
A Friendly Exchange Ⅱ

In one of the study halls overlooking the courtyard, Mary MacDonald sees Barrett Boone, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and Rowan conversing amicably in the courtyard. Seeing Mary gazing intently out of the window, Willa Sands curiously peeks out as well causing her curly chestnut hair to slip down her shoulder. Her cappuccino-colored skin glows in the sunlight streaming through the windows while her hazel eyes are bright and curious.

"Well, you look at that?" Willa let out a low whistle. "I thought those two parted on bad terms."

"Apparently not," Mary drily replied, before rapidly blinking her tired golden-brown eyes that have dark circles underneath them. She had not been sleeping well for some time and it showed in her gaunt pale skin and lanky brown hair.

"Who is?" Interjected Lily Evans, who curiously stood up to peer out the window. Lily's ginger hair swayed as she leaned forward to gaze out. Her emerald eyes widen in genuine surprise as well.

"Well, I don't know what to say about that," Lily huffed and plopped back down into her seat. "I thought-," she paused and shook her head causing her flaming hair to glint like fire in the sunlight. "Nevermind."

"Well, it's a moot point now," Willa murmured with a frown. "Rowan and James are betrothed. There's no getting out of it now."

Lily wrinkles her face somewhat in distaste. "I will never understand the reason for betrothals. It seems so positively medieval."

Willa shrugs, "I can't argue with that."

Finished rubbing her tired eyes, Mary looks up suppressing another half-yawn. "I wouldn't be so against it, Lily," she paused to suppress another yawn. However, her efforts were in vain, and she let out a great big loud yawn.

Mary felt rather embarrassed once it was over as Lily and Willa are pointedly looking at her. "Er, sorry," she apologized in a fluster.

"It's fine, Mary," Lily waved the apology aside. "What did you mean by that?"

"Oh, I mean, it's fairly obvious," Mary replied with a touch of hesitation. "I mean, Severus and Rowan's grandpa appears to be the traditional sort of pureblood. I wouldn't be surprised if he visits your parents during the summer to propose a betrothal between you and Severus."

"Oh," Lily lamely said, before flushing bright red to match her flaming hair.

"Heh, me thinks that our delicate flower shall not protest the idea," Willa cheekily teased their friend.

Lily's mouth opens and closes, before Lily rises up and says, "I need to wash my face," before fleeing to the lavatory to cool down her burning face.

A chortle of laughter escapes from Mary's mouth as she shakes her head at Willa. A wide grin appears on Willa's face. "I finally got you to laugh, Mary. I've been worried."

Before Mary has a chance to explain herself, a younger student, a second-year named Wendy Dobbs unhappily stomps over to them. "Here," the girl unhappily said tossing a carefully folded note at Mary, before unhappily trotting away.

"Oohhh, who's that from? Remus or a secret admirer of yours?" Willa pestered Mary.

Mary fondly rolls her eyes and carefully opens the note. Her face stiffens as she reads the contents of the simple note. "Left courtyard. 10 minutes."

"Mary, is everything alright?" Willa asked with sincere concern.

Crumbling the note in her hand, Mary feigns there is nothing wrong. "It's nothing really, just a homework reminder. I will be right back, I need to use the lavatory."

"Right," Willa murmured not believing her friend at all. She watches Mary hurry out of the study hall. Normally, she would have gotten up to follow Mary, but if she got up, someone would move their things and take their spot. Then it truly would be impossible to find a spot study!

Through the stone corridors lit up by the sunlight, Mary rushes through and down winding staircases. She arrives at the first of the courtyards and passes through them towards the left courtyard. Normally, the shaded courtyard would be in active full use, but despite the warmth of the weather, there are no students in sight to be found.

Mary slows down and looks around only to find a third-year Ravenclaw drowsily dozing in the courtyard. With caution, she glances around and finds no one. With great care, she approaches the lad with clipped, stiff hair. She hesitates but still reached over to shake him by the shoulders and wake him.

However, Mary does not get a chance as the lad's eyes swing wide open. The usual bright eyes are heavy and dull under the effects of the Imperius curse. "Vessel willingly returns to the collective or we will not stay our hand."

The third-year boy sleepily blinks once or twice, before his eyes become bright again. The color returns to his cheeks as J.E. Prewitt leaps up to his feet. "Thanks for waking me up! I'm late for tutoring!" The third-year Ravenclaw panicked rushing away and nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste.

Letting out an unsteady breath, Mary glances at her shaking hand, before clenching it into a fist and pulling it close and tight to her body. The boy was not a vessel, she felt no connection. However, she felt a faint pull from the boy. He was one of the puppets, (a witch or wizard under the Imperius Curse of Hydra).

The boy was not the only one, there are others including Barrett Boone. However, the curse upon Barrett Boone had been steadily growing weaker ever since Mary had stopped renewing the spell. She did not know why the other vessel did renew the curse; however, she had no intention of reminding the other vessel to do so.

It felt as though the Sword of Damocles hung over her head. With each passing swing, the sword drew nearer and nearer. And one day soon, Mary would no longer be herself but rather a part of them. We.

Abruptly Mary's head goes up her golden-brown eyes wildly glance about. She felt the presence of the other vessel drawing nearer. Her feet are for a moment rooted in place before she begins to run. A desperate person is capable of anything to survive.

The figure of Mary rapidly grows distant and out of sight. A tall sixth-year with chestnut-colored hair and tawny eyes arrives in the left courtyard. He wrinkles his nose causing the dash of freckles over the bridge of his nose to distort. "Although disappointing, utterly predictable," he muttered tilting his head to the side causing his lanky bangs to part.

With a cheerful skip in his step, the sixth-year makes his way through the courtyard. Yet behind him, there seems to be something twisting within his shadow. In fact, in all of them. The curse of Voldemort is growing in power. And things that were once relatively simple to complete are difficult and strenuous.

With each passing day, they are losing power. They have had to even weaken their hold on their puppets. While more than a few vessels have begun to return to consciousness much as Mary MacDonald did. They cannot afford to wait. They will slay Voldemort before the year is over!

The chess players are about to clash.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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