
He Has Bright Future Too

"What?! Xiao Tian?" Guanting found it hard to believe what she was hearing. "Isn't he one of the caretakers at your orphanage?"

"No." Hanying responded, "He is a businessman."

"How long did they know each other?" Guanting threw another question.

"I don't know. Maybe a year." Hanying did not know about this because she had never asked abuot this matter to Leng Nichang or Xiao Tian. "But we know him for two months."

"Grandma Hanying, isn't it better to make Nichang become my son's girlfriend?" Guanting still tried her best to set her son up with Leng Nichang. "Nichang has only known him for a year and you two have only known him for two months, while both of you and Nichang has known my son for more than twenty years." 

She then continued, "Isn't my son better than him in this aspect? After all, you don't know his personality well. What if Xiao Tian breaks her heart later?"

Hanying and Jie exchanged a glance with each other.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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