
Emergency Session of the International Confederation of Wizardry Ⅶ

The first member of the delegation to recover his wits is a thin, dark-haired, shallow-skinned wizard with a large, curved beak-like nose, Mr. Krum. Furrowing his thick black eyebrows like an overgrown bird of prey, he says, "This is simply an aberration, a sheer mockery of the solemn proceedings being conducted this day. Supreme Mugwump Dumbledore, I demand on behalf of the International Confederation of Wizardry that this farce immediately desist!"

 "A farce, you say?" A young teenage girl's voice icily says as Nadira coils on her tail rising to her full height to gaze down at the wizard.

"I am Nadira, Guardian of Hogwarts, wizard. Take heed of your words, wizard, lest I take offense." There is a chilling finality to the serpent's words as the embedded sapphire gem on Nadira's forehead twinkles with a threatening light.

Mr. Krum is taken aback as the sobriety of the moment falls upon him. In his rash temper, he had overlooked one particular fact. His opponent wasn't human to begin with, but rather a serpent residing in her lair.

"My apologies, if I have overstepped with my words, guardian-. it was not my intent to offend." Mr. Krum stiffly bowed his head to the albino Great Horned Serpent.

Nadira loudly sniffed and flicked her tongue, before accepting the apology. "Very well, I shall be merciful upon this occasion, wizard, but take care not to overstep again," she warned the wizard, and all those residing in the Great Hall.

"I am certain, Nadira, no one would be so foolish as to commit such a folly again," Reginald Prince taciturnly said gazing down his nose at the seated members of the delegation causing more than one member of the delegation to be unable to meet his gaze or shift in discomfort in their seat.

"If I may, Nadira," Reginald paused to glance at the serpent, who nodded her head at him to commence. "Thank you," he sincerely said bowing his head to the noble serpent before him.

"I am honored to stand before the greatest assembly of witches and wizards of the world, the International Confederation of Wizardry. I am aware that our presence is unexpected and unannounced, and for that, I bow my head in an act of sincerity and contrition to the delegation," Reginald formally bowed his waist toward the delegation.

The formal apology was successful as the chagrined members of the delegation were appeased by Reginald's formal apology. Though not in favor of the current ongoing events, the delegation would permit the travesty to continue.

"Notwithstanding," Reginald gracefully straightened to his full imposing height, "the presence of Nadira as Guardian of Hogwarts cannot be denied either. I need not remind the delegation of the history of the known magical world. At Ilvermorny, whose very founder Isolt Sayre befriended a Great Horned Serpent and was gifted a shard of horn in turn to forge her wand."

Several members of the delegation peeked out of the corner of their eyes at Jack Steward, a descendant of Marth Steward, the squib daughter of Isolt Sayre and James Steward. Jack Steward pretends not to notice the stares, but his lips press into a thin line of unhappiness. He did not wish to be reminded of his ancestry, especially not here at Hogwarts.

"Isolt Sayre was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself, a founder of Hogwarts," Reginald raised his head with pride, "who is also an ancestor of the Prince's. Nevertheless, serpents have been revered throughout the ages from the Imperial Court of Japan to the Aztecs, Crete, Greece, Rome, the Kingdom of Dahomey, Egypt, India, to the America's and more. Even now, there are still places in the world, where serpents continue to be revered."

"Enough chit-chat, Prince," interrupted the elderly wizard, Harfang, (the second).

Sieger Black half-closed his eyes in exasperation. He sometimes absolutely detested his shared familial relationship with the old man. Still, he did not miss the knowing smirk on Atticus Malfoy's face. Sieger Black remained composed in the face of the slight, the only betrayal of his annoyance was the slight narrowing of his gray eyes.

"What is it that you want?" Harfang rasped, "Farce or not, this is most certainly a grandiose show. I am old and grow weary of this tiresome charade. Speak plainly, Prince!"

Harfang wasn't the only member of the delegation that shared his sentiments. Many of the delegates did as well. In fact, the most impatient member of the delegation was Philippe Verninac, who felt rather betrayed and used by Reginald Prince. This was not at all what he had agreed to!

"I shall shortly come to that, Delegate Longbottom," Reginald's dark gaze locked onto Harfang causing the old wizard to shudder in place. "I humbly request patience as further explanation is required in order to clarify the predicament; we find ourselves in."

Reaching into his fine robes, Reginald removes a silver forged band with a fine crest. The members of the delegation crane forward or narrow their eyes in cautious study of the band. Many instantly recognized the fine craftsmanship of the goblins, it was a goblin-forged armlet. Yet because of the distance, the majority of the delegates fail to recognize the unique engraved crest.

However, a few do, such as Philippe Verninac, whose light-colored eyes widen in shock, before narrowing in thought. Philippe Verninac's mind races and his mind begins to paint an impossible picture. It was simply impossible, and yet, could it be possible?

"I along with countless descendants of Salzar Slytherin before me have graced the halls of Hogwarts," Reginald plainly said. "In fact, my own grandchildren, bear the bloodline of three of the founders of Hogwarts, Salzar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, and Helga Hufflepuff."

"Helga Hufflepuff, an extraordinary witch in every manner, a worthy contemporary of my ancestor, Salzar Slytherin, and thereby rightfully earning her place as one the founders of Hogwarts," Reginald respectfully declared. "Helga was gifted not only in charms but in magical crafting. A unique gift among witches and wizards even now, but moreover a rarity in itself at that time. A gift wielded with such prowess that could only ever be matched and found among the goblins."

At the declaration, dozens of gazes of the delegation dart back toward the silver band held in Reginald's hand. Among them, Atticus Malfoy's blue eyes widen in astonished recognition of the engraved crest. His head whirls about to meet the gray gaze of Sieger Black, who solemnly blinks in unspoken agreement, the fickle finger of fate was at work.

"The Wand Ban, Clause Three of the Code of Wand Use passed by the Wizard's Council in 1631, made one fatal error. It stated that 'No non-human creature is permitted to carry or use a wand,' which included the prohibition of goblins." A cold smile graced Reginald's face sending a shiver racing down the back of various members of the delegation.

"Therefore, the Wand Ban itself is ineligible on the basis of Hogwarts which was established hundreds of years before in 990 A.D and the countless descendants of Helga Hufflepuff, who attended Hogwarts thereafter and continue to attend Hogwarts."

There is heavy silence in the Great Hall as some of the members of the delegate frown and others suck in their breaths. The fundamental argument made by Reginald Prince could not be denied. There was a historical and legal basis to declare the Wand Ban of 1631 as unlawful. However, the law has been in effect for hundreds of years and regardless of illegal conformity, the ban has become a legal precedent.

Reginald raised his hand up to better showcase the goblin-forged armband. "Many of you recognize the armband as being a work of goblins, but not just any member of the goblin nation, but that of the royal family."

"The proof lies in the armband which belonged to Helga Hufflepuff, the founder of Hogwarts, and proves that she was and is in fact the daughter of the first-born son of Ragnuk, the First, who perished in battle during combat against the muggle armies," Reginald boldly declared as loud gasps of belief fill the air.

"Preposterous!" "Impossible!" "Lies!" And so similar remarks filled the air.

"I call the confederation to order," Idris Shafiq voice roared as he had to cast "Sonorus," again to bring order back to the delegation.

The delegation reluctantly quiets down as Idris Shafiq removes the spell and returns to his normal tone of voice. Turning a stern, somber gaze at Reginald Prince, he says,"You have made a bold and slanderous claim, this day, Reginald Prince. Have you any proof beyond the armband to uphold your seemingly outrageous claim?"

Reginald turned and nodded his head to Ragnok, who stepped forward and held his head high. He bowed his pointy eared head to the delegation, before holding his arm up in solemn vow. "I, Ragnok, son of Frisa, heir to the Stone Throne, by blood of my blood, and the sanctity of the Stone Throne, I lay an oath with my life that Rowan and Severus Prince are kin. Rowan and Severus Prince are the children of Tobias Snape, son of Camilla Hufflepuff, and who are direct bloodline descendants of the first son of Ragnuk, the First, who bore a single daughter, who took upon her mother's name and was known to the magical world thereby the name of Helga Hufflepuff."

The delegation is flabbergasted by the declaration. There is no stronger oath made by a goblin than a vow by the stone throne. The stone throne was the utmost sacred and holy to the goblins. Moreover, the one making the vow was none other than the heir to the stone throne, the future Goblin King.

Ho ho, so the cards are being played.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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