
Comments of chapter undefined of The Wielder of Death Magic

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Thank you Milord Frosthsyrup for this Chapter. in most forms of media creators tend to shy away the dark and gritty and not so pretty parts of humanity especially we anything could possibly paint "LGBTQ+etc" in a bad light. As being with "All encompassing taste" (I shall say in hopes to not be censored) I very much so appreciate a seemingly unbias and filterless story telling. I which I came across more stories that told him such a fashion. again thank you very very very much Milord Frosthsyrup, this story is truly unique and incredible. atleast in my eyes away.


You flatter me to much :p

Lord_Frey3th:Milord, your creation and creative is a blessing to those able to find it.

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yeah the DG isnt to be fùcked with