constipated Half-Genius <- 90% Badass Kids Rule the World, 10% Awkward in Love so I furiously Google How to be a Good Girlfriend.

Destiny_Aitsujicreators' thoughts
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