
Godparents of Rodrigo Prince

The morning is warm, and Rowan stands in front of the mirror studying her reflection. She looks good in her blue robes that have silver decorative embroidery with a silver wyvern embroidered on robe sleeves. Giving herself one last look over, Rowan emerges from her quarters and strides to Severus's bedroom across the hall.

Severus looks rather handsome with his hair pulled by a blue ribbon. His robes are very similar to Rowan's nearly identical. He turns in front of the mirror and proudly preens in satisfaction greatly resembling Fidel (the peacock). Rowan holds back a smile and leans against the doorway. "Looking good, Sev," she teased.

Severus rolls his eyes as he turns around to face Rowan. "You don't look awful either, Rowan," he retorted with a crooked grin.

"Mm, we best check on Rodrigo," Rowan straightened up. "Even though it will be just Rodrigo's godparents, Aunt Georgine will no doubt fuss over everything."

"There is that," Severus muttered under his breath, and without complaint followed his sister through the manor toward the nursery.

As they walk Prince Manor, Severus, and Rowan chat about their homework and their plans upon arriving at Black family summer home. Severus does not show it, but Rowan can tell he is equally worried about Sirius. It wasn't like Sirius to not reply to any of Severus's letters or to Rowan's for that matter.

Rowan and Severus pause at the entrance of the nursery. In their heart of hearts, their child self is still in awe at the magical sight. The nursery walls show a forest, beach, etc. just every sight a curious child would want to see. They are enchanted every day to change and show the starry sky at night. The floor is covered in rich, perfectly soft carpet that if a child tripped no harm would come to them. Furthermore, the entire nursery is covered in cushioning charms in case any children should fall, they would land safely without being hurt.

There are countless toys such as tiny, enchanted toy brooms for small children to use, all neatly hanging against the wall just out of the reach of a toddler's curious hands. (The brooms could only be taken down by older children, who could safely ride the brooms on their own or by adults. Although that was not a guaranteed safety measure since children's magic tended to act out all on their own.)

 There are giant stuffed animals such as dragons, who roar and flap their wings. The flying type of enchanted stuffed animals that are even able to fly in the nursery with children on their backs just a few inches off the ground. There are prancing unicorns that gallop, stomp, and prance that also be ridden. There are countless mounds of perfectly soft pillows for a quiet nap or making a great pillow fort.

 An enormous shelf is full of enchanted books that when opened the books will read themselves out loud for the audience. Magical blocks that move when directed too to create enormous, towering castles and forts including magical tin soldier battalions to wage war upon each other's forts. A closet full of costumes to play pretend and even more countless magical toys that could never be played with all of them, and so much more.

"Hold still, Rodrigo!" Georgine voice firmly demands. Adorable and pouting unhappily, Rodrigo lets his mother smoothed his robes one last time.

Rodrigo looks adorable in tiny little robes in the Prince family crest colors. His dark hair is pulled back by a blue ribbon. His cheeks are sharp, and his nose is long. Sulking, Rodrigo greatly resembled Severus. The greatest difference is that Rodrigo is stouter and is broader-shouldered than Severus, but still, the resemblance is uncanny.

"Sev!" Rodrigo excitedly cried out, before glancing pleading up at his mother.

"Fine then," Georgine sniffed as she straightened up. "Go on now, but don't run! I don't want you to mess up your robes, young man! Today is a very important day!"

"I look handsome, Sev?" Rodrigo excitedly asked as he pranced and twirled in front of Rowan and Severus showing off.

Rowan and Severus shared an expression that said, "He's going to end up like Terry, isn't he!" And Terry indeed took great care and pride in his looks.

"Yes," Severus drily responded as Rowan in passing tickled Rodrigo causing him to giggle briefly, before Rowan moved on to greet her aunt.

Dressed to the nines, Georgine wears an expensive gown in the family colors accompanied by silver goblin-forged jewelry pieces. The glittering silver jewelry is embedded with sapphire and precious diamonds. The jewelry ensemble is a breathtaking piece of mastery that is worth an immense fortune.

"You look lovely, Aunt Georgine," Rowan sincerely complimented her great-aunt.

"Of course, what else was to be expected?" Georgine loftily replied but still looked rather pleased by the compliment. Before reflexively peeking at her son again. Though she loved her child, Rodrigo had a tendency to be disheveled at the drop of a hat like most children.

Glancing at the hour, Georgine says, "Come along children, we have places to be." She moved forward and extended her gloved hand for her son to take. Rodrigo grabs his mother's hand and occasionally peeks in awe at Severus as they depart for the great parlor room. Little Rodrigo vowed that someday he would be even taller than Sev and Row!

Waiting inside the grand parlor room is Reginald, who looks imposing and elegant in the prince family colors. Seated already is the former Slytherin Head Boy and current Chairman of Hogwarts, Lucius Malfoy. Rowan and Severus nod in courtesy as a greeting to Lucius Malfoy.

Impeccable as always with nary a single pale blond hair out of place, Lucius proudly returns their greeting. He looks elegant and stylish as always with his (father's) stylish can leaning gracefully at his side. Lucius's cold blue-gray eyes with great interest eye the young child, whom he had not had the pleasure of meeting until now.

While Lucius Malfoy observes Rodrigo, who hides shyly behind his mother, there is a second seated figure. It is that of a very pregnant witch near delivery, Andromeda Tonks. A beauty herself, Andromeda's features are much gentler than her sister Bellatrix with a lighter shade of dark hair and gentler gray eyes. The exhaustion can clearly be seen on her face as it is swollen so near birth. In fact, she may even go into labor as a result of the binding ceremony.

Ironically at this point, Andromeda would not be that opposed to it. The child was past due as it was. Frankly, she was starting to get nervous that the child had not been born yet. She was not the only one as Ted and her mother (Druella) had hardly let Andromeda out of their sight!

In fact, the two of them were vehemently opposed to her accepting the Prince family proposal. However, Andromeda (and the rest of the family) understood the honor and benefit of accepting such a connection. The Prince's were surprisingly loyal and their protection would also extend to Andromeda's husband and children. And Andromeda would do everything in her power to protect her family. Anything.

 Just because Andromeda had married a muggleborn wizard, many overlooked the fact that Andromeda had been born a Black. She had been taught in the ways of her family. And out of her two sisters, she and Bellatrix resembled each other the most. They were tenacious, fiery witches, each in their own way. Light and shadow, equal in might, and no less harsh.

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