
Will You Forgive Me?

Mu Kang Ning raised his hands weakly to touch Mu Xi Xing's face and said, "I... have let you down... I do not have the face to live... Your weak health was caused by me... When your mother had you, her older sister paid me to drug your mother to kill you... I, as a doctor, drugged your mother for that money... Because... I drugged your mother... you were born premature... However,... it seems that people really cannot commit evil deeds... I needed that money to save my wife, who was also pregnant, but the night that you were born... I was one-step too late... My wife passed away while giving birth to our daughter and our daughter died too... When you were born, you were originally dead... but when I returned from seeing my wife... I found out that you were alive again... That's why I secretly swapped you and my biological daughter in the hospital and brought you here... I was selfish because I lost my wife and children, I decided to keep you and raise you as my daughter... You were very weak, and I could only bring you here to try to bring you back to good health… At the same time, I can prevent your aunt from finding you out… No one knew that the one that died was my biological daughter… But I cannot let you go back... your aunt could find out that you are her niece and she might try to harm you again…Although your birth parents were all very smart and powerful people… But I believe that they never thought that the person harming them was your aunt and even if I told them… they would not believe me... because I do not have the power to fight them… If I returned and your existence was known… and no one believed me… you would be in danger… I have already lost my wife and daughter… I cannot afford to lose you again… I am afraid that you will be in danger if you returned... You are still young, and no one can protect you... Your aunt and her husband are influential people as well... So, I didn't want to tell you who your birth parents are and that was why I have never brought you back to Country X…Will you... forgive me... for my selfishness?"

Mu Kang Ning said everything at once with a weak voice as though he was afraid that he cannot finish what he wanted to say before he leaves. Mu Kang Ning knew that his time was going to be up, so he wanted to let Mu Xi Xing know the truth although he doesn't want to tell her what her parents' names are. He wished that before he dies, he can receive Mu Xi Xing's forgiveness.

This is the first time Mu Xi Xing heard all these from Mu Kang Ning, so she was very shocked and from Mu Kang Ning's eyes, she knew that he spoke the truth. Mu Xi Xing was at a loss, she didn't know what to feel. She wasn't angry nor did she hated Mu Kang Ning because she knew that if her aunt knew that she was alive then, she would not have lived. However, knowing the fact that her own life was stolen from someone else, she felt very guilty and painful.

The name "Mu Xi Xing" belongs to Father Mu's biological daughter, but she stole it from her. She could have lived if Father Mu got there earlier, but because of her, the real Mu Xi Xing died. Despite all these, Father Mu still took care of her so well and treated her as though she was his biological daughter. Father Mu said before that because the stars in the night sky when she was born was very beautiful and she was born on New Year's Eve, hence he gave her the name "Mu Xi Xing". However, right now she doesn't know who she was anymore. The name "Mu Xi Xing" doesn't belong to her, she doesn't know who or where her birth parents were, and now Father Mu was going to leave her as well.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she held on to Mu Kang Ning's hands and said while crying, "I... forgive... you..."

Hearing that Mu Xi Xing forgave him, Mu Kang Ning smiled weakly and tears rolled off his eyes. His eyes closed gently, and his hands fell.

In that quiet room, only sobs could be heard.

A few weeks later, Mu Xi Xing returned to her usual calm and emotionless state. She wasn't heartless, neither was she magnanimous, she just didn't want to hate anyone. Especially, someone who essentially saved her life from her aunt, her aunt was the main culprit. However, since Father Mu was gone, she does not feel any feelings for anyone now. To hate or love requires feelings, but she doesn't, so she picked up the note that France gave her and dialed.

"Hello. I am S... Star, I accept your offer to go to YY University."

"Really?! That's great! I will send someone to fetch you here, your tuition fees would be sponsored so you don't have to worry about not leaving enough money for your father."

"I do not want to receive any scholarships or funding. However, I do not have enough money to pay for the full tuition fees, so I would like to sign an agreement with you. We can discuss this when we meet." Mu Xi Xing said calmly.


Ten years later.

Country X.

A lady that looked around twenty years old stood in front of XX High School. She had her hair up in a ponytail and she looked very clean and beautiful. She was wearing XX High School's uniform with a name tag on it that shows "Mo Xi". The lady looked very elegant but at the same time, she exuded a cheerful vibe.

"I can finally come back here..." Mo Xi said with a hint of happiness in her eyes, "I can protect myself and others now and I won't let anyone harm me or the people around me… I can go find my family now."

Muahahahaha! Hello once again!

Can anyone guess who is Mo Xi?

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I love to read, and I have a lot of plots in that tiny brain of mine, but I can't seem to put them into words... T_T

Thank you all for reading~ XOXO

EvaOrlando14creators' thoughts
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