
Somber Conversation Ⅲ

The clock hanging on the wall ticks away as the Evans couple share another glance before Mrs. Evans asks, "Is there another ball for Lily and Petunia to attend?"

"Not at the moment," Reginald promptly responded. He had merely delayed the conversation to permit the Evans family time to gain their bearings. After all, he had intruded upon their familial time without an invitation or warning.

Mr. Evans furrows his brow at the response. "Pardon me, Mr. Prince, may I ask what the nature of your business is?"

"I was coming to that," Reginald calmly responded, "On my prior visit, we spoke of the differences between the purebloods and muggleborn witches and wizards. There are traditions that the pureblood families proudly continue to carry forth as does the Prince family."

"Which are what?" Mr. Evans furrowed his brow even further creating a deep v shape on his forehead.

"One of them is betrothals," Reginald plainly answered causing Mr. Evans to choke.

Petunia's light-colored eyes grow wide as she gazes at Lily, who seems to be bewildered by the abrupt turn in the conversation. Petunia snaps her mouth shut as she gets the feeling where this conversation is going. Mr. Prince is here for Lily!

 "My daughter broke with tradition when she ran off with Tobias Snape," Reginald's lip curled in disdain. "And though I am not opposed to my grandchildren choosing their own spouses, these are perilous times. I cannot afford to permit them the luxury of not being betrothed lest that weakness is used against them."

"A betrothal," Mrs. Evans blinked in disbelief," like in the Victorian times?"

"I find that mildly offensive, Mrs. Evans," Reginald candidly said. "Betrothals have occurred for thousands of years; it is a tradition even practiced by the muggle nobility for countless of generations even until most recently only a mere handful of generations ago."

 "I meant no offensive," Mrs. Evans quickly apologized. "It is just that the idea seems so foreign and outlandish to me."

"That is perfectly understandable," Reginald sagely admitted. "I know that you are simple folk, I will speak plainly I am here to negotiate for the hand of your daughter, Lily Evans in betrothal to my grandson, Severus Prince.

Lily sits up startled and in shock. Her emerald eyes were wide, but a shy flush crept up her cheeks. Severus and she had discussed the topic of marriage, but only in passing. She did not think Severus's grandfather would move so quickly! Not that she didn't care for Severus, but this was marriage!

Mr. Evan's face turned purple then pale then red again. Mrs. Evans is neither in favor nor against rather she is more bewildered than anything else. Whatever their emotions, they were both flabbergasted by the offer.

The only one who seems to be taking it all calmly in stride is Petunia. She and Andrew had been seriously dating with the very topic being tentatively broached by Andrew. Andrew had explained that if their relationship would continue, he would propose to Petunia in his 7th year before the end of the year or after his graduation from Hogwarts.

Petunia had been startled too, but she knew Andrew was not pushing her for an immediate answer. It was Andrew's intention to marry Petunia and he wanted to give Petunia plenty of room to think on the subject. Furthermore, a betrothal does not necessarily correlate with or end in marriage. A betrothal can still be broken.

"I apologize if this comes as a shock to you both," Reginald aloofly said not sounding apologetic at all. "However, on my prior visit, I was candid regarding the intentions of my grandson toward your daughter. Furthermore, your daughter has accepted the feelings of my grandson and has successfully entered into a courtship."

Mr. and Mrs. Evans turn to gaze at their flushed youngest daughter. Lily's emerald eyes sheepishly meet the gazes of her parents. "Severus and I have been dating over the past year," she admitted in a small voice.

Mr. Evans seems dismayed at the news, while Mrs. Evans seems to calm down at her youngest daughter's words. Unlike Mr. Evans, who is appalled to learn his youngest daughter is finally dating, Mrs. Evans feels better knowing that Lily does have feelings for Severus. Mrs. Evans even had the distinct feeling that Lily was not at all that much opposed to the idea of being betrothed to Severus.

While Mr. Evans remains too stunned to speak, Mrs. Evans raises her eyes to meet that of the elder wizard. "I am not immediately opposed to the idea of a betrothal, but I must ask why the sudden rush?"

The entire Evans family expectantly raised their gaze toward Reginald Prince awaiting an answer. "With the passing of my wife," Reginald carefully responded telling no lies, "It became apparent to me, that my grandchildren are young and would be left unprotected should I perish. The betrothal of my grandchildren would ensure their continued protection from those that might take advantage of them and exploit them for their own use."

Lily nods in understanding as she has learned much about pureblood traditions from Silvia, Tiffany, Bethanie, and Terry. Purebloods could use cunning means to force a betrothal ranging from seduction to an insult to the family's honor. The Prince's were a highly coveted family due to their lineage and more over Rowan and Severus.

Biting her lip, Lily seriously and deeply thought about Mr. Prince's words. She truly did care for Severus and hoped someday to take this step together. However, she had never imagined it like this, so matter of fact. And though she wasn't certain yet, she didn't want to run away from her feelings, not again. She had terribly hurt Severus and by doing so herself as well.

Gaining courage, Lily grips her clothing as if to comfort herself. "If I accept, Mr. Prince, what would be the terms of the betrothal?" She asked in an uncertain voice.

"Lily, you can't possibly be considering this madness!" Mr. Evans blurted out, before turning toward the elder wizard in anger. "She is merely a child!"

"Wizards and witches come of age upon their 17th year," Reginald coolly explained. "Mrs. Evans is mere months away from being considered an adult."

Mr. Evans deflates at the news slumping back down in his seat. Mrs. Evans reaches over to take her husband's hand. The married couple gazes at each other in silence communicating their emotions. Mrs. Evans is the first to speak up, "Please sir, would you be so kind as to answer my daughter's question."

"Out of consideration for Mrs. Evans, an open betrothal contract has been drafted," Reginald responded suppressing a smug expression. "The official betrothal will not take place until after their 7th year. Mrs. Evans has until their graduation to break the betrothal. Should Mrs. Evans elect to continue the betrothal, they will naturally wed late summer of that same year."

"I do not expect a wedding dowry, but regardless, I will provide a generous dowry for Mrs. Evans of 370,000 galleons," Reginald bluntly stated. "The dowry will belong solely to Mrs. Evans for her personal use even in the instance the marriage fails in divorce and is dissolved. However, I must caution and make it abundantly clear that the marriage cannot be dissolved unless an heir is provided. And any children borne shall remain within the Prince household."

Indignant over the implications Petunia opens her mouth to protest, but Lily shakes her head at Petunia. Petunia reluctantly closes her mouth and shoots Mr. Prince a dirty look. A mother had just as many rights to her children as the father did! Just what century was Mr. Prince living in?

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