
A Quiet Afternoon Ⅱ

Not wanting to see the knife anymore, Rowan rises to her feet smoothing her robes. "A word, Tiffany," she changed the subject pointing to her strawberry-blond-haired friend.

"Right," Tiffany sheepishly answered causing her strawberry blond hair to flutter around her face.

"You aren't going to dock points are you, Rowan?" Sirius pleaded. "We didn't do anything wrong!"

Rowan shoots Sirius a dark look, before saying, "It will just be a minute."

"I knew it! You're still the best, Rowan!" Sirius handsomely grinned causing Severus to roll his eyes.

Further down the hall, Rowan halts and stares down at Tiffany, who is much shorter than her. "Are you being safe, Tiffany?"

Tiffany's cheeks flushed a rosy pink in embarrassment. "We haven't done much beyond a snog," she flimsily protested.

"Kissing can easily lead to much more," Rowan retorted, before sighing. "Just make sure to be safe. I don't want anyone to say that you entrapped Sirius into marriage."

"Oh no!" Tiffany fiercely shook her head. "I know better than that, Rowan!" She paused and clenched her robes in her fists. "I-," her voice dropped to a whisper. "When Vasco was still alive, he wanted me to come unto him since we were betrothed. I refused and he was not at all pleased. Therefore, he went and sought out attentive attentions elsewhere."

Rowan's face twitched at Tiffany's words. If Vasco Vespucci was not already dead, she would have arranged a subtle accident for him. For Merlin's sake, they were both underage minors barely entering puberty at that time!

"I like Sirius, I really do!" Tiffany whispered, "but I am not ready to go there. And Sirius isn't pushing me for anything more, I swear! We just snog every now and again. Is that really so bad?"

"It is your decision to make, Tiffany," Rowan gently responded. "I just want to make sure you are not being prematurely pushed into something you are not ready for."

"I won't let, Sirius, push me into anything I am not ready for," Tiffany steadily answered gazing Rowan firmly in the eye.

Tiffany knew herself and was not afraid to speak up not after everything that had transpired. She had learned to defend herself after this year. She wasn't about to let anyone, not even a friend stomp all over her.

"Good," Rowan smiled in a rare form causing her face to light up. "Sirius is an idiot; he needs to be told where the line is. However, once he knows, he is fairly good about it. Just remind him if and when he does cross it."

"Thanks, Rowan," Tiffany said reaching over to give Rowan a hug, before quickly releasing knowing that Rowan did not like to be hugged for long.

"Yes, yes," Rowan rolled her eyes and shooed Tiffany away.

Turning away, Rowan wandered into the halls to an outdoor courtyard. It was somewhat cloudy, but the day is warm. Still, it is a nice day to be outside.

Rowan finds a nice archway offering shade and plenty of lighting. She sits against a nook and cranny pulls out a copy of Intermediate Transfiguration from her schoolbag to read. Their O.W.L.'s are coming up and she needed to pass with at least an E to drop Transfiguration for the upcoming year.

Some time must have passed by when Rowan hears nearby footsteps. She doesn't glance up until she feels the presence settle down next to her. Reluctantly glancing up, she finds James sitting down next to her. "You used the map, didn't you?" She pointedly accused.

"It seemed the easiest way," James sheepishly answered with no trace of guilt.

Glancing back at her textbook, Rowan says, "So what is it?"

"Dad wrote to me telling me he has accepted the offer to teach Potions next year as Professor Slughorn's replacement."

Rowan drops her book and stares at James in genuine shock and surprise. Fleamont Potter had never taught at Hogwarts. Then again, Euphemia Potter had prematurely died. The present is no longer the same timeline.

"Shouldn't you be happy?" Rowan carefully asked closing her book for the time being. "I mean, it's obvious your father must be lonely and wishes to be closer to you."

"I'm glad, I really am," James quietly answered, "but it all just seems so strange." His dad and mum had died from dragon pox before. And yet here only his mum was gone and now his dad wanted to teach at Hogwarts. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

"Well, I am certain your dad will set you straight, James," Rowan smirked. "He knows all about your invisible cloak."

James grimaced, before changing the subject. "So how is Transfiguration going with Professor Hopkins?"

Rowan frowns, "He is still annoying, but he is not as bad as before." Indeed, Professor Hopkins behaved rather politely during their class. Then again, Terry had given the poor man PTSD. The man trembled in visible terror anytime calamari was served for lunch or dinner…

"Mm, Professor McGonagall took this week off to prepare for her wedding this Sunday," James commented. "Word has it she's moving her things down to Hogsmeade. Apparently, Urquhart bought a home in the village to make it easier for Professor McGonagall to travel to and from Hogwarts each day."

"Mm, that's considerate of him," Rowan sincerely remarked especially knowing that Professor McGonagall would be keeping her maiden name instead of taking her husband's name. It showed that Elphinstone Uruhart truly loved Minerva McGonagall as he would put no protest.

"But Professor McGonagall is still taking at least another week off for her honeymoon," Rowan mused out loud.

"I hear they couldn't take a longer honeymoon since Urquhart is the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department," James knowingly said.

"Makes sense with a war going on," Rowan shrugged before furrowing her brow. "By the way where is Peter, I have not seen him around lately?"

"He's off with his girlfriend, Quyen," James drily responded. "The two are inseparable like treacle tart."

"They have been rather close as of late," Rowan acknowledged. Come to think of it, the two of them disappeared at odd hours. They couldn't have, could they? Of course not! Then again…

With a resigned sigh, Rowan reopens her textbook. She had more important things to worry about than Peter and Quyen's relationship. Still, a part of her was not able to completely shake off a tendril of worry deep in the recess of her head.

Seeing Rowan furrowing her brow at the textbook, James offers to help. "I can tutor you, this is my best subject, Rowan."

Rowan makes a face and turns the textbook toward him. "Fine, I accept your offer."

The two of them crane their heads over the textbook for the rest of the afternoon. It was a productive evening with Rowan reviewing several aspects with James. Yet neither of them noticed the comfortable close proximity between them.

Ug, it's still cold.

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